But Gu Yi can feel that this is not a powerful magic in itself, but it is very cunning.

  Taking advantage of people's fears, the fear of the unknown, and infinitely amplified, this result is produced.

  As long as a person is afraid of emotions, such magic can magnify this fear infinitely.

  Gu Yi believes that she has a certain understanding of the magic of the earth and even powerful mages.

  But now.

  Gu Yi felt as if he was not enough.

  For example, Gu Yi had never seen or even heard of such magic and the person who released it.

  "Supreme Venerable!"

  At this moment, someone behind him gave Gu a salute.

  Hearing the voice, Gu Yi knew that the person who came was Modu.

  Mo Du looked a little flustered. After salute, the impatient Mo Du said quickly: "The mages of Kama Taiji don't know what's wrong, and they all suddenly panic! Some mages with powerful energy are fine, some energy The weak mage actually knelt down! They have been talking about God!"

  Looking at Gu Yi's back, Mo Du looked solemn.

  In the end is the Supreme Mage.

  Sure enough, there will be no panic.

  "Did you feel it? There is a strong magical aura." As Mordo was thinking, Gu Yi suddenly asked.

  Powerful magic?

  Mordo frowned, closed his eyes, and felt it with his own energy.

  But for a while.

  A look of shock appeared on Mordo's face.

  "This..." He opened his mouth, and a syllable came out of his mouth.

  If it wasn't for the Supreme Mage's reminder, Mordu really didn't realize that there was such an unfamiliar and domineering magical atmosphere in New York City.

  "Sure enough, you feel it too." Gu Yi said.

  From beginning to end, she didn't turn around, just moved her gaze from New York City to the air.

  "Master! Is it Dormammu?" Feeling this magical breath, Mordo instantly understood why this phenomenon occurred in New York.

  He speculated a little.

  Will guess Dormammu because he is the old enemy of Kama Taj and the whole earth.

  Therefore, it is normal to guess him.

  "No, I know Dormam best." Gu Yi shook his head, a strange look suddenly appeared on his calm face.

  If it weren't for the fact that she turned her back to Moro at the moment, Mordo would have been shocked.

  "This magic power is too domineering. No matter who it is, with such domineering power, it must not allow him to exist on Earth!" Hearing Gu Yi's denial, Modu did not continue to speculate.

  Only, for such power.

  Mordo came up with his own ideas.

  Modu's meaning is very simple, such a mage must be exiled or expelled!

  If you can, it should even be wiped out!

  "Don't be extreme or impulsive when things go wrong." Gu Yi said slowly.

  There was a hint of helplessness in her tone, but Mordo didn't seem to notice it.

  Moro seemed to want to say something, but Gu Yi continued, "Look at the sky."

  This made Mo Du abruptly swallow what he wanted to say back in his stomach, his expression was serious, and he was reluctant to look up at the sky.

  Maybe it's better not to see.

  But this look.

  However, Mo Du was directly stunned: "How could this be?!"

  Gu Yi said indifferently: "It seems that there is an extraordinary mage on the earth.".

Chapter 38

  "Sir! I don't know why the closer I get to the city center, the more scared I get..."

  In the communicator, Hill's voice became trembling.

  Nick Fury's tight frown never loosened, especially after hearing Hill's words, Nick Fury's frown became even tighter.


  "Why are you afraid?!" Nick Fury said in a deep voice, with doubts in his tone.

  He doesn't understand.

  Those who have not personally approached this breath will not understand.

  This kind of fear arises.

  Out of control, and even more out of control.

  Inexplicably frightened, Hill's hand holding the steering wheel began to tremble.

  "Sir, sir, I, I want to... apply for withdrawal, withdrawal!"


  Hill, who didn't answer the question, said something that shocked Nick Fury.

  Nick Fury couldn't even believe the words were coming from Hill's mouth.

  As the future director of S.H.I.E.L.D.!

  Such an excellent agent!


  Are they all crazy?

  What about bullshit? !

  "There is no retreat!" Nick Fury said.

  He didn't increase his volume, but his tone was very firm.

  "Yes..." Hill let out a trill from his mouth, his voice weak.

  Panic can be heard very clearly.

  Such panic made Nick Fury feel unusual.

  What a god!

  One by one, since they got closer to the city center, they have become abnormal!

  "Attention monitoring department, operation room! Prepare to launch missiles immediately! Position, launch wormhole in the sky!"

  Nick Fury made an immediate decision!

  He convened the Avengers to defend against a major crisis that may or has occurred on Earth.

  But now these people all seem to have fallen into evil!

  Aliens are not to deal with!

  The universe cube doesn't matter!

  The opened different-dimensional wormhole doesn't matter!

  Actually started to worship God on the battlefield in New York? !

  Although I don't know what's going on in their minds now, what happened, but the most important thing at the moment, Nick Fury has not forgotten, that is to solve the army of Chitauri summoned by Loki!


  This is urgent!

  However, Nick Fury did not get the firm answer he wanted, but instead heard shock on the communicator:

  "This is impossible!"

  This time Nick Fury frowned even tighter.

  What is impossible? !

  I was about to speak, and then I heard the communicator say: "The army of Chita Rui..."

  The rest of the words Nick Fury didn't hear clearly.

  Because Nick Fury has seen it.

  "This...impossible..." At this moment, it was Nick Fury's turn to be shocked.

  Intensely unbelievable.

  This feeling made Nick Fury's hand that was tightly wrapped around his chest loosened in fright.

  Taking a step forward, Nick Fury held the glass with both hands.

  It seems that something is wrong with his eyes.

  I also wiped my eyes with my hands.

  If he has no problem with his eyes, and he is not wrong.

  Are the Chitauri army now burrowing into the wormhole?

  Moreover, they all looked panicked, as if they were headless flies, and they were squeezed into the wormhole in a swarm!

  As if the earth is hell.

  If Nick Fury hadn't seen this with his own eyes, Nick Fury wouldn't have believed it at all.

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