Chapter 451 Tianjia Weapon Shop

what happened?

Tian Yu looked at his house suspiciously, it seemed like no one had lived here for a long time?

Then Tian Yu hurried out of the house, wanting to ask Tsunade where his family went.

Who knows but was stopped by the aunt next door.

"Hey, isn't this Tian Yu, what are you going to do in such a hurry?"

"Auntie, it's like this. I came back to see that my parents weren't there. What are they doing?"

Tian Yu tried to calm down his tone and asked the aunt.

"You said they were a couple, haven't they been doing business in the weapons shop all the time?"

"Don't you know that your parents' weapons shop is so popular now that they don't even have time to go home every day!"

When the aunt mentioned this, her eyes were full of envy.

Who doesn't know that all this is brought by Tian Yu.

Who wouldn't want to have such a promising son.

Hearing this, Tian Yu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. After thanking his aunt, he hurried to his weapon shop.

There is nothing wrong with the quality of your own weapons, but even if you sell them at cost, the price is a bit higher.

Then I don't know if it's hot enough to even go home, right?

Tian Yu obviously underestimated his reputation for making weapons, more than fire!

After the reputation of Tianjia Weapon Shop spread out in the past few days, it can be said to be a big fire.

Even these few days, there are ninjas in the outer village who have come from far away for the ninja tools in the Tianjia weapon shop.

It can be said that the Tianjia Weapon Shop has really become the most famous shop in the world.

When Tian Yu came to his weapon shop with the fastest speed, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

The big ninjas in the ninja world held silver bills in their hands and kept shouting.

It's like an aunt who buys vegetables in a vegetable market, for fear that she won't be able to grab a ninja tool!

And now, not only his parents, but also more than a dozen unfamiliar employees in the weapon shop.

Even his younger sister participated in this transaction every day and worked as a cashier.

"what's going on?"

Tian Yu has two big heads, and he originally wanted to let his parents find something to do.

Okay now, where is this looking for something, isn't this looking for trouble?

Tian Yu ran in from the crowd with difficulty, and just wanted to talk to his father, but was pulled aside by his mother.

"Hey, Tianyu, you're back, don't be stunned, help!"

Saying that, Tian Yu was pulled into the shelf with a blank mind.

"Lord Tianyu? Are you here to help? I'll buy two Kunai and give you 10,000 taels."

A ninja recognized Tianyu, and after putting the money in Tianyu's hands, he walked out with Kuwuyao.

But when she was about to go out, she was pulled by Tian Yu.

"Wait a second, two Kunai, did you get the wrong money?"

Tian Yu also didn't believe her ears. If it wasn't for the money in her hand, she would have thought that the other party had said something wrong.


"Lord Tianyu, you're right. Could it be that I haven't been here for a few days, and the price of your family's Kuwu has gone up?"

Obviously, the ninja's face became embarrassed, and he quickly took out another 10,000 taels.

"I'm sorry, I haven't heard that the price of weapons has gone up. How much has it gone up? I'll give it to you now!"

Tian Yu's eyes widened, only two kunai, so much to sell?

"That one didn't increase the price, you go first, I have something to go first."

After Tian Yu sent him away, he came to the door of the weapon shop alone.

No wonder Shikaku felt like he had to kneel on the ground when he was scouting mice for the Nara family at the Nara family.

If you dare to love two hardships, you will sell them for 10,000 taels, let alone such a high-tech detective mouse.

"I went, I thought I was already a profiteer, but I didn't expect you to be more ruthless!"

Tian Yu couldn't help but sigh.

At the beginning of the quotation, Tianyu deliberately increased the original cost.

He was afraid that his parents would sell them at cost in order to benefit the village.

Sure enough, the two couples were doing business at the beginning, and they didn't care about their feelings at all.

But this is what Tianyu's ninja tools can sell for this price.

If other companies dare to sell at this price, it is not the problem of Wang Zhuang, then a three!

"Okay, seeing as you are so busy, I won't disturb you."

Tian Yu can't help here either. If he is here, he might have something wrong.

I'd better come and see them tonight.

With that said, Tian Yu came to a ramen shop.

I haven't eaten it for more than a month, so it's good to come and relive the taste of ramen.

Not only that, but I haven't seen Naruto for a while, so I just came to see Naruto.

Who knew that after Yu Tian sat down, there was no one in the stall except Tian Yu.

"Huh? What's going on?"

Tian Yu was very surprised that he didn't see Naruto along the way.

I thought it was Naruto who came here to eat ramen, but how could it not be here?

"Uncle Yile, do you know what Naruto has been up to recently?"

Tian Yu felt that Yi Le was the one who knew Naruto best.

So here should be able to find out what information about Naruto.

After hearing this, Yi Le put a bowl of tonkotsu ramen in front of Tian Yu, and then thought for a moment.

"You said Naruto, it seems that half a month ago, I went out to practice with Jiraiya."

"I heard that I won't be able to go back to the village in a short time. I really miss him a bit."

Yi Le's face was also a little ugly.

After all, for so many years, Uncle Yile can be said to have watched Naruto grow up.

Naruto, who used to come every day, suddenly said that he would not be able to come back for a while, and Yile was also a little sad.

"Thank you."

After Tian Yu thanked him, he started to eat ramen, but he was very doubtful in his heart.

At this critical time, why did Jiraiya take Naruto out?

After all, Naruto is also a nine-tailed renzhuli, and now only Konoha has the renzhuli in addition to the Akatsuki organization.

Now it's not about hiding people Zhuli, but he wants to take them out for a trip. What kind of calculus is this guy Jiraiya playing.

And Tsunade didn't tell him about it, what was going on?

In fact, Tian Yu really misunderstood Tsunade this time.

Tsunade originally planned to tell Tian Yu about this.

Who knows that when I see Tian Yu, I just can't control my emotions.

So I forgot all the things I wanted to tell Tian Yu.

Finally, after reporting the mission, it was about going to the barbecue.

At this time, Tsunade who was in the office also found out about this when he was working, and was a little irritable.

Chapter 452 Naruto flees

After eating, Tian Yu said hello to the uncle, and then left the ramen shop.

Naruto's departure from the village is a major event, so let me ask.

After thinking about it for a while, Tian Yu decided to ask, and walked straight to Tsunade's office.

After a while, Tian Yu rushed to Tsunade's office.

He didn't even knock on the door, he just ran in.

"Tsunade, I heard that Naruto went to practice outside, do you know about this?"

Hearing that Tian Yu went straight to the subject, a helpless smile appeared on Tsunade's face.

She could only explain to Tian Yu why Naruto would go out to practice at such a critical juncture.

"You also know about this. You were in a hurry just now and forgot to tell you."

"You know Naruto, he has always regarded you as his biggest goal."

"I don't know what happened a few days ago. No matter how we blocked it, it was the experience of the village back then."

"There was even a period of time when Naruto ran out on his own and was almost not eaten by wild beasts."

"So if we have to, we can only send out Zilai to ensure Naruto's safety!"

As he spoke, Tsunade's helplessness became more and more serious.

She also knew that it was a critical moment, and none of the tailed beasts in the village could go out.

Can I use force against Naruto? In this case, Tsunade's judgment is indeed the safest.

"Sorry to trouble you."

Tian Yu also knew that he was too anxious just now and lost control a bit.

Tsunade shook his head, indicating that it was nothing, so he quietly looked at Tian Yu in front of him and thought about the problem.

"Do you know where Naruto Jiraiya and the two of them are going now?"

Tian Yu decided to go find it by himself, and find Naruto first.

If you believe what you say, Naruto can still listen to it, but it's a big deal that you will find a way to deceive him back.

"Are you going out again?"

Tsunade did not tell Tianyu their address, but asked the question.

After all, every time Tianyu goes out, the task time is too much, so that he doesn't want to let Tianyu go out now.

"Well, don't worry, it will only take two days to call them back this time."

"After all, it's very easy for me to bring two people back."

Tian Yu feels that there is no capture task this time, just bring two people back, can't he do it?


Tsunade wanted to say something, but after seeing Tian Yu's firm eyes, a wry smile appeared on his face.

Also, even if he refuses, won't Tian Yu go back?

The position of his Hokage seems to be not very valuable in Tian Yu's eyes.

When I wanted to listen to her, I was really obedient.

However, Tsunade believed that Tianyu would not stay in the village in this matter.

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