"Ghost Lantern? The offspring of Ghost Lantern Huanyue? What kind of monster contestant are these?"

Tsunade has two big heads now, and he doesn't even understand where Tian Yu got these monsters.

Haven't these ethnic groups already declared to the outside world that they are completely extinct?

I didn't expect to find so many survivors of perished families.

I just don't know if these people will sell it for a good price if they take it out for auction!

The Tsunade gambler's heart was instantly activated. It turned out that Tsunade was used to looking at the price of an item.

After all, as a fat sheep, he often mortgages his own things, so this matter is already normal.

"Sir Tsunade, shouldn't you assign them a number?"

Mute can tell by looking at Tsunade's expression.

Tsunade-sama must be thinking about those things in his heart, and he must stop it!

"Okay now, I will arrange for you to join the Anbu Rapid Response Unit. Your designation will be 'Eagle'. As for the captain, we don't have it yet."

Tsunade didn't know why, but he felt that he suddenly wanted this name in his heart.

Anyway, just based on my mood, I liked the appearance of the four of them very much, so I decided to do this.

"Mute, you take them to Anbu to report, remember Haosheng hospitality, don't talk nonsense."


"Everyone, please."

After Mute received the order, he left the office with the Eagle team, leaving Tsunade alone.

"Huh, this guy Tianyu, these guys are all famous in history, and he really brought them here."

Thinking of this, Tsunade couldn't help but smile.

Now is the time when my power is weak, I didn't expect it would be so helpful.

"Knock knock!"

Suddenly, a knock on the door interrupted Tsunade's thinking, causing Tsunade to sit up straight.


"The land of fire is coming!"

Hearing this introduction, Tsunade couldn't help showing a wry smile.

No need to think about it, no matter how stupid the purpose of these guys is, he will understand what is going on.

Isn't it because he bought more than one billion ninja tools, but I didn't expect these people to come so quickly.

"come in."

As Tsunade finished speaking, twelve ninjas appeared in the office, and there was a faint feeling of surrounding the office.

"Sit down, why is the atmosphere so tense!"

Tsunade's face froze, but quickly returned to normal.

"Lord Tsunade, we appreciate your kindness, but we still need you to explain what's going on?"

The person who spoke was Sarutobi Hizen's son, Sarutobi Asma, who was originally one of the twelve guardian ninjas.

It was precisely because of his entire identity that he did not accept sanctions.

And after Asma came, he actually came with some personal feelings, after all, he killed his own father.

Even if it is a selfless person, it will not be out of order.

At this time, Asma was holding the sky-high bill from the ninja shop.

Now all the high-level officials in the country of fire think that this big fat sheep has gone out to gamble again, so it owes so much money.

However, this woman's brain is not very good, and she chose a company as a black account. Isn't this waiting to be discovered?

"You said this, I just bought a few ninja tools, that's why I spent so much."

"If you don't believe it, you can go to the warehouse and see for yourself!"

Just picked up the water glass on the table without paying attention, and was about to take a sip, but was startled by a voice.

"Tsunade, do you really think you can do whatever you want when you become Hokage?"

"What kind of ninja equipment can you buy for thirteen? Do you think we are fools?"

The person who spoke was another guardian of the Twelve Ninjas, and it was obvious that he was a little excited.

Because the Guardian Twelve Ninjas are actually divided into two parts, and this is the part that opposes Asma.

Chapter 430 The whole village shakes

"I hope you speak politely, anyway, I am also the Hokage of Konoha Village!"

The face just received became very ugly, warning to guard the twelve endures.

"Report, Tsunade refused to carry out the order, now mortgage the country of backfire!"

Beigen shouted, and then rushed forward.

"Beigen, be calm and don't make the relationship too stiff!"

Dilu is not as brainless as these people.

He knows the strength of himself and others, even if there are twelve more, Tsunade may not be able to beat.

Even now he threatened to use force to solve Tsunade, did this fellow Beigen drink too much last night?

"Stop talking nonsense, it's none of your business!"

Beigen did not listen to Dilu's persuasion at all, and insisted on going forward to detain Tsunade.

"I don't need you, I will go with you to the country of fire, lead the way."

Tsunade shook his fist lightly and knocked Beigen out.

Although Beigen was very unwilling in his heart, he also knew that he could no longer do it.

After all, the current Tsunade level is the level of their boss.

If Tsunade has given up his resistance, he will act indiscriminately.

Then even if Tsunade didn't say anything, they would be taught a severe lesson by Daming, the Land of Fire.

"Well, come with us, we also hope that you can clear your grievances in front of the big name."

After being polite, Asma left Konoha Village with Tsunade.

When Tsunade left, Mute who came back just saw it.

She hurriedly wanted to rush up to ask what was going on, but was stopped by Tsunade's look.

Tsunade seemed to be saying something at this time, but it was not understood by Mute.

"Don't worry about me, I will come back in a while and manage Konoha Village."

In fact, Tsunade wanted to say these words, but the mute completely distorted things.

"Go to Tianyu, I don't know what's going on, I will go to the country of fire!"

In this way, Mute was in a sentence that he guessed, and then based on the appearance of guarding the twelve ninjas, he analyzed Tsunade's words!

"Ok Tsunade-sama, I got it!"

Mute took a firm look at Tsunade and ran away.

"Huh, it's fortunate that this girl is smart and has no temper."

Tsunade thought that Mute had understood what he said, and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

At this time, Mute first came to the laboratory.

At this time, the laboratory was resting, and the two top scientists did not conduct experiments.

When he saw Mute running over, there was a hint of doubt on his face.

They still know this little girl, Mute, and she often follows Tsunade's ass.

But it was the first time they saw Mute come here. Could it be that Tsunade has something important?

"Not good... no... oops!"

Mute wanted to speak, but he ran so fast that he couldn't catch his breath, let alone say anything.

"You slow down first, what's the matter? So anxious?"

Qianshou Tobirama hurriedly got a glass of water to mute, and after a five or six minutes of mute rest, he eased his breath.

"Tell me, what are you doing here, hurry up."

Orochimaru saw that the mute had slowed down, and asked a key question.

"Oh yes, I forgot about this."

Mute forgot the purpose of coming here because he rested for a while, and was still looking at the laboratory curiously.

"It's like this, Tsunade-sama was just taken away by the guardian Twelve Ninjas of the Fire Country."

"When I was leaving, Tsunade-sama asked me to call Tianyu-sama to rescue him!"

"What? You said the girl was taken away by those little brats from the Land of Fire?"

Qianshou Tobirama suddenly lost his calm, widened his eyes, and roared.

Mute was obviously startled by Senju Tobirama like this, so he could only nodded nervously.

"You're so brave, even my little granddaughter of Qianshou Tobirama dares to tie up, these people are tired of living?"

"You wait, I'll call Big Brother, and I'll let them know what regret is!"

Saying that, Senju Tobirama disappeared in place.


Mute looked at Orochimaru at a loss, Tsunade originally called him Tian Yulai.

Why are two ancestral figures involved now?

"What are you looking at? Go to Jiraiya first and tell Jiraiya that Tsunade has been arrested. Come and gather at the Konoha gate!"

Orochimaru's face is also very bad now.

Although it shows that the relationship between the three ninjas on the surface is very bad.

But they survived together in the war anyway, which one didn't save the other's life?

Now that Tsunade has been arrested, Orochimaru's anger has also risen.

"Oh... oh, I see."

Mute quickly ran out and went to the village to look for Jiraiya.

And Orochimaru took out a scout mouse that Tian Yu had left behind.

This is the scout mouse that Tian Yu was afraid of really having an accident, so he deliberately stayed here.

I didn't expect such a short time, and it came in handy.

"Tianyu, something happened to Tsunade, come back quickly if you see it, we're leaving, within today."

"If you're late, just go by yourself, Fire Nation Headquarters!"

After Orochimaru finished speaking briefly, he put down the scout mouse and then came to the entrance of the village.

Orochimaru was the first person to come to the entrance of the village.

When Izumo Zitie saw Orochimaru, he was obviously startled, and quickly took two steps back.

"Master Orochimaru? Why are you here?"

Izumo remembered that Orochimaru did not appear in the village after Tsunade came to power.

Some people even thought that Orochimaru had left here?

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, work hard, or I'll kill you!"

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