However, because of his own reasons, he killed his companion.

In the days to come and the decisions made by Senju Tobirama, from now on, it will be genin!

Immediately afterwards, when Sarutobi Hizen was still there, he was also appreciated by Sarutobi Hizen, and wanted to promote him to the elite Jōnin.

However, because of the agreement with Senju Tobirama, he rejected Sarutobi's decision.

Maybe this also means that Kosuke's luck is very good.

After all, if Kosuke really became Joinin, then by virtue of Sarutobi Hiizan's character, it can be said that Kosuke would not appear in front of Tianyu alive.

Chapter 398 Kosuke's Terrifying Strength

After the era of Sarutobi Hiizan's rule.

Kosuke also ushered in the era of the youngest Hokage, the era of Minato Namikaze.

Kosuke also participated in the battle with the Fourth Hokage.

It is precisely because of this mission that Kosuke also lost the mobility of his left leg and became completely lame.

However, this did not affect any of Kosuke's combat power.

After all, Kosuke Wannian Jinnin, and any legendary ninja have already performed missions together.

Not only that, but also experienced the reign of the four Hokage.

If it wasn't for Kosuke himself seeing Sarutobi Hiizan's conspiracy, he disappeared into Konoha.

Perhaps the legend of Kosuke will not be interrupted so easily.

The original Kosuke also saw that he saw the big ninjas leave this world one by one since he was a child.

For example, Hatake Kakashi's father White Fang, and Yuhi Hong's father.

These are all the children that Kosuke has seen since he was a child.

After being charged with some trumped-up charges, these guys died on the battlefield one after another.

And the behind-the-scenes instigator of all this, Gu Jie is also an old fried dough stick who has lived for so many years.

He can only show his child's side only in front of Senju Tobirama.

So he knows the whole story of these things better than anyone else.

In order to leave the last pure land of Konoha in his heart, Gumin left Konoha unconsciously.

Even if he is walking among the rivers and lakes, Gu Jie still has a mantra.

"In Konoha, there is no ninja who gives up after using his subordinates!"

This sentence may also be said to Sarutobi Hizan, or it may be telling the cause of White Fang's death.

This can only be learned from Kosuke's mouth.

"Lord Tianyu, since you mentioned Kosuke's name, is this the one who is fighting..."

Tianyu did not answer Shikamaru's question.

However, Shikamaru now has an answer in his heart. It seems that the old man fighting is really the legend.

The strength of Kosuke is actually very clear in the historical records.

Not only can he use Sarutobi Hizen's Shuriken Shadow clone technique.

There will also be famous stunts of Senju Tobirama, various water escapes, etc.

Even Konoha's illusions know a thing or two, and swordsmanship is terrible.

It can be said that this guy is completely a ninja whose strength is second only to Naruto.

However, because of his rejection of Hiruzen Sarutobi, Hiruzen Sarutobi would send out missions from time to time when he was alive.

The content of the quest is basically a trivial thing that a Genin should do.

High-level ninjas basically don't want to do these tasks.

After all, these are some very troublesome tasks.

Gu Jie did not complain at all, and completed these tasks perfectly during this period of time.

Just when Shikamaru recalled the rumors about Kosuke, the battle on Kosuke's side was almost over.

Kosuke looked at the Chunin team of dozens of people standing in the distance.

The short knife in his hand swayed gently, and in an instant, countless figures of Kosuke appeared in the eyes of the enemy.

This is the very famous illusion among Konoha civilians, Konoha Liuye!

In the next moment, all the ninjas of Iwayin Village who were standing in the same place lost consciousness and fell to the ground.

There is a very obvious mark on the neck of all the corpses.

But there was no trace of blood.

It's as if these people are just sleepy and want to fall asleep on the ground!

"It's terrifying, could this be the true strength of Senior Gu Jie?"

At this time, Shikamaru couldn't help swallowing and looked at the corpse lying on the ground.

He didn't even see what was going on just now, and all the ninjas fell to the ground.

"What are you talking about, I can teach you if you want to learn, but Gu Jie's swordsmanship is terrifyingly scary!"

Tian Yu couldn't help but sigh.

After all, Tian Yu's battles have always been luxurious and gorgeous.

This clean, very elegant fight, Neji felt the joy of fighting!

And Kosuke didn't win, because the ninjas in Yanyin Village didn't intend to give Kosuke a little way to survive.

Just as Kosuke continued to escape, another net of ninjas appeared in the air.

All the ninjas threw Kunai at the same time, intending to kill the nasty old man directly.

Who knew that the pot behind Kosuke actually saved his life!

All the kunai were stopped by the giant pot behind Gu Jie, and Gu Jie was not injured!

Even so, Kosuke fell into the river due to his unbalanced power in the air.

At this moment, a woman with green hair and only two strands of bangs in front was squatting on the tree.

This is a ninja very similar to the hero Ye Cang.

It's just a very nameless little Jōnin in Iwayin Village!

If Neji next to him heard what Tian Yu was thinking, he didn't know how he would feel.

At the age of thirteen, they may yearn most to become a powerful Konoha Joinin.

Who knows if a Jōnin, or a Jōnin from Anbu in Iwayin Village, is so ordinary in Tian Yu's heart!

"Shukamaru, do you want to bet with me on who will win this battle?"

Tian Yu felt that things were a little boring, so he looked at Neji very interestingly.

Anyway, there is nothing to do right now, I just have a good time with the kid Shikamaru.

It just so happened that he was also a little curious about the Shikamaru family's ninjutsu system.

Although these ninjutsus of the Shikamaru family limit their mobility very much.

But isn't the ultimate reason for all this still because Shikamaru can only control the shadow alone?

At this time, Tian Yu made a whimsical decision, that is, let the scout mouse learn ninjutsu!

After all, he owns a scouting network at the level of a scouting rat.

As long as every scout mouse can learn to control the shadow, then Tianyu's scout mouse will also be a terrifying assassination team!

"Lord Tianyu, aren't you humiliating me? How could I bet with you?"

"If you win, I will accompany you to practice for a month!"

"make a deal!"

Shikamaru could say that without any hesitation, he stood up and agreed to the bet.

After all, after a month of sparring with Tianyu, it can be said that Neji will make a rapid progress.

Although Shikamaru doesn't care much about his ranking, he does care about his own strength.

As long as he gets the guidance of Tian Yu, it can be said that his strength will reach an unexpected level.

In this way, he has the ability to continue to be a salted fish with strength.

In the future, if the teacher says that he doesn't work hard, he will use his strength to slap them in the face!

Thinking of this, Shikamaru couldn't help but smirk.

Seeing Shikamaru's reaction, Tianyu smiled and said his side first.

"I'll bet on Kosuke. I think Kosuke's winning rate is quite large."

Chapter 399 Killing a person in ten steps


After Shikamaru heard this sentence, there was still some melancholy in his heart.

After all, as Konoha's legendary Genin, Kosuke's power is still very powerful.

However, as the dark army commander of Yanyin Village, this power should not be underestimated.

In the end, as a last resort, Shikamaru could only choose the last remaining Iwayin Village.

However, the win rate of Yanyin Village is still very high.

Although it was said that the two of them used the ninja win rate of Konoha Village as a bet, it was impossible for Tianyu to let Kosuke have an accident.

Now Tian Yu has taken out the grass child sword in his hand, and is always ready to help if something happens to Gu Jie.

But Tian Yu didn't have to worry so much.

After all, the strength of Kosuke in the original book is not only that, but few people in the ninja world can match.

At this moment, the situation on the battlefield finally moved.

At this time, Kosuke, who was lying in the water, stared at the commander of the dark army of Iwagakura Village, who was standing at a high place.

At this time, the hands of the dark army commander of Yanyin Village were already moving quickly.

It seems that the ninjutsu used by the secret army commander of Iwagakura Village this time is also very difficult.

Ninjutsu with so many marks is not a simple civilian ninjutsu.

This is definitely a hidden ninjutsu that only Anbu's team can use.

"Earth Dragon Bomb!"

After the commander of the dark army drank, a soil dragon rose from the ground!


After Tulong laughed at the sky, he went straight to Gu Jie, who was lying in the water.

Gu Jie was lying in the water, his hand finally moved, just three marks, a huge dragon-shaped creature rose beside Gu Jie!

Isn't this the time when Senju Tobirama appeared, who was good at playing with water dragons!

With just three marks, it is already possible to use Konoha Grade A ninjutsu water dragon bullets.

In the original work, Kakashi and Zaibuzhuan were used after dozens of imprints.

One can imagine how terrifying Kosuke is now.

Perhaps this kind of ninjutsu method is only surpassed by the second Hokage Senju Tobirama.

Shikamaru couldn't help taking a breath while standing beside Tian Yu.

It was also the first time he had seen such a terrifying ninja, so maybe only Lord Tianyu who was standing beside him could easily deal with him.

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