643 Therefore, he can only ask Su Yang.

  As for whether Su Yang will know, he is almost certain, because in his opinion, the boss is simply omnipotent and omniscient.

  "This is not urgent." Su Yang reminded: "Don't forget, Happy is still waiting for you in the hospital."

  "Yes, I almost forgot."

  Tony patted his head and came back to his senses.

  Happy was still waiting for him.

  "So, which of these two bottles is the Heaven Veil Secret Medicine?" he asked as he picked up the two bottles of potions in the trophy.

  "That's it."

  Su Yang gave the answer with just one glance.

  This thing is also available in the system mall, so it is not difficult for him to tell the difference.

  "Ok!" Tony bingo snapped his fingers.

  Immediately, he took the bottles of loot back to the ring-although he didn't know how to use the other things and what effects they would have, but now he can't bother to ask any more questions, at most he will ask the boss next time.

  "Wait." Seeing that Tony got into the armor and was about to leave, Su Yang stopped him.

  Pointing to the blue meteorite giant sword on the table, he said, "And this one."

  Seeing the huge two-handed sword, Tony felt a little troubled.

  He put a spare set of battle armor in his ring, and the space was almost filled with those bottles and jars. The two-handed sword was so big that it could no longer fit.

  After thinking about it, Tony simply picked up the giant sword and inserted it into the back of the armor.

  The metal armor on the back armor is separated by one layer, and it is directly fastened firmly.

  Just like that, with a giant sword on his back, Tony rushed out of the shop and flew towards the hospital.

  Tony, who was on his way to the hospital, didn't know yet.

  This two-handed sword will soon come in handy.

  Blue Meteorite Giant Sword: It is long rice and weighs 47 pounds. The blue is translucent and the sword body is straight. It can send out two different magical attacks of flame and freezing at the same time of physical attack!



  Tony's presence caused some commotion - after all, 'he' kidnapped ZT and was wanted just got on the news.

  ZT was kidnapped, and the kidnapper was a well-known figure named Tony Stark. For a time, there was almost no one who didn't know about it in the hospital.

  But although he knew it, in the face of Tony's arrival, no one dared to stop him, and could only look at him with a fearful look.

  Looking at the people who were hiding from him as if they had seen a ghost, and some doctors who quietly took out their mobile phones and started calling the police, Tony's face became more and more depressed.

  When has he ever been treated like this by others?

  "Damn Ten Commandments Gang, when I'm done with Happy, you'll have a good look!"

  Tony walked into Happy's ward with a gloomy face.


  In the ward, a nurse is changing Happy's medicine.

  Suddenly seeing Tony come in, obviously startled.

  In a panic, he smashed the potion on the cart and ran out in a hurry.


  Well, it's okay to go.

  Otherwise, when she was given medicine for Happy, it would be even more inexplicable to let her see that Happy, who was already dying, was getting better all of a sudden.

  Walking out of the armor, Tony moved his shoulders, which were a little sore in the armor.

  Then, with the palm of his hand on the ring, the Heaven Veil Secret Medicine appeared in his hand.


  "Are you sure it's in there?"

  In the hospital hall, a black man in military uniform appeared.

  "Yes, Colonel Rhodes, Tony Stark who kidnapped ZT is inside."

  Beside him, a doctor in a white coat pointed to the hospital with some panic.

  And in the distance behind him, a large group of people had already surrounded him.

  These are all doctors, nurses and patients who were scared and ran out after seeing Tony.

  "Please pay attention to your words, doctor." Rhode said with some displeasure: "Since Tony has already appeared here, it is impossible for ZT to be kidnapped by him."

  "Would a kidnapper dare to appear so blatantly?"

  Colonel Rhodes is one of Tony's best friends, and naturally he doesn't believe that Tony will kidnap ZT.

  Hearing the doctor's look of fear, he was very upset.

  He probably forgot, not long ago, who saved New York from aliens?

  "Colonel Rhodes, this is not enough to clear the suspicion of Stark."

  At this time, another white police officer with a bloated belly appeared in a police uniform.

  The white police officer said: "As far as I know, Tony's driver is in this hospital, he may be thinking..."

  "Captain Ryder." Before the white police officer Ryder could finish speaking, Rhode rudely interrupted him.

  "You said that you are a driver. If it were you, would you put yourself in danger for being a driver? And you are already carrying a warrant!"

  "Who knows."

  Ryder shrugged.

  "Didn't there be a TV station that said there was something between Tony and his driver..."


  At this time, Tony came out of the elevator.

  Seeing Tony appear, the white police officer immediately looks like a frightened rabbit.

  With a reaction speed that was completely incompatible with his size, he drew his pistol in the blink of an eye.


  "Give up resistance and surrender immediately! Get out of that damn armor."

  Tony really stopped.

  Seems to be watching the officer who draws a gun at himself.

  Then he turned his head to look at Rhodes.

  "Rod, did you bring this idiot?"

  "I don't have such idiots under my hands." Rhode shrugged, his tone was an unabashed mockery.

  "He he he, he..."

  At this time, the doctor beside Rhodes suddenly seemed to have seen a ghost.

  He trembled and pointed at a person beside Tony: "Damn! Isn't he dying!"

  Next to Tony is Happy.

  "Mr. Stark, how did you do it?!" The doctor seemed to have forgotten that Tony was the wanted criminal he was very afraid of just now, and his eyes suddenly became hot.

  A patient who was about to die has returned to normal so quickly, and there is no sign of injury at all.

  A medical miracle, a medical miracle!

  "Enough! You idiot, is this the time to talk about this!?"

  Ignored by Tony, ridiculed by Rhodes again, and now being robbed of the topic by the doctor.

  Officer Ryder, who pointed his gun at Tony, felt like an idiot right now, so he tried to regain control.

  "Tony Stark, I order you to get out of your armor and surrender to me!"

  "In the latest news, the kidnapper Tony has just released a video through an anonymous channel, in the video, they declare that the kidnapped ZT will be executed at the time of..."

  And just when the white police officer issued another warning.

  At this moment, a news broadcast suddenly appeared on the TV set on the wall of the hall.

  After the news was broadcast, the white police officer was stunned.

  Tony wants to execute ZT?

  So... who is this guy in front of me?


  How many people know the blue meteorite giant sword?

  Bubble in the comments section and I'll take a look.

Chapter 83

  Chapter 79 The fighting style of local tyrants is often so unpretentious~【Please customize~~~】

  The news on TV drew everyone's attention.

  After listening to the broadcast on the news, Tony turned to look at the white police officer.

  Spreading out his hands, he said helplessly, "Do you still think I'm the criminal who kidnapped ZT, Mr. JC?"

  The white police officer was speechless for a moment.

  Because the people who kidnapped ZT were so arrogant, they even broadcasted the scene where they were ready to kill ZT.

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