Chapter 14

  Berkeley breathed a sigh of relief when Zhang Yang answered in the affirmative.

  He looked at all the apprentices on the training ground and did not forget to encourage them: "However, don't get discouraged, learn magic, that's what it is, as long as you work hard, you will definitely achieve great things in the future."

  "Your primary purpose now is to hurry up your practice, become a trainee mage, and then go out for actual combat."

  "Kama Taj is just your starting point, and where you can go in the end and what kind of people you become. It depends on what you hear in the outside world."

  Berkeley's words are serious.

  The so-called practice.

  It's not just about cultivating, but more importantly, doing.

  As the name suggests, it means to go to the outside world to take a look.

  Several times, he has reached the realm of the Supreme Master Gu Yi, and he often goes out for wandering.

  The so-called Yunyou is not to go out to play, but to better contact nature and other magical elements, thereby improving the ability of practitioners.

  Originally, Berkeley was going to go out to practice.

  But because of the turmoil in New York, Berkeley's practice was delayed.

  It is estimated that after a while, Berkeley will have to go out to practice.

  Hey... I hope he didn't go out to practice with Zhang Yang, otherwise, wouldn't all the things he cheated on Zhang Yang be exposed.

  Berkeley prayed silently.

  When the words were over, he coughed lightly and concealed his embarrassment: "Okay, about the introductory course on magic, you have been practicing for three days. But, so far, only four practitioners have learned it, no, no, Continue to practice introductory magic today, as for those who already know, I will take you to your first practice."

  Berkeley turned his eyes to Zhang Yang and continued: "By the way, didn't you say that you have realized the portal magic?"

  Suddenly being named, Zhang Yang recovered for a while, and nodded quickly.

  Berkeley responded calmly, raised his brows and said, "Then try, open the door to go to the top of Mount Everest."

  "Mount Everest?!" Zhang Yang was taken aback for a moment, looking at the monk's uniform he was wearing, he asked hesitantly, "Senior Brother Berkeley, shouldn't you... are you going to take us to Mount Everest to practice?!"

  Berkeley nodded.

  This nod made Zhang Yang and Avery on the side feel a little bad.

  Although Zhang Yang has just come to Karma Taj, he also knows what Mount Everest is.

  The lowest temperature at the peak is minus thirty or forty degrees Celsius all year round.

  Because of the extremely cold climate, it is also known as the third pole of the world.

  It is conceivable that the place should not be too cool.

  Zhang Yang glanced at the monk's uniform on his body.

  This costume is the uniform of Kama Taj, neither thin nor thick.

  It can neither take advantage of the cold nor keep out the cold.

  Wearing this body to the top of Mount Everest, you must not freeze to death.

  Zhang Yang thought to himself and said to Berkeley, "Senior Brother Berkeley, do you have any other clothes before we leave?"

  Berkeley's face sank: "Do you think I'm taking you on a trip? I'm taking you to practice. As a mage, if you can't even withstand this cold, how can you become a qualified mage?!"

  Berkeley said seriously.

  It seems, it does make sense.

  "Yes! Senior Brother." Zhang Yang said, raising his hand to draw a circle out of thin air.

  Opposite the circle is Mount Everest.

  Berkeley trembled in his heart, thinking without hesitation:

  I go…

  Really learned the portal.

  Zhang Yang, did you grow up eating magic?

  Why did he learn magic so fast!

  and many more…

  Just when Berkeley was in a state of indignation, suddenly, Berkeley discovered something.

  Zhang Yang didn't have a ring on his hand? !

  The hanging ring is one of Kama Taj's instruments, and it is also the most commonly used instrument.

  Its function is to help the mage better condense energy, thereby releasing magic.

  This is a must-have for beginners.

  At least, when you can play well and gather energy, the suspension ring is a must.

  Otherwise, a lot of things can distract you from doing your magic well.

  At least for many mages.

  Without the ring, it is impossible to cast magic at all.

  At least you have to get an archmage, which is the level of a king, to be able to cast magic without using a ring.

  But Zhang Yang, an apprentice who has just learned magic for three days, can cast magic without a ring? !

  This Nima is a freak!

  Is his mental strength so strong?

  Can you put aside all distracting thoughts anytime, anywhere, without distractions? !

  Berkeley was shocked.

  Isn't this guy too strong? !



  It seems that this guy, in the future, will definitely be a powerhouse that shakes the entire mage world!

  "Senior Brother Berkeley is ready." Just as Berkeley was thinking about it, Zhang Yang said quickly.

  Berkeley was relieved.

  Seeing that no one seems to have discovered this problem, Berkeley did not mention it, but secretly wrote it down. At that time, he must report this matter to Wang.

  Thinking to himself, Berkeley led Zhang Yang, Avery, and two other mages to the summit of Mount Everest. .

Chapter 15

  As an apprentice, Casillas often brought Berkeley and his group to Mount Everest for training.

  So Berkeley is used to the extremely cold temperatures of Mount Everest.

  But Zhang Yang and Eli and his party were obviously not used to it.

  Look out at the snow-capped peaks and howling winds.

  The other two mages hugged their weak bodies, curled up, shivering coldly.

  Although Zhang Yang was not like this, he couldn't help shivering from the cold, and rubbed his arms with both hands to keep warm. Only Avery, looking at Berkeley's unmoved appearance, gritted his teeth and resisted.

  She stood up straight, but the slightly trembling lips betrayed her.

  Seeing the four of them like this, Berkeley put his hands behind his back and said solemnly, "Do you know why you feel cold?"

  The four shook their heads.

  "That's because your own energy is not enough." Berkeley said, walking with his chest up in the snow of Mount Everest.

  While walking, he continued: "The most important thing in practicing magic is to feel the energy from nature, and then gather these energies, so now all you need to do is to feel the cold and have the energy to resist the cold. Of course, if there is Practitioners who can't hold on can leave first."

  Berkeley said, and drew a pass gate.

  In fact.

  Kama Taj did not feel the cold at all.

  The purpose of Casillas bringing them to Mount Everest is to bring them to practice passing the pine gate.

  However, this was only after they had been exposed to magic for a month.

  But now, because of publicity, the practice of Mount Everest, Berkeley has advanced.

  Of course, it is unlikely to teach Zhang Yang to draw portals now.

  Because Zhang Yang already knows it.

  Moreover, it is still on the basis of not wearing a dangling ring!

  What a pervert!

  Therefore, Berkeley brought Zhang Yang and his party here, saying that it was to protect them from the cold, but in fact, it was to increase the difficulty of Zhang Yang's training.

  In fact, Berkeley can resist the cold because it has a certain magical energy.

  When a certain amount of magic energy is gathered in the body, it converts its own magic energy into body temperature, thereby increasing the body temperature and resisting the cold.

  This operation greatly consumes one's own magical energy.

  Ordinary entry-level mages can't do it.

  And with Berkeley's current ability, it can last for an hour at most.

  After all, the magic energy of oneself cannot be taught by teaching.

  Rather, it requires practice over time.

  Although Zhang Yang can comprehend a variety of magic spells, he can also learn scarlet chain magic.

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