A smiling face appeared in front of him.

  Thinking about it, isn't this the young man who just stood beside the big braised egg?

  That's right, it was Su Yang who shot.

  Sending the bomb into the wormhole and saving more than 800 million people in New York is the highlight of Tony's career. How could Su Yang tolerate someone destroying such a memorable moment?

  So, he set out.

  Squeeze the space to form an invisible barrier, imprisoning Loki.

  This is... the power of space!

  Or rather, it's the ability to rewrite the rules!

  After purchasing Source Wing for the first time, Su Yang sold it to many people sporadically and gained a lot of points.

  On the air carrier, Nick's big purchase before the war made Su Yang completely earn enough points to buy the second pair of Origin Wings.

  The first pair of Origin Wings allowed him to understand the rules.

  And this second pair of Origin Wings will allow him to rewrite the rules!

  In the war just now, he never made a move. In addition to handing over the battlefield to the Avengers who were able to deal with it, another important reason was because he had been reading the information in the source wing.

  The operation of space rules is the ability he has just mastered.

  Su Yang's silent shot really frightened Loki.

  He had always thought that Su Yang was the least threatening of all.

  It doesn't look like a fighter, and he hasn't shot, and he doesn't show any combat effectiveness at all.

  But at this time, Su Yang's sudden action made Loki really feel scared.

  No wonder the other party has been watching the play from beginning to end, dare to love... This is the hidden boss!

  S.H.I.E.L.D.... how many of these exist?

  Loki's fighting spirit doesn't tell the whole story, but at least half of it has disintegrated after Su Yang's attack.

  At this time, he finally wanted to understand something.

  The mysterious man who did not reveal his identity clearly has an army and a mind scepter, but why didn't he come to Earth to do all this, but chose to trade with himself.

  Maybe... he has long known that the earth has such a terrifying hidden combat power!

  As the god of deceit, Loki's intelligence is beyond doubt.

  But at this point, he wanted to fork 0......

  What the other party is afraid of is not Su Yang, but... the one on the snowy mountain.

  Of course, if they knew of Su Yang's existence, they might also be afraid.


  Loki's brainstorming here is not to mention.

  And because of Su Yang's sudden intervention, no one can stop Tony's progress.

  Without any accident, the helix was successfully sent into space by him.

  At the last moment before the bomb exploded, Tony successfully returned to Earth from the opposite side of the wormhole.

  At the same time, Natasha suddenly closed the universe cube - the wormhole, and completely disappeared.

  Although no explosions were heard.

  But when Tony fell from the sky, everyone knew that the Chitauri army was over.

  The signal centers of the Zetas soldiers who are still on Earth are all in that base camp.

  As if the pause button was pressed, all the remaining Zeta Swiss soldiers on the earth suddenly lost their ability to move.

  Those flying in the sky fell directly, while those on the ground all fell to the ground and became a pile of scrap metal.

  War, won.


  "Natasha, Tony, Chief..."

  In a messy Stark Building.

  Natasha used the Psychic Scepter to free Loki from the control he had placed on Patton, helping him regain his sanity.

  Although it was controlled, Barton obviously still had a memory of everything that happened during this time.


  After sweeping his eyes in front of everyone, he saw at a glance that Loki, who was bound outside with the cold wind and could not leave.

  The picture that flashed in his mind, remembering what he had done in country D and this war, Barton suddenly burst into anger.


  Pulling out the longbow behind his back, Barton charged directly towards Loki.

  He couldn't help but want to vent his anger and beat the culprit who controlled him!

  However, he was stopped.

  "Cough cough."

  Su Yang stopped Patton.

  Pointing to Loki.

  "Sorry Patton, now that Loki is my client, I know you really want to beat him up, but for now... wait for him to finish the deal with me?"


  Hearing this, Barton was stunned for a moment.

  Loki almost destroyed the whole of New York, and now, the boss actually wants to trade with him?

  To sell that magic jar... to him?

  "Are you serious boss?"

  Barton asked in amazement. .

Chapter 75

  Chapter 71 Wisdom Luck of the God of Deceit, Time Stopper! 【Please customize~~~】

  He was a life-and-death rival just now, a destroyer trying to invade the earth.

  As soon as he turned his head, Su Yang was going to trade with Loki and sell him that magical jar!

  This sudden scene caught many people, including Barton, by surprise.

  Also very incomprehensible.

  "Are you serious? Su."

  Nick asked sternly.

  As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., at this time, he felt that he had to stop Su Yang's dangerous move.

  If you put it on the battlefield... no, this is the battlefield!What is Su Yang's behavior called?

  This is called the enemy!

  But Nick obviously forgot something...

  Su Yang, he is not a S.H.I.E.L.D. person at all!

  People are not under his control at all!

  "Why, do you all feel bad?"

  Su Yang was not angry because of Nick's reaction.

  Thinking from another perspective, if he just won a war, and when he turns his head, someone wants to make a deal with the initiator of the war, and make a deal that may make the initiator of the war stronger.

  Then you will definitely be unhappy.

  So, for Nick's reaction, he can understand.

  But although he can understand it, it doesn't mean that he has to consider Nick's idea and go to 09 according to his intention.

  Still that sentence, he is not a SHIELD person, why should I listen to you?

  "I'm sorry, he wants to buy, I want to sell, so... sorry."

  Su Yang shrugged.

  Although he said sorry, there was no regret on his face.

  "Why?" Nick asked.

  "Because..." Su Yang thought for a while and gave an answer: "Because the real culprit of this war is not him."

  He knew what Nick was asking why.

  Loki has done so many things, why should he trade with him?

  After all, it is a big customer who has supported a lot of business, and almost everyone present is his customer.

  For the sake of future business, Su Yang felt that there was no need to hide it, and to reveal some of the things that should be revealed.

  So, he quickly told Loki to cooperate with people, and the person behind him was the culprit who really created this war.

  In general, Loki is actually the one who was used in this matter.

  And as for himself...he's just a loser trying to gain recognition as the king of Asgard.

  Otherwise, he wouldn't be madly wanting to destroy the earth because the destroyer he sent was destroyed on the earth?

  Please, the Destroyer belongs to Odin, so he doesn't feel bad.

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