Whoever fights will be like this little girl, and will be thrown out in batches at every turn.

Could it be that these ninja tools are Chinese cabbage!

It's a pity that guarding the twelve endures still underestimates Tiantian's financial resources.

This ninja gear flying in the air is no ordinary ninja gear.

This is a weapon in the shop, known as a sky-high price, and it was also given to her by Tian Yu when she was leaving.

After so many years of accumulation, Tian Tian can be regarded as a veritable little rich woman.

With the weapon Tian Yu gave her, few people in Konoha Village could have more money than her.

In this way, the effects of various ninja tools were used at the same time, and with a shocking explosion, the guardian twelve ninjas were already lying on the ground.

"Ha~ I will never come to Konoha again, Mom, save me!"

Guardian Twelve Ninja let out a puff of smoke and lay on the spot crying.

He can't even beat a little girl. Has he cultivated into a dog for so many years?

When it was already the country of fire, it was admired by so many people.

She also thought that she was really powerful and a terrifying existence.

Who knew that after all this had passed, he realized that he was a waste? !

At the end of the battle, Matekai had already run over, and it was obvious that he also heard the movement here, so he came.

Not only that, but Kakashi was standing beside him.

Both of them widened their eyes, looking at Tian Tian standing in the center of the battlefield.

"Tian Tian, ​​yes, he actually defeated the famous guardian Twelve Ninjas."

Matekai doesn't have any special mood. He is very happy in his heart, and he is happy with Tiantian's strong strength.

And Kakashi was already squatting on the ground, and he didn't know how long he was crying.

Are you really just a piece of shit?

In order to make a little progress, when I was a little proud, the teenage girl was already close to his strength?

In this way, because of Tiantian's unhelpful action, the two famous ninjas in the ninja world completely doubted their lives.

Do you think their lives have been arranged?

In fact, they are a complete waste of wood?

"Kakashi, what's wrong with you?"

At this time, Matekai also noticed Kakashi squatting on the ground, and hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

"Oh, it's nothing, you guys are busy first, I'll take this guy to the punishment department, so I won't bother you."

Kakashi collapsed and picked up the guardian Twelve Ninjas on the ground, and then disappeared in place.

"Is he injured?"

Looking at Kakashi like that every day, I thought he was injured in the battle just now.

However, Matekai laughed and glanced at Tiantian. He and Kakashi had been opponents for so long, how could he not understand Kakashi's mood?

What I said just now was just to stimulate Kakashi.

Chapter 467 Jiraiya's Hesitation

After all, a thirteen-year-old girl can fight at this level.

Even if it is him, it is wrong to say that he is not envious.

But obviously Kai underestimated the extent of Kakashi's collapse now.

Because of what happened just now, Kakashi has completely begun to doubt life now.

If it weren't for the fact that my heart's ability to bear it was not bad, I might have committed suicide long ago.

"Okay, we have to deal with other bugs now, every day, you must protect your uncle and aunt."

After Matekai gave an order, he left the Tianjia Weapon Shop.

Tian Tian is not a fool, knowing that Konoha is in danger now, and his parents are ordinary people.

So I'd better stay at home to protect my parents, if I let my brother know that I don't protect my parents and run to support them.

Maybe he will confiscate all his ninja tools when he comes back.

At this time, the Xiao organization did not know that the wastes that he had collected were all taken away.

Even if you know, there will be no heartache in your heart.

After all, their purpose at the beginning was to let the guardian twelve ninjas attract the vitality of Konoha Village.

If the three main combat powers just faltered and didn't leave.

They can also use the guardian twelve as cannon fodder, so that they can leave in safety.

At this time, only Obito was going in the right direction, and everyone else was going in the wrong direction.

At this time, Xiao Nan was investigating step by step, trying to find some information about the tailed beast.

But she had already come to the edge of the city wall, and she still didn't see a trace.

As if there were no tailed beasts in Konoha Village at all!

"Yes, there is no tailed beast in Konoha Village at all!"

Xiao Nan suddenly felt that his idea was right. Who said that after the tailed beast was caught, it must be placed in the village?

If she is Tianyu, then he will definitely gather all the tailed beasts in one place.

In other words, kill all the tailed beasts, so that the tailed beasts can be killed smoothly!

When they really want to find the tailed beast, they can only wait a few years for the tailed beast to gather the power of heaven and earth to resurrect!

Although the latter method is very worth trying, Xiaonan also knows that it is basically impossible.

After all, no matter how powerful Tian Yu is, he won't catch a tailed beast and kill one.

And Tian Yu seemed to know that they were there every time, so he would catch the tailed beast one step ahead of them.

It was as if there were undercover agents in their organization!

The more he thought about it, the colder Xiao Nan's heart became, because it seemed that there was really no problem.

Thinking of this, Xiao Nan didn't stay in place either, he wanted to take Payne away, Konoha is not an easy place!

"Hehe, come if you want, and leave if you want, what is my Konoha?"

At this time, Jiraiya had already appeared behind Xiao Nan.

And also summoned the toad fairy.


Xiao Nan looked at Jiraiya in front of him with a complicated expression, but he still started to change into a fighting form.

"I didn't expect it to be you, Xiao Nan, if you surrender now, I can still keep you, but if you fight in the village, even me will shoot!"

Jiraiya also obviously doesn't want to fight Xiao Nan.

After all, he is also a disciple whom he has cultivated for many years, and now he has become his own enemy.

Even who it is, you may feel helpless in your heart, right?

"Teacher, after so many years, do you really think I'm still that defenseless girl?"

Xiao Nan no longer hesitated, a pair of wings spread out from behind, she looked at Jiraiya indifferently in front of her.

Just when Jiraiya thought that a war was about to begin, Xiao Nan actually lifted off directly into the sky.

After all, Jiraiya has no air force combat capability, and this may be Jiraiya's only weakness.

"Boy, why don't you go after him?"

Toad Immortal squatted on Jiraiya's shoulder and looked at Xiao Nan who was flying farther and farther.

And Zilai laughed helplessly.

"Anyway, it's the students I taught myself, and I want to give them a chance!"

Saying that, Jiraiya also summoned Toad Wentai and asked him to follow Xiao Nan.

If Xiao Nan just left like this, Zilai would not do anything, but if he still wandered in the village.

Then don't blame Zilai or you're welcome!

Because Xiao Nan has always been focusing on finding tailed beasts, there is no chaos in the urban area that Xiao Nan is responsible for.

It's just that I heard that there are some terrorists outside, so they are all hiding at home.

But on the other hand, the battle on Payne's side was much more tragic.

Payne, after coming to the city he was in charge of, he fired directly without saying a word.

All the six clones were used, as if they didn't come to find the tailed beast at all, as if they came to slaughter everything!

"Payne, you are too arrogant, don't you know this is Konoha headquarters?"

At this time, Kakashi had already sent back the guardian Twelve Ninjas, and when he saw the war here, he ran over quickly.

Just happened to see the constant bombardment of Penn Liudao.

"Kakashi? What? Are you trying to stop me?"

Kakashi smiled and looked at Payne's arrogant look with disdain.

"Hehe, are you worthy of saying this? Isn't it just staring at the gap between our village Tianyu and the previous Hokage to make trouble?"

"I'll ask you, if all three of them were there, would you dare to step into Konoha Village?"

After hearing Kakashi's words, Penn Liudao's face became very ugly.

Because there is nothing wrong with what Kakashi said, if Tianyu and the others were there, they would not dare to take a step forward.

But now they are leaving!

Then Payne raised his hand gently, and a nail flew out.

"Hehe, writing wheel eyes, open!"

Kakashi quickly lifted his forehead, and the writing wheel instantly turned into a kaleidoscope.

Then a vortex appeared, absorbing the nails of Heavenly Dao!

"Oh? Obito's eyes?"

Payne Tiandao narrowed his eyes, seeing this familiar skill, and subconsciously thought of Obito's skill.

Not only the way of heaven, but even Obito, who was in the opposite direction, looked in this direction.

"Kakashi, is that you?"

Obito just paid attention to the situation here, and then left.

After all, now is not the time to retrieve his eyes, he can do it anytime, anywhere.

The only thing that makes Obito feel the pressure now is the position of the tailed beast.

After searching for such a long time, I didn't even find a single hair?

Then Obito could only sigh and continue to move forward, trying to find the position of the tailed beast.

Kakashi on the other side had already taken out Konoha Baiya at this time, and looked coldly at Tiandao in front of him.

As long as he is still alive, then Heavenly Dao will not want to make trouble in Konoha Village!

Chapter 468 Unsolved Payne?

"Okay, then let me see the combat power of copying ninja Hatake Kakashi!"

Payne was not delaying, and rushed towards Kakashi.

Kakashi also took out Konoha White Fang and fought with Payne.

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