As a result, Zhang Yang took out this treasure and showed it to Gu, and said that this thing was given by that person.

  irritating!How irritating!

  At this moment, Gu Yi didn't know why he had to go through those [-] years of hardships.

  She always felt as if she knew about magic and the multiverse.

  She has experienced loneliness in those twenty years.

  "Hey, master, why did the sofa I just changed disappear and return to its original state?" Just as Gu Yi was resentful, Zhang Yang's voice suddenly rang in Gu Yi's ear.

  At this moment, Gu Yi was relieved.

  Taking a deep breath and calming himself down, Gu Yi said slowly, "The spell is just the basics, in simple terms, it's just an entry-level spell. Just now, did you feel Hoggs' energy being absorbed into the in your body?"

  Although Gu Yi was not at peace with Emperor Wei Shandi's eccentricity, there was still no turbulence on his face.

  With his hands behind his back, Gu Yi slowly walked to the table and poured a cup of chrysanthemum tea to extinguish the fire.

  "There is a force." Zhang Yang nodded.

  "This is what you will practice in the future." Gu Yi took a sip of tea: "Since you first summoned Hoggs' ancient body, his energy is in your body, and you need to improve your body. This magical energy of , with the increase of this energy, you will improve the reality that can be modified and the time of modification. Every time you use it, you must use a spell to stimulate the ability in your body. "

  Zhang Yang nodded, looked at Gu Yi and couldn't help but ask: "Master, what would happen if the ability of the ancient body of Hoggs in the body was practiced to the extreme?"

  Gu Yi was stunned, looked at Zhang Yang and said solemnly: "Permanent revision."

  Permanent modification? !

  Zhang Yang looked at Gu Dao: "Can't you do whatever you want?"

  Gu Yi: "..."

  No, publicity, do whatever you want is an overused word.


  "Accurately speaking, it is like this." Gu nodded and said.

  It's just that it's not so easy to get to the point where you can do whatever you want.

  Not to mention that Gu Yi can still do whatever he wants in his practice until now, it can be said that there are still judges and supervisors in this multiverse.

  This super BUG ability that can modify reality, if it really allows you to do whatever you want?

  Besides, you are just getting started.

  Although the comprehension is good, this ability is not something you can learn in a short time!

  You know, this magic is more difficult to cultivate than the power of space!

  Shaking his head, Gu Yi said calmly: "Zhang Yang, you must remember that learning magic is a long and arduous process, and many things are not as simple as you think. In the universe, there are truths that belong to the universe and The basic rules, you always have to remember, master the rules first, then use the rules.”

  "Okay, master, I will keep it in mind." Zhang Yang said humbly.

  "Well, you have been exposed to a lot of magic for a while, but don't be lazy. Astral projection magic and the power of space, you need to continue to study and understand, and the magic of the ancient body of Hoggs, you also You have to understand and practice properly. You must know that your enemy is far more powerful than you think!" Gu Yi said, looking at Zhang Yang and nodded, giving a positive look:

  "Okay, go back first and practice hard."

  When the words fell, Gu Yi sat on the ground and closed his eyes.

  "Master, I'll go first." Zhang Yang saluted and left the Ancient One Temple.

  On the way back, Zhang Yang kept thinking about the Hoggs ancient body magic he had just learned.

  have to say.

  Zhang Yang has just come into contact with this magic, and the definition of this magic is somewhat vague.

  There is no precise definition of the upper limit that can be modified and how long it can be modified.

  This makes Zhang Yang feel that this magic requires more practice than thinking.

  At this moment, Zhang Yang remembered that Gu Yi said to let him practice more.

  On the way to Kama Taj, Zhang Yang couldn't help but think about trying it out.

  So I just practiced for a while.

  However, along the way, Zhang Yang practiced some dead objects, similar to changing stones, and the modification time was about three to five minutes.

  Zhang Yang frowned, it seemed that it would not work if he tried it like this.

  Zhang Yang has no way of knowing where his current upper limit is.

  Thinking of this, Zhang Yang was a little confused. He felt that he might have to find something else to try.

  Zhang Yang thought to himself, and suddenly, he heard a burst of rage: "No, my hammer, when did you give it to me?!"

  Zhang Yang turned his head to look. In the fighting arena, Sol and Wang were standing opposite each other, seeming to be arguing about something.

  Zhang raised his eyebrows.

  He suddenly felt that Sol seemed to be a good test subject. .

Chapter 114

  Kama Taj, the fighting field.

  Thor glared at the king standing in front of him.

  It's been five full days!

  He has been at this dull and uninteresting Karma Taj for five full days!

  Ever since he recovered from his injury, what he did every day, besides coming to the king to learn the technique of controlling lightning with him, was to be in a daze.

  The people of Kama Taj are all rigid, pedantic, and none of them are interesting.

  Sol feels that he is about to be bored, and he doesn't want to be here for a second now!

  As the prince of Asgard!

  What's the point of being bored here every day instead of fighting on the battlefield? !

  "You bastards! It's so boring! Really, I don't want to stay for a second now, I want to get out of here!" Thor looked at Wang and roared angrily.

  "Kama Taj has WIFI, you can connect." Wang stood on the spot with his hands in his hands, looking at Sol casually.

  After a few days of getting along.

  Wang is already immune to Thor's irritability.

  If it was changed to the original, Wang might still have some emotions, but now, Wang is much calmer.

  After all, get used to it.

  "WiFi?" Wang's words made Sol stunned: "Do you have WiFi in this place?"

  Sol couldn't help staring at the king with wide eyes.

  "Of course, we are not primitive people." Wang looked at Sol with contempt: "However, do you have a mobile phone?"

  Sol shook his head: "I have an E-MALL and a computer, so does Kama Taj have a computer?"

  With Wifi, Sol thinks he might still be here for a while.

  "No, Kama Taj's computer needs to be brought." Wang shook his head.

  Of course, it is obviously possible to borrow it, but Wang estimates that with Sol's character, no one in Kama Taj might be willing to lend Sol's computer.

  "Then I'll go back to Asgard and get a computer. 々!" Saul waved his hand at Wang Dashou.

  "No." Without any hesitation, Wang decisively and directly rejected Thor's request: "As I said, you must learn to control the power of lightning before returning to Asgard."

  Thor was dissatisfied: "But I can already control it! Without a hammer. Look, didn't I use the power of lightning yesterday?"

  Wang snorted coldly, glanced at Sol and said, "Is that the power of thunder and lightning? At most, it is a small current."

  Thinking of the power of thunder and lightning that Sol exerted yesterday, Wang was angry.

  After holding it for a long time, only a little lightning flash appeared on the fingers.

  Fortunately, Sol has been boasting that he is Thor, tsk tsk tsk.

  "I've only been studying for the third day!" Sol roared angrily: "Besides, when I went back to practice last night, I was able to gather lightning energy!"

  "Oh?" This made Wang a little interested: "Then you can gather and show me."

  "Wait!" Seeing that the king didn't seem to believe it, Sol's temper came up all of a sudden, he rolled up his sleeves, and Sol tried to gather the power of thunder and lightning in his body.

  This made Wang take a step back and looked at Sol.

  You know, Thor is Thor after all.

  He has lightning energy in his body, which is different from the mage of Kama Taj.

  It's just that Sol doesn't know how to gather and cast without a hammer.

  Under normal circumstances, by following the method instructed by Wang, someone like Thor can quickly control the power of lightning.

  So when Saul said this, although Wang didn't believe it, he still took a step back.

  If Sol really gathered the power of thunder and lightning, he didn't want to suffer.

  After finding a good position, Wang watched Sol begin to perform.

  At this moment, there was a serious expression on Sol's face that he had never had before, and it could be seen that Sol really wanted to leave Kama Taj.

  Take a few deep breaths.

  Sol raised his palms upwards, exerting force with his five fingers, and began to gather the power of thunder and lightning.

  In fact, it's not that Sol did not listen to the king's words seriously, but Sol felt that there seemed to be a wall in his heart, and this wall prevented Sol from being able to show his power of thunder and lightning well.

  Made some force.

  Sol found that his body didn't seem to react at all.

  This made Sol a little dissatisfied, glanced at the impatient face, and the stubbornness in Sol's heart came up.

  With all his strength, Sol mobilized the power of lightning in his body.

  With this burst of force, the blue veins between Sol's neck began to bulge, and his face flushed.

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