At this time, Tianyu, who was the culprit, also took Shikamaru to play in the capital of the country of water.

It can be said that it is simply a paradise on earth.

If Yanyin Village is a wild land, then this is the land of elves!

The country of water is surrounded by a huge sea surface.

And there are countless very famous landscapes among them.

Tianyu suddenly felt that he had come to the wrong place, this place was so perfect.

Even Shikamaru, who never liked these things, was watching everywhere.


Tian Yu suddenly felt that his scout mice were dying in large numbers?

This made Tian Yu a little unable to sit still. At the beginning, Tian Yu also felt death, but it was only one death.

First of all, after a large number of deaths, didn't Orochimaru know that his materials were difficult to obtain?

"Shukamaru, you go to a hotel first, we will stay here temporarily."

"I still have some things to do, let's go first."

After Tian Yu gave an order, he disappeared in place and appeared in the hidden laboratory of Konoha Village.


The scout mouse came to Tianyu's feet all the time, and Orochimaru was also studying the scout mouse attentively.

Not only that, but even Senju Tobirama came out in this experiment.

After all, it has always been the regret of Qianshou Tobirama who created the dark chakra.

Now that he has the conditions to realize his wish again, Senju Tobirama is naturally very interested in this experiment.

"Tianyu, why are you here?"

Orochimaru found Tian Yu's figure and put down his work.

"Hehe, why am I here?"

"If I don't come again, will my scout mice be gone?"

Tian Yu's face was very ugly and pointed to a scout mouse mountain not far away!

It's all about the corpses of scout mice that failed experiments.

This also made Tian Yu feel very painful.

Although the corpse of the scout mouse can still be re-forged.

But don't forget the loss of materials, it seems that this experiment has also cost Tian Yu a lot.

No matter how much money you make, it's not due to the wind, right?

If this idea is heard by other people, I would have the heart to kill Tianyu.

Most of Tianyu's assets are now earned through gambling.

As a casino god, Tian Yu has never lost money in any casino.

This is also different from Tsunade, who is known as the Big Fat Sheep.

Now casinos all over the world have circulated pictures of Tian Yu.

As long as such a person appears, quickly offer ordinary money with both hands to eliminate disasters.

Otherwise, if this man does it, he will be bankrupt!

Therefore, Tianyu also has another rumor in the gambling world, and that is the big bad wolf Tianyu!

"Tianyu, you can't blame me, and I can't help it. After all, I really don't understand the internal conditions of your scout mouse."

Orochimaru is also very helpless.

As a scientist in the ninja world, I thought there was nothing hard to get him.

But after Orochimaru opened a scout mouse, he completely doubted life.

It's really too delicate, everything is involved, it's just something that doesn't belong to this era.

So after the experiment was halfway through, Orochimaru had no choice but to invite the originator Senju Tobirama to come and study together.

In this way, after killing half of the scout mice, I barely understood the fur of the scout mice.

Chapter 407 Orochimaru Was Extorted

"Hehe, don't you know that my scout rat is very troublesome to make?"

A smirk appeared on Tian Yu's face.

After seeing this smile, Orochimaru instantly felt that the whole person was not well.

After all, every time Tian Yu has this kind of expression, it means that Tian Yu is thinking about something bad.

"That Tianyu, I have explained to you, these casualties are all necessary."

Orochimaru could only pretend to be pitiful to make Tian Yu forgive him.

Otherwise, if Tian Yu doesn't want to solve this matter easily, then he and she will bleed heavily.

"Oh, Orochimaru, what are you talking about? Do you think I look like that kind of person?"

There was a kind smile on Tian Yu's face. If it wasn't for Orochimaru knowing Tian Yu's character, he really thought that Tian Yu was not such a person.


"Let me study your grass child sword, and you will make amends for my scout rat!"

Depend on! This is simply robbery!

Orochimaru now has the heart to kill Tianyu.

After all, Orochimaru's grass child sword is a famous artifact in the ninja world.

This is one of the three artifacts that Orochimaru obtained from the tail of the Hachichi Orochi after being traded by the Hachichi Orochi.

In the original legend, the eight-chassis orochi was second only to the nine-tailed existence.

However, after Baqi Orochi lost Cao Zhijian, Baqi Orochi completely lost its original power.

But Orochimaru had never developed the original power of the grass child sword.

It's as if this power doesn't belong to him at all, so there is no way to use the power of the eight divergent snakes.

"Well, it just so happens that I don't know how to use this thing, so I'll leave it to you."


Following Orochimaru's retching, a six-foot-long grass sword appeared in Orochimaru's mouth.


A look of disgust appeared on Tian Yu's face.

After all, it was spit out from Orochimaru's mouth, and Tian Yu didn't know how to pick him up.

"Do you want to be so disgusting, and you have to do things so disgusting, isn't it boring?"

Tian Yu made a speechless rant, and then picked up the grass child sword on the ground in disgust.

"Love or not, I don't want to give you Cao Zhijian yet."

Orochimaru's heart is also very helpless.

After all, Cao Zhijian was the one that Orochimaru tried his best to get his hands on this divine weapon.

Who knew that it was so easily obtained by Tian Yu, and he even disliked this sword very much in the end.

With a sudden rumbling, Cao Zhijian kept appearing energy waves in Tian Yu's hands.

Tian Yu's face also became a little ugly, and he quickly stood up and disappeared in place.

The next moment, Tian Yu appeared in the Forest of Death.

"It's really not that simple, it is indeed a famous artifact."

After Tian Yu sighed in his heart, he also wondered why this happened to Cao Zhijian after he got Cao Zhijian.

"Hahaha, kid, I didn't expect that someone could activate the deity."

"Thank you very much, now give me my power back, I will eat you and make you feel honored!"

At this moment, at the feet of Tian Yu, a huge order formation appeared.

A huge snake monster with nine heads, which has always been pure white, appeared in front of Tian Yu.

The size of this snake is dozens of times larger than the Hachichi orochi that Orochimaru has changed.

It can be seen that this snake should be the existence of the legend, the entity can pass through the three realms, and its combat power is second only to the nine tails.

"What are you doing, it turns out that you, the grudge, is sealed in Cao Zhijian."

The reason why Tian Yu originally wanted the grass child sword was to see if his grass child sword could still be modified.

Who knew such a nasty thing would appear.

This also made Tian Yu very speechless and felt that things were very troublesome.

Especially encountering such self-righteous psychic beasts is also a very headache.

"Monster, don't you know that there are people outside people, and there are heavens outside the sky?"

Tian Yu threw the grass child sword in his hand.

After all, after summoning the Orochi, the grass child sword has lost its original brilliance.

Even the originally indestructible blade has looming cracks.

In the original book, when Orochimaru attacked Konoha, even if he killed Sarutobi Hizen, Kusakagi's sword still had a luster.

It's good now, the legendary artifact Caozhijian has been so bad in the long river of history.

"Boy, since you don't know what's good or bad, then I can only do it."

Orochimaru is obviously not interested in chatting with Tian Yu this kid.

Afterwards, the eight heads of the Orochi Baqi have moved, and the eight mouths are constantly showing different kinds of energy fluctuations.

This is the legendary Eight-Different Orochi.

"What's going on? Why did Tianyu have a problem as soon as he got the Cao Zhijian?"

At this time, Orochimaru was also heading to the Forest of Death at the fastest speed, after all, his bloodline was about to stir.

After the explosion just now, Orochimaru felt that the S-level forbidden technique he had cultivated was about to move.

It seems that Tian Yu has accidentally stimulated the original power of the Hachichi Orochi hidden in the grass child sword.

"There must be no accident, if I can get the soul of the eight-disparate orochi, my s-rank forbidden technique will definitely be promoted to ss-rank!"

Orochimaru is very confident in his own strength.

Especially if he has obtained the soul of the eight-chassis Orochimaru, then Orochimaru is confident that in Konoha, his strength will only be less than those of the top fighting strength.

"Huh? Isn't this the little guy who stole my inner strength?"

"I didn't expect to meet you suddenly, so you can't escape this time."

The Orochi Baqi was about to start, but who knew that the energy in his mouth suddenly stopped.

His eyes looked in the direction of Konoha in the distance, because Hachichi Orochi had already felt the breath of Orochimaru at this time.

When he was resting in the habitat, this little guy suddenly appeared behind him.

Steal all the power that has been sequel for a hundred years.

Although it is said that Hachichi Orochi really wants to find Orochimaru and take away his power.

But at that time, there was no way for him to appear in this world at all.

After all, after his power was stolen, the strength of the eight-chasm Orochi had already reached the bottom of the divine beast.

If the Eight Discords Orochi really went out rashly, then the enemies of his own will find him one after another.

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