"Yeah girl, take a closer look, this is no ordinary statue!"

At this time, Senju Tobirama also appeared here, and looking at the statue in front of him, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Not to mention the frostbitten Anbu statue next to it.

But don't forget, Tian Yu's specialty is ice ninjutsu.

In other words, this statue is actually Yun Yin's younger brother of Raikage, Rabbi Renzhu Riki, right?

Sure enough, after being reminded by the second grandfather, Tsunade also reacted and quickly felt the breath of the statue.

Then the human-shaped statue below has no breath, but in that huge statue, there is unexpected vitality!

"Tianyu, you..."

Tsunade was surprised and attached to the statue, and didn't say a word for a long time.

"Haha, that's right, fortunately I didn't lose my life. I have already captured all the tailed beasts that I can get outside!"

Tian Yu laughed out loud.

At this time, a middle-aged man ran out of the crowd.

"Elder Tianyu, what happened to Shikamaru?"

This is Shikahisa Nara, the staff officer of Konoha Village, and the father of Shikamaru.

When he heard that his son was coming home, he ran back quickly, only to see his son lying on the ground, motionless!

"Don't think too much, go out with me, it is impossible for Shikamaru to be in danger."

Having said that, Tian Yu doesn't care whether Lu Jiu is in front of him or not, he just takes a kick!

"Hey, who kicked me?"

Shikamaru suddenly woke up from his sleep and looked at Tian Yu fiercely.

"What? You still want to eat me?"

Tian Yu impatiently held Shikamaru by the collar, and threw Shikamaru into Shijiu's arms.

"I gave you your good son. Also, Shikamaru has done a good job, and I will reward you."

"Lumaru, come to my house tomorrow and I'll give you something!"

After hearing Tian Yu's words, Lu Jiu's face showed an excited look.

After all, Tian Yu, who is a master blacksmith, can't possibly give them some simple things.

Chapter 447 Tailed Beast Museum

Next, Lu Jiu left the scene with his son.

After all, their family hadn't seen their son for a long time, so they still had to catch up.

And Tian Yu put his hand on the statue of eight tails.

"Every senior is here now. I will untie the seal of the eight tails now. I hope he will protect the safety of the village after he comes out!"

Tian Yu said these words to the two Hokage.

As for those in the village who could still be called seniors by him, apart from the master Matekai, there was really no one else.

The two naturally understood, and then opened the distance and formed a triangular formation with Tian Yu.

Guarantee that at the moment Yao comes out, if this guy is furious, he can guarantee that the village is not in danger.

"Boy, let's get started, we're ready."

Qianshou Tobirama said, and then slowly raised his hand, always ready to seal.

Even Senju Hashima put his hands together, ready to release ninjutsu.

"Okay, then I'll start!"

Speaking of which, Tian Yu sent all his power into the sculpture.

After a cracking sound, the surrounding of the sculpture was covered with cracks.

Seeing that things were almost done, Tian Yu quickly distanced himself from him and returned to his position to protect the village.

Sure enough, just after Tian Yu left, Kirabi's originally motionless body in the sculpture began to twist.

"Haha, I just said, you can't seal me!"

"Boy, wait for me to go out and see how I clean up you!"

While speaking harshly, Kirabi tried his best to break the seal, and finally lived up to expectations. With a loud noise, Kirabi finally rushed out.

When Kirabi saw Tian Yu in front of him, he didn't pay attention to the unfamiliar environment next to him.

"Boy, if you have any other means, take it out and let me see your strength!"

Kirabi believes that the seal used by Tianyu just now is the most powerful means of Tianyu.

Now I think that as long as I break through the seal, then Tianyu will not have the ability to fight against him.

"Bi, look at your surroundings, things don't seem right."

Unlike Kirabi's recklessness, Ya'ao is clearly much calmer now.

After he came out, the first thing was to observe the surrounding environment.

He didn't know where it was, but he knew the two figures beside him even if he was dreaming.

Isn't this the man who took it to Yunyin as a gift and treated himself as a pet?

"Impossible, how can these two boys still be alive? This... The body seems to be a little different from normal people."

Yao was still shocked at why the two lived so long, but after seeing the bodies of the two Hokage, he was relieved.

It seems that this should be a forbidden book researched by Konoha, and it can directly resurrect the dead.

I just don’t know that people who have been resurrected only have the same consciousness.

Or, this person survived with the strength of his previous life.

If it is really the latter, then the strength of Konoha Village has reached a very terrifying level.

"Yo! Isn't this Yashio, what? Do you still know me?"

Senju Hasuma withdrew the movement in his hand, and seeing this, it was obvious that Ya'ao had already seen him.

"Are you a kid from Qianshou's family?"

"After so many years, I didn't expect you to be alive!"

At this time, Kirabi's voice has been transformed into eight tails.

And seeing the reaction of Qianshouzhujian, you can see that this kid is really that monster!

"You still know each other, there's no way, the junior calls out the two of our brothers, and we come out to relax."

"But how have you been all these years? Have you been bullied?"

Bullied ass! The only one who can beat me over the years, besides you, isn't that the little pervert next to you?

"Haha, who can bully me, I keep saying that you are coming to me, and I will come as soon as possible."

Eight tails can be considered shameless, and did not say what was in his heart.

She said that she came here entirely because she wanted to see old friends.

This sentence also caused boos from the villagers of Konoha Village present.

After all, everyone can see how the eight tails got here. It is not obvious that he was **** by the elder Tianyu.

Now that it's out, don't even mention it, and you still want to maintain your dignity here?

Even Tian Yu almost choked on his own saliva.

Who would have thought that Eight Tails could say such a thing?

"Cough! Haha, since everyone knows each other, let's go to the back mountain to chat!"

Tian Yu also did not intend to expose Yawei's careful thinking.

After all, it's thousands of years old, and if you want some face, you still have to give it.

Yaao was also relieved, and just followed behind Senju Hasuma, to the back mountain of Konoha Village.

In this way, Tian Yu's mission this time has been successfully completed.

There are now one, three, four, five, eight and nine tailed beasts in Konoha Village.

The remaining two tails, six tails, and seven tails should have been captured by the Akatsuki organization.

I didn't expect that Xiao had worked so hard for so many years to catch the three tailed beasts.

Looking at Tianyu's side again, after going out for more than a month, he has already gathered the tailed beasts.

"I said, I've got so many tailed beasts now, why don't I build a tailed beast museum by myself?"

Tian Yu thought with a smile.

After all, collecting so many tailed beasts is a very proud thing in the ninja world.

But this matter is just to think about, and now Konoha Village has no spare time to build any museum.

But Tian Yu couldn't imagine that he didn't do it himself, but he was done by the sullen teacher of Matekai.

But that's all for the future, and it won't come to fruition if Matt Kay hasn't been in the village recently.

"Tianyu, since you're back, come to the office with me, I need you to report the details of this incident."

Seeing that things were all over, Tsunade greeted Tian Yu, then turned his head and left alone.

Tian Yu originally wanted to go and see how the house was going.

But thinking of Tsunade's attitude just now, it's better to go and see for yourself.

"Then folks, I just came back, so I won't catch up with you."

Tian Yu smiled and said something to the onlookers, and then left the scene with Tsunade.

After Tian Yu left, the onlookers at the scene also left.

After all, there is such a thing as Tianyu here.

Eight tails also went to the back mountain to chat with a generation of adults.

Could it be that they are not leaving now, because they want to eat here, or play while there is ice on the ground?

Sure enough, there were several children present who saw the adults leave and walked quietly to the scene.

After all, it doesn't often snow in Konoha Village, so I'm lucky to see snow.

Chapter 448 Anbu Engineering Team

"Master Tianyu is really amazing, he can actually create snowflakes out of thin air."

While sighing, a child came to the ice cube and wanted to pick it up and play.


At this moment, an Anbu suddenly appeared, picked up the child, and pulled it aside.

"Hurry up and go back to your parents. This place has been instructed by Lord Tianyu, and no one is allowed to enter!"

Anbu said this, and several children in Jiujiang were pulled out, and they were not allowed to approach here for half a step.

When Tian Yu left just now, I suddenly thought of an important thing.

That is, the ice cubes scattered on the ground seem to be lethal.

After all, after that Yun Yin's Anbu touched the statue, he went down completely.

If I am not careful, I will really hurt the children in the village or something.

Even if no one asks, my heart can't accept it.

So Tian Yu immediately ordered Anbu, who was hiding in the dark, to go to the scene as quickly as possible.

As expected by Tian Yu, a group of children wanted to come over to play ice while their parents were away.

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