Sol's words made the trainee mages who didn't know the result, so they would react.

  Want to get a weapon?

  "There is a fighting arena next door for weapons, but the problem is that none of us can enter the fighting arena, only Zhang Yang can enter." Berkeley said to Sol.

  "You guys are breaking too many rules." Sol said dissatisfiedly.

  Zhang Yang glanced at Sol, raised his hand to cast the portal, and said to Sol, "What do you want to pick."

  Sol glanced at Zhang Yang, and walked in at the pace of the uncle.

  But after a while, Sol came out with two huge maces and said to Zhang Yang, "That's it!"

  For a time, the training ground was boiling:

  "I'll go, isn't that Kama Taj's biggest and heaviest magic weapon?!"

  "This... This magic weapon is said to be left here by a giant beast in a different dimension. If these two sticks go down, can Zhang Yang survive?"

  "If you use magic, it's really possible, but if you don't use magic, these two mace, there shouldn't be any weapons that can hit them."

  Seeing that Sol brought Kama Taj's biggest magic weapon, many mages were stunned for a while.

   At this moment, Sol was obviously a little proud: "Okay, I have chosen, I will use these two mace!"

  Berkeley:  …

  Practitioners:  …

  My God, isn't this rude! ?

  Two maces this big? !

  Anything that looks like it can kill Zhang Yang!

  The most important thing is, can't use magic yet?


  "Berkeley, I overweight, I bet on Sol to win!"

  "Berkeley, I also overweight, I also bet on Sol to win!"

  "Berkeley, can I change it? I want to bet on Sol too..."

  For a time, all the trainee mages turned their attention to Berkeley and wanted to change their bets. In their hearts, this duel started when Sol took out the two mace, which are known as the most heavyweight weapons of Kama Taj. , Zhang Yang lost.

  They didn't know that Zhang Yang had magic weapons, and every one of them was an artifact!

  Seeing that he had already won in the hearts of everyone, and with two huge mace in his hand, Sol hummed a song, raised his sexy little chin and said to Zhang Yang, "It's too late if you admit defeat now. , the big deal is to admit that all of you Kama Tajji are just some flower fists and embroidered legs, otherwise, if I go down with this stick, you will die.".

Chapter 88

  Sol roared, his face full of pride.

  In fact, Sol took out these two mace just to scare Zhang Yang.

  Although he had a holiday with Zhang Yang, he also got along with him anyway. Sol felt that Zhang Yang was a good guy and he was quite funny, so he wanted to tease Zhang Yang for a while.

  But Sol also really dislikes the tricks and rules of Kama Taj and other mages.

  "You've chosen, it's my turn."

  Seeing that Sol had chosen a weapon, Zhang Yang also began to take his own magic weapon.

  Sol chose a large mace, after weighing it, Zhang Yang decided to take one that could fight.

  Demonstrating the magic of fetching objects, Zhang Yang quickly took out the magic weapon he had thought of - the spear of eternity.

  Sol: "What am I..."

  Saul seemed to have completely forgotten that he had seen Zhang Yang take the spear of eternity before.

  It's just that Sol didn't understand why the spear of eternity was still publicized there.

  No...that's not the point.

  The point is that I just took two mace, is it too much for you to give me the artifact of my Great Asgard, the Spear of Eternity? !

  Sol: "Zhang Yang, you don't need to be so serious."

  I don't know why, when Zhang Yang took out the spear of eternity, Sol was a little flustered.

  Perhaps because this is Odin's thing, even if Odin 14 is absent, it is enough to deter Thor, and Thor's voice is obviously much quieter.

  Looking at the gleaming spear of eternity in Zhang Yang's hand, Sol threw the two mace to the ground, making two loud bangs.

  Stop fighting, this bitch is still playing a ghost!

  Seeing Sol throwing his weapon, Zhang Yang couldn't help but stunned: "You admit defeat?"

  admit defeat?

  "There is no word for admit defeat in my dictionary!" Sol snorted coldly, pointing at the spear of eternity in Zhang Yang's hand and said:

  "You can't use this thing, get another one! Every time I see this eternal gun, I can think of my dad when it was chasing me when he was a kid."

  Zhang Yang:  …

  At Sol's request, Zhang Yang changed another magic weapon.

  This time, Zhang Yang took out the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

  Strictly speaking, the power in the Cosmic Cube is not magic. Since Sol Lapi chose the mace of two giant beasts, then Zhang Yang doesn't mind using the power of the Cosmic Cube.

  "Okay." Zhang Yang looked at Sol with the universe cube in his hand.

  Thor:  …


  Zhang Yang, you are so serious!

  Not only are you serious, you are going too far!

  No, show yourself as a person!

  "You hit me with the treasure you stole from Asgard?" Thor asked Zhang Yang back.

  Does it fit?

  I ask you, is this suitable? !

  If it weren't for the lack of Thor's Hammer, Thor would have liked to throw the hammer and stun Zhang Yang!

  Anyway, I don't know why, Sol always feels that Zhang Yang is a deep pit!

  "This doesn't work, that doesn't work either, are you sure you're a god?"

  Seeing Sol like this, Zhang Yang was helpless.

  "Can you blame me?" Sol looked at Zhang Yang with a stunned face.

  No, I'll fight you.

  Do you have the gun of eternity or the cosmic cube?

  Is it too much?

  The key is that you are still taking things from my Asgard!

  "No, you, you change it!" Sol waved his hand.

  Zhang Yang frowned and took out his last weapon.

  A sword that he made at random.

  "What kind of sword is this?"

  Perhaps he was frightened by the two artifacts in front of Zhang Yang. Seeing that Zhang Yang took out a sword he didn't know, Sol couldn't help asking.

  "I practiced it myself." Zhang Yang said truthfully.

  "Your own sword?" Sol was a little suspicious, staring at the sword in Zhang Yang's hand and looking up and down no less than three times, slapped both hands, and said to Zhang Yang:

  "I think so! Just this sword! Very good!"

  Sol had a smile on his face, thinking in his heart:

  How good can Zhang Yang's own sword be?

  Looking at this sword is ordinary, it is estimated that it is not very good.

  Although he thought so in his heart, Sol said on his mouth: "I feel that your sword is very similar to my mace, and you can match it."

  What Saul said, Berkeley on the side couldn't stand it any longer.

  Berkeley took two steps forward and said to Sol involuntarily: "How can this sword be as good as the mace in your hand? It looks different in size!"

  Berkeley's words made the mages feel reasonable and could not help but say to Sol:

  "Saul, this is too much."

  "That's right, victory is impossible!"

  "I think it's better to use the spear of eternity for Zhang Yang!"

  For a while, the training ground became noisy again.

  This made Thor a little embarrassed.

  It's not that Sol is worried that he can't beat it, but that he has seen both the eternal spear and the cosmic magic cube Sol.

  The power is huge!

  Is it not obvious that you will lose?

  "Well, I'll use a mace, it's okay!"

  Saul said, put another mace at random on the ground, and waved the mace on his right hand to test the feel, watching Zhang Yang and raising his eyebrows.

  Zhang Yang was stunned, a little hesitant.

  After all, the sword in his hand was made by himself.

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