Taking a step back, Mordo is getting more angry the more he thinks about it!

  No, I am such a big thing, why is the whole Kama Taj injured only by him?

  He and Zhang Yang are at odds with each other, right? ? ? ? !

  Mo Du was angry and was pushed by the king to the temple for healing.

  Along the way, Mordu, who felt the strange eyes of the mages, could not wait to find a hole to drill into.

  Really, what a shame!

  I have never been so embarrassed in my life!

  Kama Taj's senior brother was in a wheelchair? !


  At the end of his anger, Mordo turned into a sigh.

  And this time.Inside the library.

  Gu Yi looked at Zhang Yang and said nothing.

  This made Zhang Yang a little embarrassed.

  Thinking that he was in trouble, Zhang Yang didn't know what to say (Wang Nuo's) for a while.

  "Let me see the extra magic weapon you have in your hand." Gu Yi said, looking at Zhang Yang.

  As soon as Zhang Yang's heart tightened, he knew that Gu Yi would definitely be so mad.

  Immediately cast the fetching magic, took the sword, and handed it to Gu Yi.

  Gu Yi stretched out his hand and took the sword with both hands.

  Unlike Mo Du and Wang's reactions, Gu Yi seemed to take the sword easily.

  This made Zhang Yang a little puzzled.

  Originally, when he saw Mo Du and Wang holding the sword, it seemed that the sword was heavy, and they dropped the sword, but at this moment, Gu Yi held it but did not respond. Zhang Yang thought to himself, maybe he thought too much. Just put this question to the back of my mind.

  "Where did you get this sword?" Gu Yi asked Zhang Yang after reading the sword.

  "I made this myself with alchemy." Zhang Yang said truthfully.

  Gu Yi: ...? ?

  What the heck, you made the sword in the stone yourself? .

Chapter 95

  "I was idle and bored to study alchemy by myself, and I did it unexpectedly. I thought it was just an ordinary sword." Zhang Yang explained.

  Koichi:  …

  What an unremarkable one!

  Kama Taj's magic room can basically be replaced!

  I have been studying alchemy for so long, and so far I have created three fairly good artifacts.

  The latter is not given by others, but given by others.

  The first time you made alchemy, you made the sword in the stone?

  Gu Yi will suddenly find out that her apprentice is not as simple as a good understanding at all.

  It's pretty good luck...

  However, Gu Yi was still a little uncertain whether Zhang Yang made the Sword in the Stone or whether the Sword in the Stone recognized Zhang Yang.

  Looking at Zhang Yang, Gu Yi couldn't help but ask: "By the way, have you met any strange people?"

  "Strange person?" Zhang Yang frowned: "There was a woman who said something inexplicable, and the person disappeared."

  Now think of that woman named Qing.

  The more Zhang Yang thought about it, the more wrong it became.

  The gods said a lot of words, but the people disappeared.

  What the hell? !

  "Don't pay attention to her, practice your magic with peace of mind." Gu Yi responded to Zhang Yang.

  She knew very well that the Sword in the Stone was generally guarded by the Merlin family for generations.

  The master identified by the Sword in the Stone is the one who has been guarded by the Merlin family for generations.

  When King Arthur picked up the Sword in the Stone, he was assisted by Mage Merlin.

  However, Gu Yi didn't want Zhang Yang to be influenced by the outside world before he became a qualified Supreme Mage. People from the Merlin family could enter, presumably because Zhang Yang cut the barrier.

  Now the ancient one has repaired the enchantment and strengthened it.

  Gu Yi hopes that Zhang Yang can practice magic with peace of mind.

  "It's a good sword." Thinking of this, Gu said to Zhang Yang: "However, the magic weapon is a good magic weapon, but it also requires the owner of the magic weapon to be strong enough to play the biggest role, so Zhang Yang, you need to Work harder."

  Zhang Yang nodded, he knew this very well.

  "However." Gu Yi looked at Zhang Yang and said with a smile: "You are quite talented in alchemy. You can make more magic tools. In the future, maybe you will be able to use them too."

  Gu Yi did not avoid anything, but said directly to Zhang Yang.

  This made Zhang Yang feel a little happy.

  "A good magic weapon can help the mage grow quickly. Although this sword is not bad, it is still a little worse than the entire multiverse." Without pausing, Gu Yi said pertinently.

  Indeed, compared with the universe Rubik's Cube, it is a bit worse.

  However, Zhang Yang has not been able to grasp the essence of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube well. If he can, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube must be able to exert strong attainments in Zhang Yang's hands.

  "Okay, master, I will study more." Zhang Yang said to Gu Yi.

  Gu nodded, took a sip of the tea cup and said: "Research is research, but don't let the practice of cultivation be left behind. By the way, how do you feel about the power of space that made you study before?"

  Gu Yi didn't seem to mention the fact that Kama Taj was cut in half by Zhang Yang, which eased Zhang Yang's anxiety. Looking at Gu Yi, Zhang Yang answered truthfully: "I have been thinking well recently, and I can make space for it now. It's distorted, but the scope of use is not large, and it can only be used in this temple for the time being."

  Zhang Yang told Gu Yi truthfully.

  This made Gu Yi's hand who was drinking tea stopped, and froze in place for a while. Although it looked like he was drinking tea, in fact, Gu Yi was surprised.

  It's only been four days... Zhang Yang can already do space distortion? ?

  Gu Yi knew that Zhang Yang's talent was not bad, but the problem was, it wasn't so good? !

  It's only four days!Space magic!

  At this moment, Gu Yi was a little surprised. Originally, Gu Yi thought that Zhang Yang's talent was better than Strange's. After all, according to Gu Yi's previous observations, if Strange learned magic, it would be a history. Best mage ever.

  But now it seems that Zhang Yang's talent has really left Strange a few streets away.

  At this time, Gu Yixin was a little overjoyed. Originally, about the fact that Kama Taj was cut off by publicity, Gu Yi was a little helpless.

  Thinking that he had only been out for a day, Zhang Yang was in trouble.

  Not wanting to come back this time, Zhang Yang brought himself two surprises in a row.

  Tsk tsk, it seems that soon, Zhang Yang will be able to become an excellent Supreme Mage.

  Gu Yi thought about it, and at this moment, Zhang Yang, who was on the side, saw Gu Yi not talking and couldn't help but called Gu Yi: "Master?"

  Gu Yi finally recovered his senses, looked at Zhang Yang and said, "Not bad."

  Although he was shocked inside, Gu Yi's evaluation seemed to be very pertinent, neither would the apprentice be hit, nor would it make the apprentice feel too floating.

  Mage, originally had to maintain a calm heart.

  "It still takes a lot of practice." Gu Yi said lightly: "You need to comprehend the power of space in the follow-up, combined with the cosmic Rubik's Cube, so that your progress will be faster."

  Zhang Yang nodded, and when he was about to speak, Gu Yi suddenly asked: "I plan to teach you astral projection magic a little bit from today. If the name is difficult for you to understand, you can also call it out of body. A good one. The mage must cultivate a powerful soul."

  Zhang Yang was taken aback.

  Out of body?

  Isn't that just out of body?

  "Astral projection magic is a kind of high-level magic. It is mainly to exercise the strength of your soul, or more simply, you can understand it as spiritual power." Gu Yi looked at Zhang Yang and said.

  In fact, the reason for Zhang Yang to practice the soul is because as a qualified supreme mage, this is one of the compulsory magics.

  This ability is both strong and coercive.

  Any higher-level mage can do it, because it tests a mage's spiritual power to the extreme.

  So Gu Yi thought that it was time to put this magic on the agenda and teach it to Zhang Yang.

  However, this magic is extremely dangerous. After all, it is the separation of spirit and body. If it is not good, it is very likely that it will not be able to return. This requires a test to ensure that the mage cannot be distracted a little, and must concentrate.

  For the safety of Zhang Yang.

  Gu said, "Astral projection magic, you can go back and think about it, but the premise is that you must guarantee that you can only use it when I am here, until I think you can use it on your own."

  "Yes, Your Highness."

  "Then I'll teach you now, astral projection magic.".

Chapter 96

  New York, S.H.I.E.L.D.

  Hill hurriedly walked into Nick Fury's office: "Sir, it's not good, there seems to be an accident in Kathmandu!"

  "I already know."

  Nick Fury said, his expression was not particularly good, he pointed to the computer in front of him and said: "It has been said in the news, and now this matter has caused a great uproar on the Internet."

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