Chapter 100 I want to inherit the dark name of the Ninja Realm!

In a space room, lying in a pool of blood, wearing a poker card on the back of the spine, the heart and breathing stopped operation, like a dead body, the beads of both eyes were flushed with the color of the white dead fish. Staring at a black [man] out of the ground, drilled from the ground, and took the scroll hanging on the wall rudely and stole.

Hei Jue didn’t find that the corpse behind him was watching everything.

No. 1 controls Aki Musen’s body and disguised as a dead corpse. This is the second time. Akamori died even more.

From the death of this corpse, the leader of the Caotan Village should be assaulted by a poker card from behind.

Akagi Sen pretended to be stable, watching the black theft without saying a word, he would not jump up to stop the corpse jumping.

“It is really the same as the president’s expected. There will be a beach of a black mud -like guy to steal the scroll.” Aki Musen no longer knew how to describe the inner amazing.

“This is not a stealing, these scrolls are a gift left by the owner.” No. 1 responded coldly in his mind.

Akagi Mori was speechless. The last Zhicun Tsui, who received the giving of the chairman, has taken his head as a return gift, but I do n’t know if this one is ready to send the chairman’s return gift!

“A picture roll is not left to the wood leaf. The black hand behind the scene of the tube wants to pass the clue to the wood leaf, I will cut it off!”

Hei Jue put the last picture of the scroll and seal the scroll. Looking at the bare wall on all sides, the mood suddenly became better, and the laughter of yin was made in his mouth.

“.” The corpse Aki Mustor.

When he was satisfied with the ground and left, it seemed that the cruelty of the rolling in the industry was still rested in the air.

After a while, the tranquility in the Bliss box was broken, and members of the returned root re -took over the Bliss box. They were converging to carry the corpse, and at the same time began to search for carpet -like searches on the Bliss box.

Why is there some decorative scrolls in the room?

Some painted paintings on the wall were also splashed with black juice, so that they were polluting!

The bare wall was extremely eye -catching, and the roots quickly found something wrong, and noisy came outside.

At this time, the door of the space room was pushed away from the outside, and Fujiya stepped in quickly to the corpse of Akagison, reaching out to the dead breath of Aki Mustorn.

He turned his head and told the root searched outside: “This body still has a slight breath. It is from Cauren Village. He was immediately sent to the Medical Department for treatment. We need the information in his mouth!”

It was strange that the sound of Fujiya had just fallen, Akagi Sen really spit out a weak breathing, and the silent heart also recovered and jumped.

Four eyes are opposite!

Fujiya and Akiussen looked at each other indifferently, and the acting cooperation was completed silently No. 1 and No. 4.

Fujiyu drank the order, and soon a member of the roots obeyed the order to come in and lifted the fainting Akamori out for treatment.

Because Shimura Tuanzang and a large number of members of the roots died in the ghost dancers without miserable hands, coincidentally, among the members of the surviving roots, Fujiyu’s identity position was highlighted.


The existing root losses have suffered heavy losses and returned to the direct leadership of Naruto, but this situation cannot be maintained all the time. Naruto is busy, and it is impossible to have energy to manage the root.

As the dark and dirty institution of wood leaf, the roots have a set of abnormal closed ecology. It is difficult for a leader to lead the root from the outside. Promote a cadre to take over the location of Zhicun Tuanzang.

After this huge impact of [Ghost], the flesh and blood of the roots will definitely be filled as soon as possible, and even have a greater expansion in functional rights to search for all information information related to [Ghost].

In order to cope with the situation of ghosts, it is likely to continue to be upgraded, and in order to ensure the secrets and value of information, and considering the cruelty and terrible ghosts, it will force the ape to cut from the restrictions on the root of the roots and gradually become inclined and more inclined. Multiple resources and manpower support the root cause of development.

after all,

Many things related to ghosts may be very dark and cruel, these things are naturally suitable for handling them to the roots.

And the most important point is that the Shimura Tuan is hidden. No matter who the successor is, it is impossible to make the roots into iron plates. They must only fully obey the order of Naruto. Have absolute grasp and confidence.


Fujiya was instilled in another version of the blueprint of the blueprint of Hui Ye in his mind- “Shimura Tuan hid and did not tighten it, but the name of the darkness of the ninja could not be empty all the time!”

“I will follow the instructions of the owner, do things for Naruto and wood leaf, and then control the name of the root and inherit the darkness of the ninja!”

The No. 4 parasitic beast vines are a big ideal ambition. He decided to start with the information from Akagison’s mouth, and stepped out from other root candidates step by step.

The loyalty of the members of the roots, the brainwashing education of the Zhicun Tuanzang, and the ape flying sun, there is no need to doubt the screening. Then, who can follow the position of Zhicun Tuanzang, naturally rely on ability and credit.

Among the remaining members of the roots, there are still a few cadres who are equivalent to Fujiya positions, but it does not matter. Fujiya believes that he will be able to win from China soon. As long as the apes are not old, the successor who can choose is only himself.

“The living mouth of Caotan Village was awakened. The ninja of the medical class said that his heart position was different from ordinary people, so he avoided the pierced poker card, so he was fortunate to retrieve a life!” A member of the root came over to report to Fujiya.

“Poker?” Fujiya asked.

“Well, after he woke up, he explained that he was attacked by Xisuo from behind.” The subordinates of the root answered quickly and asked, “He is the only living mouth we found in this team in Cao Ren Village. Very valuable, do you want to report to Lord Naruto now? ”

“Well, report it, I think Lord Naruto would want to interrogate him in person.” Fujiya nodded, his voice was cold and cold.

the other side.

Siso’s sight moved from Uchiha Itachi, and turned to [A Fei] with interest, a look of the first encounter.

“Magician Sisso?” [A Fei] chewed the name and confirmed that he had never encountered the name that he had never encountered, but the head that this person had just dumped from his hand was hidden by Zhicun Tuan.

The shadow of Muye, the Dark Zhi Village Trinity in the Ninja Realm was killed by the unknown guy in front of him? This news is really explosive!

[A Fei] Frequently looking at the lack of eyes and heads held to Uchiha Itachi’s hand, confirming that it was really not forged.

“What is the guy in Hei Jue now?”

“Intelligence collection work is not in place!”

Thirteen times in the Guard, Uchiha was destroyed, and the death of Zhicun Tuanzang. This pile, one by one, [A Fei], there was no one who learned from Hei Jue in advance in advance. Follow.

in this way,

Where can he let him go behind the scenes behind the scenes?

“The incarnation of Uchiha’s Banzhi is just like this, it doesn’t feel like it is very reliable!” [A Fei] In his heart, he even moved the idea of collecting an intelligence personnel for Xiao Organ.

Thanks to the old people to sigh, the rhubarb on the right hand, and the reward of Yuxili under the beach.

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(This chapter is finished)

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