The doctor stands by an instrument.

  "The situation is very bad." The doctor frowned deeply and said without turning his head.

  "What happened? Why did the universe cube start by itself?" Nick was eager to see what happened.

  This passive situation made him feel out of control.


  The doctor turned his head to look at the cube of the universe, which was getting brighter and brighter.

  "Perhaps it's opening a... door?"


  Hearing this answer, Nick froze for a moment.

  However, he didn't wait for him to continue asking.


  Suddenly, a burst of energy even more powerful than before burst out!

  The rising energy fluctuations of the universe Rubik's Cube become reality at this moment!



  Nick, Coulson, Dr. Selweger, and Barton, who was condescending and vigilant on the second floor of the research room, all turned their heads to look over!

  And Nick finally understood at this time, the door... what the Doctor meant by that door!

  I saw that a strong, but not dazzling blue light shot out from the universe cube!

  The blue light gathered into a beam, and at the other end of the beam, a space wormhole slowly emerged.

  Through impulse, looming.

  At that end is the vast and boundless starry sky of the universe!

  The wormhole is getting bigger and bigger, and the light is getting more and more dazzling.

  When inflated to a height of around two meters... bang!

  A sudden explosion!

  The vigorous energy was so dazzling that it was hard to look directly at it.

  Nick and the others closed their eyes involuntarily!

  And this dazzling energy fluctuation came suddenly and went quickly.

  After a few breaths, he felt the light dissipate, and Nick slowly opened his eyes.

  Then I saw... a figure appeared in the original location of the wormhole.

  "Put your hands up!"

  "Don't move!"

  The security agent present immediately raised the weapon in his hand, aimed the muzzle at the figure, and approached slowly at the same time.

  The figure slowly and slowly raised its head.

  "Is this how you treat... God?"

  The figure smiled strangely at the crowd.

  And seeing the weird smile on his face, the secret agent closest to him trembled for no apparent reason.

  "Are you afraid?"

  Loki stood up—this figure was none other than Loki who fell into the abyss of the universe after the Rainbow Bridge broke.

  "Scared? That's right."


  "It was terrifying."


  After Loki finished speaking, he raised the scepter in his hand.

  An energy attack instantly blew the agent into a ball of fire!

  Da da da!

  Seeing that Loki launched an attack, the other agents no longer hesitated.

  Pull the trigger, the muzzle sprayed with flames, and the cartridge case fell to the ground.

  All the firepower at this moment did not have the slightest reservation, and poured all out to Loki!

  However, despite being targeted by countless muzzles.

  The bullet landed on the body, but it didn't even cause damage to Loki's clothes!

  Loki, he is not afraid of bullet attacks!

  "Director, let's go!"

  Seeing that Loki started to slaughter under the attack of the agents, Barton yelled at Nick!

  Then... pulled out a huge bow and arrow!

  A silver bow with sharp barbs at both ends...


  As Patton slowly pulled up the bowstring.

  A silent wave appeared in the research room.

  This movement was felt by Loki.

  No, it's not just feeling.

  There is also a dangerous aura, the terrifying heart palpitations of being stared at by beasts!

  Under the palpitations, Loki turned his head suddenly.

  And when he saw the bow and arrow in Patton's hand, his face showed the first frightened expression since he appeared here!

  Yes, fright!

  Although he doesn't know what this bow and arrow is, Loki's sixth sense tells him - danger!

  At this time, Patton's strength reached its limit.

  The bowstring is loosened--


  Like a meteor falling to the ground!

  A little arrow, and quickly went towards Loki! .

Chapter 63

  Chapter 59 The life-saving spiritual scepter, Barton is out of control! 【Please customize~~~】

  One arrow, whizzing!

  The arrows are getting bigger and bigger in Loki's eyes!

  In the blink of an eye, his pupils were already filled!

  Loki's heart suddenly rang out.

  A dangerous aura filled every corner of his body.

  He wants to escape, he wants to hide!

  But at this instant of life and death, he didn't have time to do more to escape, he could only subconsciously raise the scepter in his hand...

  I didn't have too much hope, just a subconscious act of self-help.

  But what Loki didn't expect - was...

  A crackling sound.

  When the terrifying arrow touched the yellow gem in the scepter, it suddenly shattered, just like that-...annihilated?


  Loki was stunned for a moment, as if he couldn't believe that he actually survived under this arrow.

  And Barton, who was opposite him, was also stunned.


  Isn't it rare that the boss blows this bow in the sky and the ground, and it is very aggressive?

  ... But why did he ejaculate twice, and he missed both times!

  Barton looked confused, and even felt that he was fooled by Su Yang.

  But he didn't think about who the opponents he faced with these two arrows.

  Needless to say, for the first time, what Su Yang understood and mastered was the power of the rules of this world after he had penetrated into the source wing!Although it is still very elementary and cannot rewrite the rules, just using it has allowed him to look down on the vast majority of existences in this world.

  And this time... it can only be said that Patton was out of luck.

  The scepter in Loki's hand is called the Spirit Scepter, which has the ability to enter the mind of everything that exists and change its will.

  And the yellow gemstone inlaid on it is the soul gemstone, one of the six infinity gemstones!

  Infinity Stones are almost indestructible by external forces.

  Although the power of this arrow is not small, it can only end in being crushed when encountering the Infinity Stone.

  "Damn, how dare you attack the gods!"

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