Forget it, forget it, be a coward.

  A trace of resentment flashed on Loki's face, he put away the time stopper, and immediately opened the next jar.

  ""The Self-cultivation of Actors" ¨.?"

  The jar opened, and this time a book appeared inside.

  Although the book cover was something Loki had never seen before, a boxy, brick-like font.

  But it is very strange to see the meaning of 'understood' above.

  "Is this a book?" Loki asked.

  "Yes." Su Yang nodded. "It's a book that teaches you how to be an actor, and it feels right for you."

  "As the god of deceit, you usually change into someone else's appearance. Learning how to improve your acting skills is very suitable for you."


  Loki was speechless.

  He lived for 1500 years and pretended to be someone else how many times.

  He still needs to read books to learn his acting skills?

  Spicy chicken!Nothing!

  Loki threw "The Self-Cultivation of Actors" aside, obviously not interested in him at all.


  Continue to open cans.

  After opening two jars in a row, Loki has fallen in love with this feeling.

  Unknown, not knowing what will appear next, this sense of fun is actually one of the charms of the jar.

  But today I became a loser on the battlefield. Unexpectedly, in opening the can, Loki's luck was not very good, and he failed.

  The third and fourth jars are the same useless gadgets.

  In a blink of an eye, only the last of the five jars remained.

  "Come on something useful!" Loki secretly prayed.

  He knew that he was now a prisoner, and there were only two endings waiting for him.

  Either stay on Earth and be imprisoned by that braised egg, or be brought back to Asgard by Thor to be judged by Odin.

  But instead of staying on Earth, he would rather go back to Asgard - a bunch of mortals who deserve to judge me?

  Although returning to Asgard may end up worse, but as arrogant as he is, he would rather go to Odin's trial.

  After all, Asgard was undoubtedly more familiar to him than Earth.

  At that time, if you want to escape, you will have more chances - this boss is too scary, and to give yourself a prison like just now, there is simply no way to escape.

  He knew now that punishment was inevitable, and the only thing he could hope for was a chance to get something useful out of a jar that would give him a chance to escape from Asgard later.

  The so-called is to never forget, there must be echoes.

  Or maybe Loki's prayers really worked.

  In the fifth jar, he finally opened something that might help him.

  "Fake Death Capsule: After use, the user can temporarily fall into a state of suspended animation, and the effective time is 3 days."

  After listening to Su Yang's introduction and taking this inconspicuous capsule from him, Loki's eyes suddenly lit up!

  'Dead'... there's no reason to keep me in custody, right?

  "Okay, the five jars are over, and our deal is over."

  Su Yang stood up and gave Loki a meaningful look before leaving.

  From the surprise in Loki's eyes, it was not difficult for him to guess what he would do with this suspended animation capsule.

  But... does it have anything to do with him?


  The deal was completed, and Loki, the captive, was handed over to Thor.

  Thor has already talked to Nick just now, and he will bring Loki back to Asgard.

  Nick, of course, had no problem with Thor's proposal.

  After all, it is still somewhat difficult to imprison such a 'god' with the ability of earthlings.

  To be on the safe side, let him leave the earth, the farther away the better.

  "After repairing the Rainbow Bridge, I will return the Cosmic Rubik's Cube as soon as possible."

  Thor said goodbye to Nick and the others, standing side by side with Loki, holding the cosmic cube, and then preparing to use its energy to send it back to Asgard.

  "Hey, by the way, the Rainbow Bridge has been broken, so how did you get here?"

  Thor was about to start teleportation at this time, when suddenly, Coulson asked.

  Since the last time he saw the Rainbow Bridge in New Moses, Coulson has been very interested in him, and after returning, he has made up for some myths about it-the gods in Norse mythology are actually very good. The Asgardians who came to the earth long ago, so there are also records about the Rainbow Bridge on the earth.

  "Thanks to those jars I brought home last time," Thor replied.

  However, instead of looking at Coulson, he turned to face Su Yang.

  "' 'Boss, it's fortunate that you reminded me last time that the jar hasn't been opened yet."

  "Otherwise, I won't be able to come to Earth to borrow the universe Rubik's cube."


  Su Yang didn't know why.

  Although when the jar is opened, he can get a prompt from the system and know what is opened.

  But Thor's jars were brought back to Asgard to open, perhaps because of the distance, so that he still doesn't know that those jars have been opened.

  Thor immediately told the story of opening the jar with Odin on the Rainbow Bridge.

  At that time, when the jar was opened, Odin felt a very familiar energy from it - dark energy!

  Dark energy is a very special kind of energy in the universe. It has many magical uses, and there are also many in Odin's treasure trove.

  And studying dark energy for many years, Odin has mastered one of its uses - that is teleportation!

  However, the dark energy required for transmission is very huge, and the collection in his treasury alone is not enough to transmit Thor to Earth.

  And the dark energy obtained in the jar just makes up for those deficiencies.

  Only this can support a teleportation, send Thor over, seek the universe cube, and bring it back to repair the Rainbow Bridge.

  Speaking of which, the discovery of Loki on Earth was also Thor's accidental discovery.

  In fact, his original purpose was to borrow the universe cube...

  "I see."

  After listening to (Wang's) what Thor said about the experience, Su Yang was stunned.

  But he didn't take credit. After all, people paid for it.


  After solving Coulson's doubts, Thor left.

  And with Thor and Loki gone, a problem that made Nick even more headaches was placed in front of him-that is, the problem of cleaning up after the war.

  Manhattan, and even the smaller half of New York, was devastated by this invasion.

  Just now, he has received a notice from the council that S.H.I.E.L.D. is responsible for the post-war clean-up.

  This made Nick very helpless.

  S.H.I.E.L.D. is a department set up to deal with supernatural threats, aftermath?When did this belong to S.H.I.E.L.D.?

  "Colson, I'll leave this to you."

  Nick was thrown into a mess by the council, and he simply threw his hands away and handed the job directly to Coulson.

  Leaving a confused Coulson in the wind.

  But after all, he is experienced, and soon, Coulson thought of a way - that is to contract out!

  Divide the damaged areas into individual areas and contract them out to private companies to clean them up.

  This method is very simple and rude, but it is undoubtedly the most worry-free way to deal with it.

  And what Coulson didn't know was.

  It is precisely because of his idea that a dangerous person has been created in New York! .

Chapter 77

  Chapter 71 Iron Man wrong evolution?Pepper's bad news【Please customize~~~】

  Stark Building.

  The Stark Building, which has just been fully upgraded and has been in use for less than a month, is now in ruins.

  In the hall on the first floor.

  Looking up from here, you can already see the sky above your head - this is a hole that was forcibly drilled by a Leviathan beast.

  At this time, half a month has passed since the Qitarui invasion.

  The post-war clean-up work has officially begun.

  At this time, it was very lively in the Stark Building, where the cleanup work began.

  Among the ruins, many people are working.

  A man in a cap and overalls stood out among the ruins.

  He walked around the halls, occasionally directing the truck to where it was supposed to go, and occasionally directing the workers to do things.

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