At the last moment before the explosion, Nick and Hill boarded the plane on the roof and escaped.

  On the plane, I watched the entire building razed to the ground in an instant in the explosion.

  Although the universe was out of control because of the Rubik's Cube, Hill arranged for the personnel to retreat in advance.

  But even so, there are still many agents and civilians who could not be evacuated in time and died in the explosion.

  Fortunately, although this research base was reached through the elevator inside SHIELD, it was not at the bottom of the headquarters of SHIELD's Tricurve Wing.

  Instead, it curved and extended even out of the small island where the three curved wings were located.

  It was a blessing in disguise that it did not cause too much damage to the headquarters of the three-curved wing.

  After all, if the headquarters were bombed, the loss would be too great!

  Not to mention the hundreds of agents in the headquarters, those hundreds of lives.

  Just those advanced and expensive fighters are a very big loss.

  Not to mention... the big killer of the sky carrier!

  Nick is fortunate that when he chose the research location of the Cosmos Rubik's Cube, he took an extra step and chose a location that could be directly reached from the headquarters of the Shen[-] Shield Bureau, but it was not at the headquarters.

  Otherwise, today's accident would be enough to make him regret it for the rest of his life.

  "Have you been notified?"

  The explosion is over, the sacrifice of personnel has become an established fact, Nick withdrew his eyes.

  There is more to do now.

  "Steve, Natasha, and even Tony and Dr. Banner were notified."

  Hill called out a string of names.

  These are the people Nick just notified him to contact.

  "Where's Su Yang?"

  Nick frowned.

  He didn't hear Su Yang's name.

  "Also contacted, but..." Hill hesitated.

  "Just what?" Nick continued to frown.

  "It's just that he said... If you want him to be a thug to work for us, you don't need to say anything. Unless there is business, he will be lazy... er, he will be too lazy to run for nothing."

  Nick was speechless.

  Well, the boss sure knows what he's up to.

  This is not giving any face at all. Seeing through himself, he wants him to take action for S.H.I.E.L.D., so he just pointed it out.

  Pure businessman... tsk, really a pure businessman.

  Remembering that Su Yang often talked about his identity, Nick shook his head and seemed a little helpless every time he claimed his identity.

  Originally, he was going to take this opportunity to also pull Su Yang into his superhero league.

  Although I haven't seen him make a move, according to Barton's description, this boss's strength is unfathomable!

  Before, it was only a vague guess that could not be confirmed, but now that it is known.

  Let me ask, with such a master by his side, how could Nick not be jealous?

  Superheroes... I'm really short of people right now.


  Nick suddenly remembered something, and immediately said to Hill again.

  "Contact Tony again and ask him to remember to call that sea... Pai Daxing? Is it the name Pai Daxing?"

  "Let him bring Pai Daxing over as well."

  Hill froze for a while, and there was a hint of inconceivable on his delicate facial features: "Director, are you sure?"

  As Nick's deputy, she naturally knew about the existence of Pai Daxing.

  And she's also faintly... No, it's already certain that Nick is shaking people all over the world!

  Let Pai Daxing join in?


  This is crazy!

  Are you really ready to expose the starfish that only uses martial arts and controls the sky in battle armor to the world?

  Hill's doubts did not give Nick the slightest shake.

  Not only insisted on Tony's decision to bring Paida over.

  Even he is ready to... bring the time chicken with him!

  Although Time Chicken now eats and sleeps, the rest is to brag with the dogs of the Paws, and it does not show any strangeness of the reincarnation of the sun god.

  But what if you suddenly wake up?

  It is also a powerful help at that time.

  As for the Wang Wang team...

  Forget it, the starfish and the chicken are here anyway, so let's also come with these dogs.

  Taking this opportunity, it just gave them a reasonable reason to walk out of S.H.I.E.L.D. and appear in front of ordinary people.

  Engineering vehicles and fire trucks, maybe they can also act as a rescue team during the war.

  After so much consideration, Nick thought for a while.

  The superhero league, which was originally a few people, was enriched at once.


  "That's outrageous, Chief Nick!"

  "How dare you start the research on the cosmic Rubik's Cube without receiving an order!"

  "You have to take full responsibility for this accident!"

  Back to S.H.I.E.L.D.

  Nick was not in his office, but in a conference room.

  The conference room was tightly sealed, and it was obvious that the confidentiality level of this meeting was very high.

  But at the moment, there is only Nick in the conference room.

  All other participants in the meeting were present via video.

  There is a figure in each of the big screens in front of Nick.

  At this moment, on one of the screens, a lean, white-haired old man was furious, obviously dissatisfied with what had just happened.

  "Mr. Senator, have you participated in the war, have you fought?"

  He didn't show any dissatisfaction or anger because of the other's scolding. After the other party finished speaking, Nick asked quite calmly.

  "War is never uncontrollable."

  "Even if I didn't start the research on the Rubik's Cube privately, the war should come or come."

  "You should be thankful, thankful that because of my 'mistake', the intruder was discovered in time, and he knew his ambitions."


  The white-haired congressman in the video is obviously a person with an explosive temper. He is so soft and hard by Nick, and immediately wants to attack.

  "Okay, now is not the time to be held accountable."

  At this time, the only woman in the audience interrupted the argument between the two.

  She looked at Nick: "Director Nick, do you mean that Asgard is going to start a full-scale war on Earth?"

  Nick turned to look at her: "Not Asgard 0......"

  "Just Loki."

  "But since he dares to come, he will never fight alone. What about the other...'God'?" Someone interjected.

  Obviously, after the Quake incident, these people already knew the existence of Asgard and Thor.

  Nick was silent for a while after hearing the words, and then answered.

  "According to our intelligence, Thor is not the enemy."

  "On the contrary, he is Loki's enemy."

  "Is he Loki's enemy?" said the female congressman in the video: "Then we might try to contact Thor and let him, Odin, or some other god of Asgard, bring Loki back. "

  The proposal of female MPs is not without merit.

  The so-called enemy of the enemy is a friend. Since Loki has betrayed Asgard, as long as he informs them of Loki's news on Earth, I believe that Asgard will solve Loki without the earth's own action.

  However, although the proposal is good, it is difficult to achieve.

  Nick shook his head: "I can't."

  "We have no way of contacting Asgard."

  After speaking, everyone in the room fell silent for a while.

  In this way, there is no other way than to face Loki's threat directly.

  In other words, war is inevitable.

  "Director Nick, we have already seen the 'Avengers Project' you submitted, but this plan was abandoned a long time ago. Do you think restarting him will be able to deal with Loki?"

  "Of course!" Nick replied without thinking: "Fighting an enemy with super strength, ordinary soldiers and weapons have no effect at all."

  "Only superheroes can fight against Loki!"

  "But are we going to hand the fate of the world to... a bunch of freaks?"

  The congressman who spoke first who had been silent for a long time couldn't bear it any longer.

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