She also knows Makoto Higashino quite well.

As long as Makoto Higashino smiles, nothing good will happen.

Makoto Higashino’s current appearance really has to be cared about.

“Do you know what I asked Erina to fetch?”

This sentence was not said to Sonoko Suzuki, but to Akiko Obino in front of him.

Akiko Orion didn’t answer.

“There is a secret that you may not even know.”

“What secret?”

Maori Kogoro and Matsushima Tsuruichi were attracted by Makoto Higashino’s words and poked their heads over curiously.

“The cousin in front of you is the illegitimate daughter of Master Chuan Shi!”

Makoto Higashino said word by word.

Akiko Orito’s pupils constricted.

He looked at Makoto Higashino in disbelief.

Obviously, this incident was also unexpected to her.

“What? She is illegitimate! ”

“Didn’t you say it was a cousin?”

“It’s actually an illegitimate daughter!”

“Then what does this illegitimate daughter have to do with the male corpse that died six years ago?”

“If she is an illegitimate daughter, then his killing of Kawaju Lizi can also prove that he wants to take more property.”

“I didn’t kill anyone, I didn’t kill anyone, all I killed were ghosts.”

Oriyin Akiko, who was sitting on the ground, finally couldn’t bear it anymore and shouted loudly.

She was crazy, but she spoke clearly.

Makoto Higashino looked at her with his hands around his chest and bowed down.

Makoto Higashino’s gaze was very vicious, and Akiko Orino could feel scared even if she was really sick.

She stared at Makoto Higashino as he slowly moved back.

“What happened six years ago, you might as well recruit from the truth.”

“You killed that boy.”

“I’m not, I’m not.”

Obino Akiko shook her head and kept repeating.

“Waste time and say something to her, send her to the police station, and let the police search it all!”

Maori Kogoro said with his head held high.

Officer Twilight comes over and can prove his identity as a detective.

“But if Akiko Ori is his illegitimate daughter, then why was she sent to a mental hospital?”

“Their ideas are so strange, of course we normal people can’t understand it.”

Sonoko Suzuki shrugged and didn’t want to understand.

Although her family also has a little money, but fortunately it is normal, not strange to this extent.

“It may be because Master Chuan Shi knew that she had killed someone, so he sent her in under the guise of mental illness.”

Matsushima Tsuruichi calmly analyzed.

“I forgot to tell you at one point, she fell ill a year after the accident six years ago.”

“That’s what Erinai told me just now.”

“After Master Chuan Shi found out that she was sick, he sent her to a psychiatric hospital.”

“I didn’t bring her back until I died.”

“So, the analysis before that seems to be a bit problematic.”

Matsushima Tsuruichi looked at Orino Akiko in front of him and frowned.

She entered the mental hospital after the hotel was renovated.

This explains why she knows the secret passage after the hotel renovation.

But what does she have to do with this matter, she is not willing to say.

“I found it.”

Kawa Jue Erina walked in from outside.

She still held a document in her arms.


Makoto Higashino smiled at him and took the document handed over by Rina Kawagu.

“What is this again?”

Matsushima Tsuruichi and Maori Kogoro walked into Makoto Higashino curiously, but saw a few words of the medical record report on the document.

“This won’t be Orion Akiko’s medical report.”

“That’s right, this is the diagnosis I got after I picked my cousin out of the mental hospital.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“And all her diagnoses in the mental hospital over the years.”

Kawa Jue Erina replied.

Makoto Higashino looked at the report carefully through the faint light of the flashlight.

It feels ordinary, mostly written normal, only one case is abnormal.

Every night, the weaving bullet would cry in his dream, saying that he had seen a ghost.

It’s a bit like the current situation.

If she is pretending now, isn’t it since she started pretending many years ago?

That’s too persistent.

Makoto Higashino put away the medical record report in his hand and glanced up at Akiko Ori, who was sitting on the ground.

Her expression was still very dumbfounded and stupid, and this reaction was like taking an overdose of drugs to treat mental illness, all the side effects of it.

Psychosis has not yet been tackled by modern times, and all drugs are not targeted drugs, so the side effects it carries are very large.

If Zhiyin Akiko was pretended at the beginning, then after she took a lot of psychotropic drugs with side effects, it may be unlikely that she was pretending.

Although Higashino Makoto had this guess in his heart, he was not very sure.

Fortunately, the last medical record report wrote how to deal with the emergency.

“If the patient is delirious and keeps saying that there are ghosts, you can listen to her some soothing music to relax her.”

“Except for some stress reactions under stress, the patient has returned to normal and can be discharged normally.”

“Which of you has mp3s on you?”

Makoto Higashino asked, looking at Ran and Sonoko Suzuki.

“I have it, there is still one last block of electricity left, what are you going to do?”

“Play some soothing soft music.”

Makoto Higashino also did not explain, and said directly.

“Ah, now I have to listen to music in this situation, that’s a strange request.”

Although Suzuki Sonoko did not understand very well, he still obediently opened the MP3.

As the music slowly sounded, Akiko’s expression became tense and relaxed.

“No, I’m not his daughter, he’s an animal.”

Oriyin Akiko’s whole body curled up, and her body trembled.


Hearing Akiko scold the Ten Lords of Chuan like this, Makoto Higashino was a little surprised.

It stands to reason that Master Chuan Shi is so good to Zhiyin Mingzi, even if she is mentally ill, he still does not abandon her.

(Noli’s) But in the eyes of Oriyin Akiko, the tenth master of Sichuan is a beast?

Standing up, the Chuan Tenth Old Master was not as kind as they thought.

“What do you say? My dad is a beast, Sister Mingzi, why do you think so? My dad still thinks about you before he dies.” ”

“In order to free you, he specially asked me to pick you up in a mental hospital.”

“I’m not mentally ill.”

Oriyin Akiko spoke clearly.

“If he hadn’t asked me to do that kind of thing, I wouldn’t have killed anyone, I wouldn’t have had a conscience condemned, and finally had a mental problem!”

Under the comfort of light music, Akiko gradually unloaded her guard.

She spat out her grievances regardless of who was at the scene.

Oriin Akiko is not the illegitimate daughter of the tenth master of Kawa, but is raised.

From the age of 10, Oriin Akiko was sent by the Kawa Ten Master to the rich for them to have fun.

The disaster six years ago was indeed from the hand of Akiko Orion.

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