However, it is rumored that An Lushan has this terrifying weapon in his hands, so he has not dared to do it.

This also made the originally peaceful and peaceful ancient country of Loulan become like this.

Not only that, the streets all over the country are full of portraits of Tian Yu, all of which are to let her know quickly after Tian Yu arrives.

Then use the means to kill Tian Yu, and you can be safe!

Chapter 461

After all, the memory centipede six years ago was still deeply recorded in his mind.

I didn't even know what was going on, and I lost consciousness.

If it weren't for the fact that his body was suddenly given power by the dragon veins, he might have really died.

"Damn boy, I don't care who you are, if you come to my place, you will die!"

An Lushan's face was hideous, thinking of the pain in his neck at the beginning, An Lushan was a little crazy.


A soldier ran over and knelt in front of An Lushan.


An Lushan stabilized his emotions, and then looked at Xiao Bing lightly.

Xiao Bing was obviously a little hairy when he was seen by Dark Green Mountain, and his whole body shivered, and then he said the report.

"Reporting to Minister An Lushan, we received information that in the periphery of our country, we suddenly saw a person with the same portrait as yours!"


Hearing this, the teacup in An Lushan's hand fell to the ground. If it weren't for the good material, it would have shattered.

The soldier was also startled, and quickly put his head on the ground.

At the beginning, there were many soldiers who came to send information.

Just because the transmitted information did not conform to An Lushan's intentions, he was killed by An Lushan.

Originally he didn't want to come either, but after a period of selection, he was finally chosen.

"Haha, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it!"

An Lushan laughed at this moment, not only did not punish the soldier, but also waved his hand.

"Come here, reward this person 10,000 taels, take a month off, give me a reward!"

I have been looking for this kid for six years, six years, do you know how he lived these six years?

Live a life of anxiety all day long.

As soon as he sleeps, he will dream of Tian Yu suddenly appearing and cutting off his head.

Now I have finally found Tian Yu's person, as long as you know where his person is, he will have 10,000 ways to solve it!

And at this time, the soldier kneeling on the ground was so dazed, he got a month's vacation?

Not only that, but also those 10,000.

Because the finances of the ancient country of Loulan are not very good at all, coupled with the constant deductions of An Lushan.

This also led to the fact that Loulan's salary was not very high, and even his annual salary was only 10,000 taels.

I didn't expect that the errand that everyone was rejecting was actually picked up by myself this time?

"Master Xie, if there is nothing, the villain will retire."

"Go back."

An Lushan shook his hand, and then Xiaobing ran out at the fastest speed in his life.

He was afraid that An Lushan would regret it for a while, and then pulled himself back and beheaded.

An Lushan didn't pay attention to him at all, but thought about Xiaobing's words in his mind.

The past six years can be said to be the puppet art of a hardworking cultivator.

After he was resurrected, a very strange puppet technique appeared in his mind.

This kind of puppet technique is very magical and can control countless puppets without having to do it yourself.

This is much stronger than the puppet art from the outside world, and there is no need to use chakra lines at all.

"Boy, since you have already come, then I can only ask you to die!"

An Lushan laughed, then nodded to the side, and a puppet disappeared in place.

At this time, Tian Yu didn't know that An Lushan had come to chase and kill him.

Still smiling and looking at the surrounding environment.

He did not appear in Loulan, but in Muye Village.

So everything in front of him is still very familiar, that is, all the heat doesn't know him anymore.

He came to a shop, which was the familiar Tianjia Weapon Shop.

Different from the bigger and stronger weapon shop in the outside world, this weapon shop is now an ordinary forging room.

And a middle-aged man is taking a young man to learn blacksmithing.

Although the child didn't know it, the adult Tian Yu would never forget it.

Isn't this the grandfather I saw in the family tree?

I didn't expect to see him here, it seems that this place is really the past.

Then that young man should be his father.

"Young man, do you want to buy something?"

Grandpa looked at Tian Yu and smiled kindly.

The young man next to him also looked over, but it seemed that he hadn't looked for his mother yet.

"Oh, then give me two kunai, it just so happens that I don't have any weapons anymore."

Tian Yu happened to come to consume it, but he did not offer any help.

After all, this is the past, and he doesn't want his every move to change history, which is disrespectful.

The grandfather smiled, and then took two kunai and placed them in Tian Yu's hand.

"Young man, have we met somewhere? Why do I feel so familiar to you?"

Tianxiong stared at Tianyu for a long time, and finally couldn't help but ask.

When he saw Tian Yu for the first time, he felt a tremor in his heart, as if he knew him.

"No, we haven't met, but it's a relationship, maybe it's fate."

Then Tian Yu paid the money and left the weapon shop.

"Hey, stinky boy, what kind of relatives are you messing around with? Their clothes are so rich, are you able to recognize them?"

Grandpa couldn't help but hit Tianxiong, and then he took Tianxiong to continue learning to strike.

At this time, Tian Yu was leaning on a telephone pole, couldn't help smiling, and then left here.

And Tianxiong also looked at the direction Tianyu left, smiled helplessly, and then continued to learn to strike.

At this time, Konoha Village was ruled by three generations, and it was also the so-called tyranny of Sarutobi Hiizan.

Tian Yu heard this, and for a moment, wanted to rush up to kill Hiruzen Sarutobi.

But after thinking about it for a while, I still think it's okay, after all, without setbacks, there will be no growth.

After Konoha Village learned that lesson, it became clear that it became more and more united.

So let history take its course.

Because of the actions of the second Hokage at the beginning, the relationship between Loulan and Konoha was not very good.

However, Konoha is also a superpower, and naturally he will not give up on interacting with it.

So unless there is a specific situation, there is no intersection between the two sides, and there will be no quarrel.

Tianyu walked on the streets of Konoha, thinking about what to do next.

After all, I finally came here, so I still have to take a good look to see if there are any acquaintances here.

If I met my father-in-law when I was young, or when Tsunade was young, I would be considered a worthwhile trip.

Tian Yu couldn't help laughing when he thought of Tsunade when he was young.

I don't know if Tsunade can keep the same appearance after so many years.

Afterwards, Tian Yu just found a place to live, and the next thing is not in a hurry, just have a good time here and talk about it.

Chapter 462 The Konoha of the Past

"Report, Sarutobi-sama, there is a competent person in the village."

At this time, Sarutobi Hizan in the office was drinking tea leisurely when an Anbu suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Well, I see, you go down first."

Sarutobi Hizan didn't care too much and waved his hand.

Anbu didn't speak either, and disappeared in place with his head down.

A crystal ball appeared in Sarutobi Hizan's hand.

He already knew about Tian Yu's arrival, but he didn't interfere.

A teenage child, possibly a juvenile dead man raised by some village.

However, these juvenile dead men are all expressionless and basically have no emotional basis.

But Tian Yu is obviously not such a person. It should be a young man from some small country who came to Konoha Village to see the world.

"Everyone wants to come to Konoha now, I really don't know what to do."

Sarutobi Hizan shook his head, then put down the energy ball in his hand and continued drinking tea.

Tian Yu was in the hotel at this time, and felt a very obvious breath. You don't have to think about it. It must be the old guy Sarutobi Hizan.

The old guy's vigilance is really strong, he came in as an ordinary teenager, and he has to investigate carefully.

It seems that it is not unreasonable for Sarutobi Hidden to occupy the position for so many years.

"I hope you don't mess with me, or I'll make you die miserably."

Although Tianyu does not know whether it will change history in this world.

But don't mess around with it if you have to.

If it really changes history, it will make it difficult for Tsunade outside the village.

"Oh, don't care, anyway, I haven't experienced this period of life, and I must have fun when I come back!"

Thinking of this, Tian Yu thought of his age again, isn't it the age of graduating from Ninja Academy?

If I go to the ninja academy for a walk now, there should be no problem.

Tian Yu thought of this and stood up excitedly.

I want to see how the older generation lives in the ninja academy.

And the centipede thing has long been left behind by Tian Yu.

It's just an ant, even if you get a powerful weapon, it's just an ant who takes the weapon.

It's basically not a threat to her.

In this way, Tian Yu went to the Ninja Academy according to his memory, but he didn't know whether the location of the Ninja Academy was still there.

After walking like this for more than ten minutes, a logo of the Ninja Academy appeared in Tian Yu's eyes.

It seems that after so many years, the location of the Ninja Academy has not changed.

Even the architectural style has not changed. It seems that for so many years, even the decoration has not been done.

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