Opening his eyes, Banner suddenly felt that the whole world was different!

  There are lights in the room, but it is very dim.

  In this case, many places that were not illuminated by the light were originally blurred areas that could not be seen clearly.

  But these unclear places have become extremely clear in Banner's eyes at this time!

  It can't be said that it is completely visible, but it is already very clear!

  Vision, enhanced!

  And as the angle of view was strengthened, there were a lot of voices in Banner's ears at this time.

  The place he rents is a very old apartment.

  There are many tenants living upstairs and downstairs.

  The sound insulation effect of this kind of broken building was originally poor, and at this time, after the hearing was also strengthened, the movement in Banner's ears became very clear for a while!

  "Fake! Fake! No red card for that, damn Germanic ass... ton ton ton..."

  Upstairs, this is a beer watching a football game.


  Downstairs, it's a man and a woman doing some kind of exercise.

  "You're right, but Monaco has a population of only 3 people, but Australia alone has 8 million kangaroos. If kangaroos decide to invade Monaco, each Monaco will kill 4700 kangaroos, you don't know, you don't care, you Only care about yourself."

  Next to... well, this could be a drunken alcoholic worrying about the possible threat of a kangaroo invasion in Monaco.

  Vision, hearing, smell... all five senses are strengthened!

  And what excites Banner the most is that at this time, he felt that his mind was clear and bright, as if he had been poured ice water from scratch in the dog days, his heart was cold and his heart was flying!

  "How is it, it works well?"

  Seeing how Banner sometimes listened attentively and sometimes closed his eyes to feel it, Su Yang knew that Banner had already realized the magic of this sage's water at this time.

  "Awesome! This is simply the best thing I've ever come across. It's amazing!"

  Banner was excited.

  Although he didn't transform, the clear and clear feeling of the spirit platform made him feel that after he transformed, he might not lose his mind!

  may actually work!

  "Tsk, the best thing... Don't rush to boast, you've only opened two jars now."

  Su Yang pushed a jar in front of Banner: "Trust me, when all these jars are opened, you will find yourself saying this too early."

  Banner was attracted by the jar in front of him.

  What's next?

  Pick up the hammer in your hand.

  Holding a bit of anticipation, duang~ sounded.

  Banner smashed it open.

  And as the jar was opened.


  A dazzling golden light burst out from it! .

Chapter 38

  Chapter 36 My Banner Starved To Death Today!Jump from here!Outside of death, it will not! smells good! [Kneeling and begging for a flower reward evaluation ticket]

  A dazzling golden light burst out from where the jar shattered.

  Shining on Banner's face, against the shock on his face, it is particularly eye-catching!

  Wow, the golden legend!

  As more and more jars were broken, the golden light became denser and brighter!

  In the end, Banner couldn't look directly at Jin Guang, he couldn't help but close his eyes!

  What is this?

  Why is there such a magical golden light?

  Banner's curiosity grew stronger and stronger.

  He felt like he must have delivered some kind of super powerful item!

  Otherwise, it would not be worthy of such a forceful appearance!

  After a long while, he noticed that the golden light began to slowly dissipate, and he opened his eyes again and looked at the things that were opened in the jar.


  However, when he saw the contents of the jar clearly, the excitement on his face instantly faded like a tide, and it was replaced by... capitalized ignorance!

  Because there is no golden legend in that jar, but... a bowl of ordinary fried rice.

  Yes, a bowl of fried rice!

  Served in a ceramic sea bowl, the rice was sprinkled with chopped green onion, and it was still steaming...

  This is clearly a bowl of fried rice!


  What an outrageous plot this is!

  Such a dazzling golden light, what you gave me is... a bowl of fried rice? !

  Speechless and stunned, Australia's 4700 million kangaroos galloped past Banner's heart, and from time to time they punched his heart!

  Banner clutched his chest, his liver trembled with anger!

  I've been looking forward to it for so long.

  That's it?

  That's it?

  Said golden legend, said good power... Huh?


  Since there is such a blinding golden light effect, and the way of appearance is so unusual, how can this fried rice be just ordinary fried rice? !

  Thinking of this, Banner's eyes lit up again.

  Isn't the water of the sages just plain, and it looks no different from ordinary water?

  This fried rice looks just ordinary fried rice, but it must be the same as the water of the sage, not ordinary!

  "Boss, does this fried rice also have some magical effect, he is not an ordinary fried rice, right!?"

  Banner suddenly turned his head and looked at Su Yang excitedly.

  He wanted to get a positive answer from Su Yang's mouth.


  "Yes, this is just a normal bowl of fried rice."

  Su Yang glanced at him, mercilessly shattering his last hope.

  Hearing this answer, Banner couldn't help but covered his chest again and took two steps back.

  Mad, your liver hurts!

  Looking at Banner, who was exasperated with a constipated expression, Su Yang shook his head.

  "Don't look at him as just an ordinary bowl of fried rice, but it's actually quite unusual."

  "It's not normal there?" Banner was still listless: "If it's not normal, isn't it fried rice? It doesn't have any special effects."


  Su Yang said: "He has a very powerful effect, that is..."

  "What is it?"

  Banner's curiosity was piqued.


  Banner: ? ? ?


  What the hell?

  After laying the groundwork for a long time, one sentence is delicious, and it's gone?

  Unable to bear, Banner wanted to flip the table again.

  "Even if it's delicious."

  "I, Bruce Banner, starved to death today! Jump out of here! I'm dead outside! I can't eat... Hey, it smells good?"

  Moving his nose, Banner smelled a special fragrance.

  The unfinished second half of the sentence was immediately swallowed back into the stomach.


  After a while, Banner held the sea bowl with not a single grain of rice in it, with a contented expression on his face.

  "It's so fragrant!"

  Su Yang:...

  Good guy, sure enough, no one can escape the power of the true fragrance law.

  I was disgusted just now, no, I almost ate the bowl for you.

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