After a body search by the army, Tian Yu walked in smoothly!

"This kid, it seems that there are quite a few secrets."

Seeing Tian Yu entering so easily, Qianshouzhujian couldn't help but sigh.

Qianshou Tobirama and Orochimaru glanced at each other, then smiled at each other, and stopped paying attention to Tianyu's affairs.

Compared with a pervert, it will only become more and more annoying.

Let's take a good look at the rise of a young man.

At this time, Tian Yu did not know that the hearts of the two had undergone tremendous changes, and he had come to the mansion of the daimyo.

At this time, the daimyo had already put on his most luxurious clothes.

What makes people feel disgusting is that this old guy turned around in front of the mirror listening to his beer belly!

"My little beauty, I'm about to see you, wait for my brother!"

"Ugh! Grandma's, is this guy the second?"

Tian Yu couldn't bear it anymore, and came to a tree and vomited.

Who is this guy who gave him the confidence to be able to say this, should he point at that old face?

Chapter 434 Arrival in the Land of Fire

"I must tell the world that you are the happiest woman in the world, just use this million people to prove my heart!"

Daimyo said decisively!

"I see, it seems that Tsunade is called the new queen."

Tian Yu understood it, and couldn't help feeling pity instead of Tsunade.

To be seen by this old guy, Tsunade, this woman is also considered unlucky.

However, this old guy is also considered infatuated, and it is a bit courageous to be able to directly use a million troops.

"I thought it was something that made the country unrest and chaos, just to marry a woman."

Tian Yu shook his head helplessly, and then disappeared in place.

"How? Do you know why this million army is here?"

Seeing Tian Yu's return, Qianshou Tobirama hurried up to ask.

"You really want to know?"

Tian Yu looked at Qianshou Tobirama with a strange expression, as if he didn't want to say it.

"What are you hesitating about, just say it quickly, what else can there be a **** plot?"

Qianshou Tobirama said that he could bear it, and it would be good to say it.

Even the people next to them are in line, wanting to know why the million army died.

Or how the **** they found out they were coming to fight.

"Look at it for yourself, and you'll know after you read it."

Tian Yu didn't know where it came from, and took out a crystal ball, which was originally modified from the Sarutobi Hizan.

Ability to record and track images of a person.

It was useless before. After all, there are scout rats, so this thing is useless.

Now that they're going to see, this thing comes in handy.

In this way, everyone watched intently, and everyone's faces became worse and worse.

Even apart from the accident of the Qianshou brothers, everyone else threw up while supporting the tree.

The Qianshou brothers also did not spit out because of their dirty bodies.

But he also stood and retched twice.

"Tianyu, you are murdering, why make us look at disgusting things?"

Jiraiya looked at Tian Yu angrily, never expecting a person to be disgusted to such an extent.

"Che, you have to see it yourself, now you know the reason, we will give him a big gift!"

Tian Yu stuck out his tongue, and then smiled and looked at the millions of troops below.

It's not a good man.

If possible, naturally I don't want to kill so many people.

But if these guys are blinded and don't know black and white, don't blame him for showing mercy!

\"Masters, Tsunade-sama has followed the twelve guardian Shinobi to reach here two kilometers away, and will appear soon."

Hatake Kakashi suddenly appeared and reported the situation.

After all, among these people, the strength of Kakashi and Matekai is really not enough.

So I was put aside to investigate the situation.

And Hinata, who came with him, took care of the tailed beasts nearby to save these guys from making trouble.

"Okay now, come back as well."

Tian Yu nodded, then stood up.

"Everyone, it seems that we are going to start our performance. When Tsunade appears in a while, we will do it!"


Everyone agreed in unison, as if Tian Yu had become their leader.

This may be the only person in history who can command so many shadow-level existences at the same time.


"There are no traces of battle, is it that the name of the big name has done something stupid again?"

The speed of guarding Twelve Ninjas along the way is about to fly, for fear that something will happen here.

Who knows that on the way to Guotai and Min'an, there will be nothing to do except for some people who are anxious to escape.

The rumor must have come from the capital.

If nothing else, it was the daimyo guy who came up with something interesting that led to this result.

"Hey, don't think about so many things, don't talk nonsense when you go back, just hand over Tsunade."

After Asma warned the others, he continued to speed up and returned to the capital.

The closer he got to the capital, for some unknown reason, Asma felt a very terrifying sense of oppression.

As if some danger was coming.

In this way, it took more than a dozen people about five minutes to finally arrive at the gate of the capital.

"I'm going, I really dispatched a million troops, is Da Ming trying to dispatch troops?"

One of the guardian twelve couldn't help but complained, and then the door was opened.

In the middle of the army, a road leading directly to Daming Palace appeared in an instant, and all the soldiers faced the road neatly.

"We've seen the new queen!"

"We've seen the new queen!"

"We've seen the new queen!"

A deafening sound spread throughout the capital, and waves swept across the air!

"New queen?"

Guarding the Twelve Ninjas and Tsunade, Beigen was not surprised.

Others didn't understand what the soldiers meant. Could it be that the Hokage they brought back became the daimyo's new queen?

"Gaga, is it finally here? It really made me wait for a long time!"

Daimyo had long heard that Tsunade had been brought back, and quickly ran out with someone.

All the soldiers knelt down quickly, and lowered their heads, not daring to look directly at the daimyo.

"Having seen the big name, we honored our mission and brought Hokage back to Konoha Village!"

Asma knelt on the ground with someone and began to report on this work schedule.

However, it was obvious that the daimyo didn't want to pay attention to this guy at all, and looked straight at Tsunade.

No matter how many times I watch it, Tsunade is so beautiful!

Daming thought in his heart, and he came to Tsunade step by step.

"Tsunade, I've actually liked you for a long time. You will be the queen of the country of fire in the future. One person is below ten thousand people!"

"Isn't this much better than what Hokage you are?"

Daimyo said this and wanted to reach out and touch Tsunade's face!

"Haha, after Da Ming wanted to establish a new one, he didn't tell us, wouldn't it be a bit too much!"

At this time, Tian Yu and others finally appeared, and Tian Yu took the lead in floating in the air.

And the others just stood on the city wall, looking at the Fire Nation's name indifferently.

"Why are you here?"

Daimyo looked at the ninjas in Konoha Village in surprise, but he didn't tell anyone what he thought.

How did these guys have a chance to react?

"You? Why are you here?"

Tsunade looked at everyone's faces in disbelief, especially the hippie smiling face of Tian Yu, who took the lead, and was a little surprised.

After all, when he was about to leave, he told Mute not to worry anyone.

For a moment just now, Tsunade was also a little regretful.

Who could have imagined that the name of the country of fire would be so obscene, and it would be necessary to stand up when it came up?

Especially the millions of troops beside him, even if he wanted to run now, it might be too late, right?

Chapter 435 A Gorgeous Fireworks

"How did we get here?"

"You're already an aunt and someone wants to marry you, aren't we here to celebrate you?"

Tian Yu said with a smile.


Everyone's eyes widened, looking at Tian Yu in disbelief.

Don't you know that the last thing Tsunade wants to hear is to let others call him Auntie or Grandma?

"Tianyu, are you tired of living this little brat? You wait for me to go back and see how I clean up you!"

Tsunade looked at Tianyu angrily, but there was a happy smile on his face.

"Whatever you want, you can go back and talk about it."

"The senior elders of Konoha Village, the black death **** Tianyu has seen the name of the country of fire!"

Tian Yu stepped forward and made a self-introduction, and then all the people stepped forward and started to introduce themselves.

"The first Hokage of Konoha Village, the **** of ninjas, Senju Hashirama, come to join the battle!"

"The second generation of Hokage in Konoha Village, the first speed in the ninja world, Senju Tobirama, came to fight!"

"One of the three ninjas in Konoha Village, Immortal Toad also came to fight!"

"One of the three ninjas in Konoha Village, the mad scientist Orochimaru came to fight!"


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