"This is my invention, and I call it the...Extreme Virus!"

  "Desperate, this is what you brought to me ten years ago. At that time, I even wanted to jump off the roof and end my life."

  "But, I figured it out."

  "A death like that doesn't make any sense, it's even just an opportunity for someone like you to laugh at me!"

  "Look what a stupid loser that was."

  "You must say that, right?"

  "So, I survived!"

  "And since I didn't choose to die, then I will use my whole life! To be your virus!"

  "One day, I will devour you!"

  "Wipe you out of this world!"

  At this time, Killian was in a state of madness.

  Madly venting everything that he has endured and insisted on for ten years!

  And everything about him is all thanks to Tony Stark!

  "If it's really like what you say..."

  And Tony seemed to really listen at this time.

  There was a rare trace of... guilt on his face?

  "If I really did what you said ten years ago, then I'm sorry." Tony said sincerely.

  Tony actually apologized?

  Killian could hardly believe his ears.

  "Cough, but actually what I want to say is." The guilt on Tony's face flashed, and he continued: "Actually, I didn't mean to play with you and hang you on the roof for a night."

  "It was just an accident."

  "You can only blame...Maya? That's the name, doesn't it? Seems like it is."

  "You can only blame Maya for being so charming..."

  Immediately, Tony slowly recalled what happened that night ten years ago.

  The expression on Killian's face was stunned again and again.


  Walter, Fake!

  Actually!It was because of a woman!

  Tony didn't put the pigeons on purpose, but because he wanted to go to C with Maya, he forgot himself waiting on the roof!

  The pain that I have remembered for ten years is actually... just a misunderstanding?

  No, not possible!

  "Do you think I'll believe your lies?"

  Killian suddenly raised his head and glared at Tony: "Don't try to use this lie to let me let you go!"

  "Sorry, all I said was..."

  Tony said seriously.

  However, before the words were finished, it was too late for him to explain.

  Because Killian has already rushed up!

  Although Tony has practiced some fighting, even fencing is a good sport.

  But for a weapon like the two-handed sword, it was his first real contact.

  So without any tricks, facing Killian who was rushing up, he raised his big sword and slashed at the head!


  Killian suddenly let out a scream of pain!

  I saw that his arm was cut off directly from the elbow under Tony's sword!

  Tony was also stunned.

  Special meow?

  Is it so sharp?

  He used all his strength to attack, and even exploded into a sea of ​​fire, but he failed to knock out a single finger of Killian.

  And with just such a sword, he actually cut off a hand directly from him?

  Rejoice Tony!

  I grabbed the sword in my hand even tighter!

  With this baby here, He Chou can't win!

  Killian had half his arm chopped off, and the anger in his heart grew stronger.

  He wasn't afraid at all because of Tony's attack just now, but he was angry and rushed up again!

  Repeating the old trick, Tony raised his hand and wanted to continue to strike again.

  But this time, Killian was on guard.

  While running, he forcibly turned around, dodging the fatal sword that slashed at his head!

  Then, he slammed into Tony's chest and kicked him away!

  "Cough cough!"

  A few meters away from the ground, Tony was kicked by Killian's kick and vomited blood directly!

  But the only hope was that the blue meteorite giant sword was still firmly held in his hands.

  The blood spat out touched the body of the sword, but what Tony didn't notice was that the blood slowly penetrated and disappeared!

  "Do you think you can live with such a thing? You underestimate my invention, Tony."

  Killian glanced at Tony, who was vomiting blood, and rushed up again.

  The threat of death is coming again.

  Although the pain in his chest was already piercing, Tony still held back his last strength.

  Raise your hand, hold your sword.

  Chop off!


  And as he slashed out, at this moment, a flame and a cold air suddenly appeared out of thin air!

  From the blue meteorite giant sword in Tony's hand, it rushed towards Killian frantically! .

Chapter 86

  Chapter 82 The disagreement between Steve and Nick, the insight into the plan is lost [Please customize~~~]

  The azure-blue meteorite giant sword spewed out two magical attacks, one ice and one fire, like two giant dragons, instantly shrouding Killian in it.


  Killian, who was wrapped in ice and fire, kept howling miserably, as if he was suffering great pain!

  It stands to reason that after the transformation of the Extremis virus, the fire damage has no threat to him.

  After all, the temperature of his body has far exceeded that of ordinary flames!

  But what is terrifying is that the magical attack exhaled by the blue meteorite giant sword is not only the flame, but also the extreme cold!

  This cold air touched Killian's body, and the extreme heat suddenly encountered extreme cold, which instantly brought a very big damage to Killian's body!

  What happens when extreme heat meets extreme cold?

  Tony saw it now.

  I saw Killian in the flames, and his body suddenly looked like... shattered porcelain!


  Inch by inch, broken piece by piece!

  That's it... shattered!


  S.H.I.E.L.D., Steve, who had just returned from a rescue mission, walked into Nick's office angrily.

  "Nick, I need an explanation."

  "Why is there a mission I don't know about in this operation, you lied to me!"

  It turned out that just last night, Steve and Natasha set off together and went to the sea to perform a rescue mission to rescue a hijacked warship belonging to S.H.I.E.L.D.

  While completing the task, Nick suddenly found out.

  The so-called S.H.I.E.L.D. warship is actually a lie, and Natasha has other tasks privately assigned by Nick—copying the confidential documents on the warship!

  This made Steve feel like he was being used by Nick right away.

  The so-called rescue is actually an invasion!

  "I'm not lying, Steve." Nick looked up: "It's just that Natasha's mission is different from yours."

  "What about that warship?"

  Steve continued to question: "The warship you and I mentioned is actually not from S.H.I.E.L.D.!"

  Steve is a person with strong principles, or a sense of justice.

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