New York, Airplanes, Hydra, Dodgers...


  Steve looked up suddenly!

  "Where the hell am I!?"

  This time, Steve suddenly stood up, his eyes were aggressive, straight to the woman in front of him!

  "Yes, in New York." Stared at by Steve's sharp eyes, the woman's face flashed an unnatural look: "I don't understand what you mean, Captain."

  "April 1941, 5."

  "Dodgers vs. Glenn."

  Steve walked towards the woman step by step, with a gloomy face, constantly exerting invisible pressure on the other party!

  The woman couldn't help but start to back away.

  He quietly put his hand on the handle behind the door, and the other hand was quietly placed behind his back.

  As soon as the cuff loosened, a signal rod fell into the palm of his hand.

  "The game wasn't live because ... I was there at the time."

  The woman was stunned.

  "I'll ask you one last time, where am I!"

  Without hesitation, the woman quickly pressed the signal stick in her hand!


  A weak signal sounded in the room. Although the sound was not loud, it was clearly noticed by Steve.

  I don't know what this woman is doing, but years of combat experience tell him that he must take the initiative!


  Steve rushed out vigorously, reached out and grabbed the woman's arm, twisted backwards, and controlled the woman's back!

  Then... bang!

  Slammed into the door!

  The door that opened inward was kicked away under Steve's strong kick!

  "Let go of the hostages!"

  "lay down!"

  "Hold your head in your hands and squat down!"

  Outside the door, dozens of guns were raised at the same time!

  All the dark muzzles were aimed at Steve!

  Steve was stunned.

  The door was kicked open, only then did he find out.

  As expected, he was not in some post-operative recovery room, but in a false environment created by others!

  Yes, it is a fake environment that has been built.

  Beyond the door is a wide hall.

  The hall was empty, only a team of fully armed soldiers and the wooden house behind him!

  "..." Su Yang was speechless.

  At this moment, he is standing on the second floor of the hall, looking down at all this.

  "I said Nick, you are too careful, isn't this your first super soldier? And he is a hero who has made military exploits. As for being so careful?"

  The US team wakes up, how could Su Yang miss such an iconic event.

  He estimated that according to the original time line, after Thor returned, the US team should almost wake up, so he has been walking around S.H.I.E.L.D. for the past few days.

  Sure enough, I just came across this good show today.

  But the play made him a little speechless.

  So incompetent, and still guarding Steve like a thief, what do you mean?Afraid that Steve's temperament will change drastically after sleeping for 70 years, and he will be called the second Red Skull?

  But speaking of Red Skull, he should be guarding the Soul Stone on Vormir now, right?

  Su Yang's thoughts diverged here, and his mind wandered to Planet Vormir.

  On the other hand, Coulson nodded approvingly, obviously feeling the same way about Su Yang's words.

  He is a big fan of Steve and grew up watching Steve's story!

  "The boss is right, Director."

  "The captain is the first super soldier. Didn't he choose him to inject super soldier serum because of his loyalty?"

  "Now that you have arranged it like this, it seems... uh."

  Nick glared at Coulson and directly pushed the other half of the other's sentence back into his stomach.

  Well...he thinks he's going a little too far.

  Before the conflict below occurred, he pressed the microphone beside his ear.


  "Sorry for arranging such a stupid farce."

  "But, Captain Steve, my original intention was to create a gentle environment for you to adapt to this new world."

  After a few minutes, the members of the special forces team left.

  Only Su Yang, Nick, Coulson, and today's focus, US captain Steve, were left at the scene.

  "new world?"

  Although there are some vague guesses, Steve still wants to ask more clearly.

  Nick was silent for a while, as if he was sorting out the language, or trying to answer in a gentler way.

  But Su Yang answered bluntly.

  "Steve, you've been sleeping, it's been a full 70 years now, and it's a new world for you now."

  70 years!

  The answer came from Su Yang's mouth, and Steve was stunned on the spot!

  Seeing Steve's unbearable appearance like being struck by lightning for a while, Coulson couldn't bear it......

  He poked Su Yang's arm: "I said boss, if you are so direct, the captain will probably have a hard time accepting it."

  "But it's hard to accept and you have to accept it, don't you?" Su Yang shrugged indifferently: "Besides, you underestimate Steve too much."

  "His heart is much stronger than you think."

  It turns out that Su Yang was right.

  Although the fact of sleeping for 70 years is cruel, it is also difficult to accept.

  But after only a moment of stunned, Steve spoke again.

  "I need evidence." He said solemnly.

  Although he knew that the other party was unlikely to deceive himself with this extremely easily exposed 'lie', he still wanted to see some evidence.

  "no problem."

  For Steve's small request, Nick has long been prepared.

  Soon, the blonde beauty just now appeared again.

  This time it was a laptop.

  "Everything you want to see is here."

  Clicking on the video in existence, Nick placed it in front of Steve.

  The end of World War II, the establishment of S.H.I.E.L.D., the transformation of the world pattern, the development of science and technology...

  In the order of the timeline, there are also various video materials to support it.

  At the end of the video, Nick simply turned off the hidden mode of the hall window to reveal the outside scene.

  When I saw that the place I was in was the top of the high-rise building, and outside... the advanced never-before-seen fighter jets were parked at the airport, as well as the skyscrapers looming in the distance.

  Steve was silent.

  This time, he really believed it.

  "So Howard, Bucky, and..." Here, he paused: "And Peggy, are they all gone?"

  Steve immediately thought of his former partner.

  "Howard Stark died early in an accident, Bucky? You mean Sergeant Barnes?"

  "When you were on your last mission, Sergeant Barnes was also missing, and it is estimated that he was also sacrificed."

  Coulson replied, "As for Agent Carter Page, she's still here."

  "Not only is she still alive, but the S.H.I.E.L.D. we are now in is her..."

  "Peggy's still alive!"

  However, before Coulson could finish speaking, Steve suddenly became excited.

  Grabbing Coulson's arm: "Take me to see her!"

  "No problem, no problem, Ms. Peggy has already contacted us, and I will see you when you wake up... sigh! See you once."

  Steve was in a hurry, didn't pay attention, and grinned at Coulson.

  As Coulson spoke, he reached out to break Steve's palm apart.

  And this time...


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