Like the first stone gate, it also left a strong **** smell.

Even the corpse that fell to the ground was exactly the same as the first corpse.

The only difference was that Tian Yu saw the remaining sawdust from the corpse.



After hearing Tian Yu's words, Ji Lai also stepped forward to examine the corpse carefully.

Sure enough, the scars on the corpse are the traces left by the wooden tunnel, the technique of sticking the pole.

"Mu Dun, apart from Shidai Hokage, only Yamato can use it, but now Da He is still in Konoha, it is absolutely impossible for him to come over, so who else can use Mu Dun?"

Zilai also frowned.

The original Hokage's wooden escape is extremely powerful.

It can even restrain tailed beasts.

For all talents, Mu Dun is very remarkable.

Therefore, even Jirai changed his face after knowing that there were other wooden ninjas.

"I don't know, but I think since he is willing to help us, he must be a friend rather than an enemy in this matter."

Tian Yu said with a smile.

Tian Yu has been able to determine who they are, the fluctuations in space and the wooden escape.

This person must be Uchiha Obito.

In this way, he is not a person without a name as he said.

If there is a chance, Obito may be persuaded to return to Konoha.

After all, Tian Yu knew that the so-called Eye of the Moon plan was simply the plan of the filial son who wanted to resurrect his mother, silly and sweet.

Those people will indeed be trapped in illusions, and they will indeed be able to obtain false peace.

However, those who have been hit by the eye of the moon will gradually transform into Bai Jue under the wrapping of the divine tree.

"Let's go!"

Tian Yu continued.

"it is good!"

At this moment, what Jiraiya wants to do most is to find Bei Liuhu as soon as possible.

Then ask him carefully why he did it.

So after the Yu sent the words that day, Jirai also nodded directly.

The two continued to the next stone gate.

The next road is even more rugged and difficult to walk. If the two of them are not ninjas, then the road in front of them is like a natural danger to them.

Two mountain ranges at a right angle of almost ninety degrees formed a long and narrow valley.

But instead of calling it a valley, it would be better to say that it came from the abyss.

This abyss is bottomless. If you want to pass this place, you can only use the trees that grow on the cliffs to move forward.

The interval between each tree is fifteen meters long.

And trees are not thick, which requires you to have absolute control over your body.

Otherwise, it will fall directly from the branch to the cliff.

At that time, even if you are a ninja, I am afraid that you will only become a puddle of meat if you fall from such a high place.

Neither Tian Yu nor Jiraiya have any problems with this road.

They followed Kakashi directly through the canyon.

Finally came to the last stone gate.

As before, the same corpse fell on the ground.

The corpse had a ferocious face, and the smell of blood was everywhere.

It can be seen that when the corpse is solved, the person who shot it must be in a very bad mood.

After passing through this stone gate, you can come to the real Mount Sumeru, which is the real base camp of Beluhu.

Tian Yu and Jiraiya watched Kakashi walk to the last stone gate, and then disappeared instantly.

They also stopped after that.

"Jirai also sent a message to Naruto and the others, asking them to return to Konoha quickly."

Tian Yu ordered.

This was what they had said before. Once they found the trace of Beiruhu, Naruto and the others would immediately withdraw to Konoha.

"it is good!"

Jiraiya nodded, then took out a signal flare and lit it directly, and the flare shot straight into the sky in an instant.

A fireworks exploded in the sky.

After Shikamaru and the others saw the fireworks, they immediately stopped.

"Lord Tianyu is signaling to us that they have found Beiliuhu, leave the rest to them, and we will leave."

After Shikamaru saw the signal again, he was going to leave with everyone.

"If you want to go. You go, I will never leave!"

But Naruto refused their request.

"What, Naruto, don't be impulsive, this is the order of Lord Tianyu."

Shikamaru looked at Naruto and said.

Because Tianyu made Naruto's identity public, the rest of Konoha no longer dared to call Naruto easily.

Coupled with the attitude of Tianyu and Tsunade towards Naruto, the current status of Naruto in Konoha is the same as Konohamaru's status in Konoha.

It's just that unlike Konoha Maru, Naruto is not unruly and willful, relying on his grandfather to be a random mischief by Hokage.

Although it is said that Naruto did pranks everywhere in order to win everyone's attention.

But now he has long since corrected.

"Kakashi is my teacher, Tianyu is my eldest brother, alright, Sexianren, although he is a little out of character on weekdays, he has nothing to say to me, he is still my father's teacher, and that guy from Beluhu, I too I'm a little worried, I must ensure that Kakashi-sensei and the others are safe before leaving."

Naruto said firmly.


Shikamaru wanted to say something else.

Chapter 256 Ye Lang is arrogant

But Naruto had already started to move, leaving them behind.

"You guys go back quickly. When I get back to the village, I will take the initiative to explain this matter to Tsunade-sama."

Naruto's words came from far away.

"What do we do now?"

The remaining three stared at Shikamaru with big eyes and small eyes.

They don't know what to do.

"What else can I do? Go after it, Naruto can't have an accident! It's really troublesome."

Shikamaru sighed helplessly, and then took the initiative to chase after everyone.


"Please stop, you two!"

The phantom of Beluhu appeared in front of Tianyu and Jiraiya.

"Beiliuhu, what are you trying to do?"

Zi Lai also saw Bei Liuhu appear, and he couldn't hold back anymore and began to question him.

"Ah, it's Jiraiya, I haven't seen you for more than ten years, you seem to be alive and well, and you have become one of the three ninjas in the legend of Konoha."

Beluhu smiled and greeted Jiraiya.

"Don't talk nonsense, your current body should be in Mount Sumeru, waiting to be absorbed. Let yourself become an immortal perfect ninja at the final blood limit."

Tian Yu looked at Bei Liuhu's audience and said impatiently.

So what Tian Yu hates most is this kind of person who doesn't know how high the sky is.

Not even the strongest person in the ninja world is known.

I thought that just looking for a few blood-based boundaries would make myself a perfect person, thus unifying the entire ninja world.

This is just a joke.

Not to mention Senju Hashirama, I am afraid that even in front of Madara Uchiha and even Obito Uchiha, Kiyuhu is an existence that can be solved easily.

It's no fun at all, just a jumping clown.

Yelang is arrogant.

Sitting well and watching the sky.

"That's right. As long as I use the magic of ghosts, I can become a perfect ninja. At that time, everyone will no longer be my opponent, and I will become the most perfect existence and dominate the whole world!"

Beluhu clearly agreed with his plan.

Hearing this, Tian Yu sneered and didn't want to talk to this fool anymore.

But it doesn't matter that much anymore.

"Bilyuhu, tell me why you did that? You are obviously a Konoha ninja, right? What you did before made Konoha the focus of other villages and almost caused a war. Do you want to Completely destroy Konoha?"

Zilai also couldn't hold back the emotions in his heart and asked.

"Haha, in Konoha Village, there used to be a man named Beiliuhu, this man has always dreamed of today's arrival, yes, Kakashi is a puppet, the curse is a long time ago, you and I, Tsuna Hand, Orochimaru. I used to be a very good friend, but my strength is not as strong as yours, and even my talent is far inferior."

"When you become a ninja who can dominate the victory of a battle on the battlefield, I can only be an unknown cannon fodder in the crowd, and even sacrifice my life at any time, so I was thinking at that time, if I can With your talent and strength, can I become a ninja even more powerful than you?"

"So I began to study the art of ghosts and teeth seriously, and finally, my research was successful, and I also saw from Kakashi's body the appearance of the blood after the boundary was transplanted, the writing wheel eye, what a wonderful power Ah, if it can appear on me, then I can definitely become stronger, strong enough to defeat all the people I can see, this is my purpose!"

"I exist to dominate the entire ninja world, and after my success, you will become slaves under my feet and be ruled by me, Jiraiya, I am willing to give you a chance, as long as you are willing to surrender to me , obey my orders, and when I succeed, I can give you everything."

Beluhu is still dreaming of the joy of his success.

He has even begun to fantasize about what will happen after he rules the world.

"You, what are you talking about, are you delusional about this happening?"

Hearing this, he was stunned.

He didn't expect that Belyuhu really wanted to rule the whole world.

He thought at first that Bei Liuhu was going the wrong way, a helpless choice.

But I didn't expect him to be really a wolf-hearted person.

Tian Yu looked at Jiraiya in disbelief.

Walking here, I walked in front of Nature Ye and patted him on the shoulder.

"Okay, I know you don't want to think too bad about your companion, but he is different from Orochimaru. He is a real pervert at all."

Tian Yu said helplessly.

"Yeah, I'm too naive, then I won't be merciful anymore, Bei Liu Hu, I will definitely catch you with my own hands."

Jiraiya's expression became firm.

"Let's go!"

This time, Jirai didn't need Tianyu's urging, and took the initiative to move towards the depths.

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