Again in the final gathering the energy fluctuates.

This time Hachichi Orochi must kill Orochimaru.

"Eyes of the Three Gouyu, all activated!"

Orochimaru's voice just fell, and then more than a dozen eyes of three hooked jade appeared beside Orochimaru.

All the eyes of Sangouyu flashed red, and they all activated in an instant!

At this moment, Tian Yu also sat up with great interest.

It was only the first time he saw that the eyes of three hooks were used together a lot.

After all, the appearance of a single Sangouyu Eye is nothing but three A-level illusions.

If more than ten Eyes of Three Goose Jade are activated at the same time, it is still unknown what level this illusion will return to.

And the Orochi of Eight Differences didn't have any worries at all.

After all, Orochimaru doesn't think that a little human can beat himself with something similar to eyeballs.

At this time, all the eyes of Sangouyu all emitted red rays of light.

They continued to converge in the air, and finally became a thick red light.

"Interesting, it has reached the peak of S-level illusion."

Tian Yu also judged the level of this illusion based on the energy fluctuations emitted by the Eye of Sangou Jade.

And the eight heads of the Eight Discords Orochi were also confused, and he also felt the terrifying energy of this illusion.

However, at this time, there is no way for the Eight Discords Orochi to resist the damage of the illusion.

You can only resist this damage abruptly.

In this way, the big move of the Eight Differences Orochi was ruthlessly interrupted for the second time.

Hachichi Orochi also fell into the illusion in an instant, and looking at it like this, it should be able to last for a while.


After Orochimaru breathed a sigh of relief, he glanced at Tianyu.

Tian Yu smiled and pointed to his body, and smiled helplessly.

Orochimaru smiled bitterly, and then continued to organize the weapons to ensure the safety of life for a while.

Although it is said that the illusion of the Eye of Sangouyu is very terrifying.

But don't forget that the fighting power of the Eight Discords Orochi is naturally not very simple.

In just ten minutes, the Hachichi Orochi successfully broke free from the illusion.

"Boy, I hope you can still use the trick just now, otherwise you won't have a chance to escape."

Orochi's tone became more and more ugly.

As such a powerful divine beast, it is too much for him to hit the wall many times!

If this matter is heard by other divine beasts, wouldn't it be a joke to kill yourself?

Orochimaru's face was also very ugly, because it was an overloaded battle just now.

Now all the eyes of Sangouyu have become scrapped.

The eyes of the three hooked jade that were originally floating in the air were all broken into pieces, turned into powder and fell to the ground.

Orochimaru quickly took out a button and pressed it.


After a loud bang, the snow-white scales of the Hachichi Orochi turned gray.

These are the ten minutes that Orochimaru hurriedly placed countless detonating charms on Hachichi Orochi's body!

So what happened now.

Tian Yu smiled and stood up slowly.

At this time, Orochimaru has reached its limit. If he continues to mess around, Orochimaru may be really finished.

"Orochimaru, my body has recovered, you go down, I'll go up and help."

Tian Yu then appeared in front of Orochimaru, waved his hand gently, and Orochimaru appeared in the original position of Tian Yu.

"Ahhh! Humans, you all deserve to die, you all deserve to die!"

The Eight Discords Orochi is completely crazy now.

It was a mental blow just now, but now it is a physical blow.

The plot of this group of humans is really too insidious, and they will use this kind of insidious trick.

"Huh? What about that kid just now? Why did you appear here?"

Hachichi Orochi originally wanted to find Orochimaru to continue his revenge.

Who knows that when things come to an end, the human being in front of him has turned into the kid who called him at the beginning.

Does it mean that what happened just now was completely a fantasy of yourself falling into an illusion?

Chapter 410

"Boy, since you want to die so much, I can only let you do it!"

Baqi Orochi said, with a note of the dragon swinging its tail, and wanting to slap Tianyu directly with one tail.

A black arrogance appeared around Tian Yu's body.


A huge cloud of smoke appeared where Tianyu was standing.

After a long time, Tian Yu's figure slowly appeared in the dust.


The Eight Discords Orochi opened his eyes wide, unable to believe what was in front of him.

Because the current Tianyu actually caught the tail of the Eight-Child Serpent with one hand!

And Tian Yuou roared, and then the body of the eight-chassis snake slowly vacated.

This is impossible. Why does a human being have such terrifying power?

The Orochi Hachichi doesn't believe his eyes at all, and doesn't understand why his body is so easily lifted up by a human being?

"Little Snake, you are really arrogant, you should kneel on the ground properly."

Tian Yu violently threw the Baqi Orochi to the ground.

With the rumbling sound, the scales on the body of the Eight Qi Orochi were continuously shattered, and blood stains appeared on the ground.

It can be said that this battle is completely a crushing, and the Eight Discords Orochi has no chance to resist at all.


The eight-chassis snake was lying on the ground, still unable to believe whether this matter was true or not.

However, the pain in his body told the Eight Discords Orochi that this really happened.

Having lived in a cave for hundreds of years, has the world really changed so much?

An ordinary human can already knock him flying with his bare hands. How far have the human beings evolved now?

If this is to be known to the eight-chassis orochi, in fact, in this world, only when Tian Yu is the strongest.

The Eight Discords Orochi didn't know what to think.

"Okay, I don't want to kill you either, now I'll give you a choice."

"The first is now, I will cut off eight of your heads directly, and then there is no rumor of you in the world."

"The second is to surrender to the kid you said. In the future, the two of you will fall in love with each other and kill each other, and there will be nothing to do with me."

Tian Yu's Taidao was placed on the head of the eight-chassis snake, and he looked at the eight-chassis snake indifferently.

Now on Tian Yu's body, there is a very terrifying cold air that spreads all over the body of the Hachichi Orochi.

Baqi Orochi is very clear in his heart that if he chooses one by himself, Tianyu may end his life without hesitation.

"I choose two."

When he said his choice, the Orochi Hachiki seemed to have lost something in his heart and lay on the ground.

At this time, Orochimaru also happily came to the side of Hachichi Orochimaru.

Orochimaru gently bit his finger, and then placed it on the forehead of Hachichi Orochimaru.

The next moment, a pitch-black magic circle appeared on the head of the eight-chassis orochi.

Then the eight-chassis orochi disappeared in place, not knowing where it went.

"Oh? Are you a sealing technique? It seems that you want to gradually release your power like Naruto?"

After Tian Yu looked at Orochimaru, he finally came to such a conclusion.

Because now Orochimaru is also putting the Baqi Orochi in his dantian.

Tian Yu is now in his heart, and is even curious, when Orochimaru is in training, will Orochimaru also become a tailed beast?

To be honest, Tian Yu has also seen the fairy mode of the snake.

That is still the fairy mode that was used in the original pocket.

As the founder of the snake shape, Orochimaru has never shown a little bit about the state of the fairy mode.

So now Tian Yu is also very curious, what will happen to the Orochimaru who owns the Hachichi Orochi in the future.

"Everything is over, so are we going back?"

Tian Yu came behind Orochimaru.

After hearing it, Orochimaru nodded, and then put his hand on Tian Yu's shoulder.

Then Tian Yu left the forest of death with Orochimaru.

Then this trip to the Eight Distinct Orochi was solved so easily.

A grass juvenile sword so easily got an ancient beast.

For Konoha Village, this matter is still very beneficial.

Then Orochimaru and Tian Yu returned to the hidden laboratory.

At this moment, Senju Tobirama was intently observing the scout mouse in his hand.

From the smile on Senju Tobirama's face, you can see that the current scout mouse should have reached the point where it is about to succeed.


Qianshou Tobirama sensed an unfamiliar force, and quickly took out the Flying Thunder God Sword and placed it on his chest, always on guard.

However, when he saw that Orochimaru and Tian Yu were coming, he quickly put away the weapons.

"Orochimaru, I feel that your breath seems to have changed."

Qianshou Tobirama cautiously glanced at Orochimaru, who had a different breath all over his body, and was a little worried in his heart.

Orochimaru just smiled without saying a word, and didn't say much.

"Okay, let's take a look at my scout mouse. Orochimaru is in good health."

Tian Yu quickly stepped forward to dissuade Qianshou Tobirama, and then began to pay attention to his scout rat.

At this time, the scout mouse in the laboratory has almost been disassembled, and finally it should be the problem of assembly.

"Tianyu, I've almost done my research. If there are no accidents, this time the assembly will be almost the same."

After Qianshou Tobirama explained it to Tianyu, he looked at Orochimaru who was standing beside him.

Orochimaru also put on the white coat next to him, and then participated in the research with Qianshou Tobirama.

Tian Yu didn't bother them, just stood by and watched.

After all, this assembly problem will be over in a while, and if you return your keys to the Land of Water, things will be very troublesome.

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