
  With Thor's voice calling, Heimdall's golden eyes became brighter and brighter in the ice!

  At the same time, the sound of ice cubes breaking suddenly appeared!

  Finally - bang!

  A loud bang!

  The frost all over his body burst inch by inch!Heimdall is out of trouble!


  Cold light flashed!

  Two swords quickly shot!

  Heimdall raised his sword and quickly killed the two frost giants guarding him!

  As the guardian god of Asgard, a member of the Asa god race, if he hadn't been attacked by Loki, he would not have been so easily trapped!


  Heimdall inserted the guardian sword into the control core and twisted it hard!

  Suddenly, a rainbow force extended, and the teleportation channel immediately appeared on the earth!

  Loki has just entered Asgard with the Frost Giant.

  This huge movement made him suddenly turn around!

  "Heimdall opens the rainbow bridge... Thor, he's coming back."

  Loki's face suddenly turned ugly.

  In his plan, kill Odin first, then cut off the connection between the Rainbow Bridge and the outside world, completely trap Thor on Earth, and find opportunities to kill him in the future!

  From now on, Asgard will make him king!

  But now, Thor is back...

  No, Odin can't be killed!

  As the thoughts flowed, Loki quickly realized that the original plan was no longer feasible.

  And looking at the frost giant who had entered Odin's sleeping place, solved the guard, and was about to kill Odin.

  Heart is a sideways.


  He suddenly raised his scepter and stabbed it hard!

  The frost giant turned his head with incredible difficulty, his eyes full of shock and... puzzled!


  It was obviously Loki who proposed to join forces with him to kill Odin... But why, when he was about to succeed, he actually started against him!

  The Frost Giant is incomprehensible, he doesn't understand, he doesn't understand why Loki wants to kill himself!

  However, he had no chance to ask Loki his own question.


  The scepter sent out a huge energy, and Loki made another blow!

  This time, the Frost Giant was completely wiped out!

  "Loki, you saved him, you saved your father."

  After being hit to the ground just now, Frigga immediately rushed over and hugged Loki.

  And as his mother hugged him, the expression on Loki's face changed instantly.

  The coldness disappeared, and it was replaced by... a warmth!

  "I swear to you, mother."

  "The Frost Giants will pay for what they did today, I promise!"


  However, at this moment Thor suddenly appeared.

  Interrupted his performance!


  When Frigga saw that his other exiled son had finally returned, a surprise appeared on his face.

  "I knew you would come back."

  Frigga let go of Loki and turned to embrace Thor excitedly.

  And looking at the reunion of the mother and son.

  A shadow flashed in Loki's eyes.

  After all... Thor is her son.

  Although his heart was already gloomy and water was about to drip, but on his face, Loki did not show any dissatisfaction.

  I even squeezed out a trace of joy because I saw Thor's return!

  But this expression fell in Thor's eyes, but it made him feel very disgusted!

  "Why don't you tell mother the truth."

  "You want to kill me, kill my friends, want to kill my father!"

  "What?" Frigga was stunned. "Thor, what are you talking about?"

  She couldn't believe it.

  His own son cannibalized, and Loki wants to kill his father!

  "I'm just carrying out my father's final edict." Loki raised his scepter cautiously towards Thor.

  "You still lie so much, always, never change, Loki!"

  "Thank you for the compliment."

  Loki suddenly put away his scepter and, as usual, joked with his brother.

  However, the voice fell.


  Loki suddenly attacked!

  A huge amount of energy erupted from the scepter, and with a single blow, Thor was directly knocked into the air!

  Smash through the walls of Asgard and quickly fall down!


  One hit, but Loki didn't dare to pursue it at all.

  He knew that an attack of this magnitude simply could not defeat Thor.

  Summons your own mount.

  Da Da Da~

  Quickly head towards the Rainbow Bridge.

  He wants to get into the Rainbow Bridge control core.


  However, just as he stepped on the Rainbow Bridge, behind him, a thundercloud suddenly covered him!

  Thor wielded Thor's hammer, carrying the might of thunder, and caught up!


  Thor threw Thor's hammer and slammed it at Loki!

  One hit hit!

  But Loki, who was hit, suddenly... disappeared out of thin air!

  "Thor, this is all a conspiracy of the frost giants."

  "Let me destroy them all now!"

  Loki's true form appears in the control core at the end of the Rainbow Bridge.

  Heimdall has been taken away by Fandral and others for treatment. At this moment, there is no day here.

  After speaking, Loki inserted his scepter into the control core and twisted it hard!


  The huge energy of the Rainbow Bridge exploded at this moment!

  Instead of opening the teleportation channel, it showed a powerful destructive power!

  Energy travels through space and descends upon the frost giant's excess - Jotunheim!

  Countless frost giants were completely stunned by this sudden attack!

  Meow meow meow?

  It's none of my business that you immortals fight!

  In fact, it was none of their business. Ever since he was beaten by Odin, ordinary frost giants have long lost the idea of ​​becoming an enemy of Asgard.

  But Loki needs to launch this attack to convince Thor that all this is a conspiracy of the frost giants!

  And he, Loki, wants to destroy the Frost Giant and avenge Odin!

  - Of course, Thor certainly wouldn't believe it, but who cares?As long as the diva Frigga believes, it will be successful.


  Thor wasn't stupid enough to believe Loki's nonsense.

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