Chapter 119 Kakashi. In May 5th? (Lord Cao, Cao, Cao Jia 23)

Under the broken trees, two ribs were cut off in the chest of Fujiya’s chest. He rolled his body from the ground and leaned on the broken tree from half paralyzed. Looking at the members of the root of the serious injury to the ground, the giant was broken out of the ground. The snake array was affected, and it was instantly torn into a broken rain.

These are all subordinates that he carefully selected from the roots for this task. Fujiyu’s eyes are cracked, and vocal cords and throat squeeze out of grief, but he doesn’t go forward. Paralying on this fierce battle in the distance, and cheered crazy for their own people.

Kakashi is bitter!

He originally wanted to try to make sense to the other party. Whoever wanted to think of Dashe Wan directly rolled up his sleeves and did it. Now he can only hold his head hard. He can’t give up the headless monster!

“Fire 龙 · Haohuo Dragon Skills!”

Kakashi’s hands were quickly printed, and a fire dragon sprayed out of the mouth, and the turbulent cover was winding to the winding snake tail pill.

The fire dragon was raised from it, and the sawtoral -shaped blade rolled Kakashi’s waist with the cracked temperature, and cruelly pulled back the pull.


The waist was twisted into twist, and it was broken into a few pieces of wood. A Sanjing sneered in a sneer and raised the knife, and the curved snake tail pills shrank lightning.

“Strange tricks, but the fluctuations of the soul cannot be covered!”

A Sanjing laughed in love, raised the knife to split the ground, the roaring of the air came from the air, and the ground was cracked on the ground. Suddenly rolled up, and suddenly the stones were broken, and the sky was dusty.

Kakashi, who was preparing to attack from the ground, felt that the mud and stones around me were squeezed crazy. The rock layer above the head was broken. The head.

The beheading technique in my heart?

I cut my head!

Kakashi’s forehead overflowed cold sweat, rotating the wheel eyes crazy, a bead staring at the blade of the invasion of the horizons, he raised his hands, his five fingers were tight, and he quickly chopped forward. Hold a blade of the raised blade of the snake tail pill.

Like the rehearsal exercises, the stuck of the bitterness and the blade of the blade, like the turbulent Hei Tao hit the cricket.

Ding Ding Dang’s crispy sound of metal sparks splashed, jumping on the crushed gravel around the surrounding area, a layer of ash slag on Kakashi’s face, all the muscles of the whole body were bruised. He clenched his teeth and supported him. It’s like a leaf in the mud waves, swinging in the ups and downs, but the more rapid the waves, the faster he dodge.

Until the blade stopped the retracting gap, Kakashi stepped on the potential and stepped on the falling gravel soil. The body flipped, kicked up the lower section, and the feet shot out of the heels, and hit the chin of A Sanjing’s love.

Sports · Shadow Dance Leaf!


The jaw trembling, the masseter muscle and the teeth groaned/groaned, the head seemed to be smashed by a hammer, the ears buzzed, and Ayanai flew straight towards the sky.

Kakashi’s soles of their feet, the legs were tightened, they were ready to ejection. The next moment they closed their force to stop the action, and their bodies were withdrawn.

However, the blade connected by the high steel cable has been cut from the tip of the nose, and the rotation shrinks back to the sky. The second person of Ayanai is still flying down, but the shape is already stable, the neck is closed down, and the shoe gray is printed. The chin is opposed to the ground.

Kakashi was sore, with multiple muscles and bones. He wiped off the dust on his face and stared at the body in the sky, and his heart became more and more heavy.

Yingwu Ye was originally a set of combo. I didn’t want to kick out the first foot. The other person’s consciousness was restored almost instantly. It was really terrible to fight against strike.

Back jaw will lead to a short dizziness in the head. This is medical common sense, but the one who flew up seemed to be.

“Strange anti -strike ability, strange knife, and as if I can see through my hidden perception ability. Under the body of the human skin, 80 % are also non -human creatures!”

Kakashi’s feelings of anxiety are becoming more and more intense. Ninja’s killing methods are designed with people’s target units, but if they encounter non -human units, many attacks may not work. Experience and judgment will definitely cause major errors. In the fighting fight, the result of a little error judgment is enough to die.

at this point,

Facing the ghosts caught off guard and helpless, it has been revealed. Now, it is similar?

Kakashi was full of resentment. He was not a person who relied on recklessness and neuropathy to fight fighting. He depended more on intelligence analysis and tactics. He was a ninja fighting with his brain!

“I have to admit that people of this world are angry with me!”

Ayaki was not as brain cells as many brain cells in Kakashi. He just felt embarrassing and angry. After countless years, he came to this world to perform the task again with Captain Rotten Wood. He even injured humans again! Intersection Intersection

But this time,

He won’t make a mistake in failure!

A Sanjing wiped off the ash of the chin, spit out a sip of blood fiercely, and gritted his teeth to spit out a bitter killing from the teeth: “Roar, Viper Tail Pills!”

The same lines ~

The scene is different, it is an advanced picture!

Kakashi raised his eyes and looked at the sky, and when he saw that Ayanai fell vertically to the ground, the knife in his hand winded violently, and the naked eye turned into a horrible behemoth.


A low screaming snake hiss, the ground gravel rolled, and a python -covered python blinked his eyes, and tightly around Ah Tingai’s figure, and it became several laps on the ground.

The knife body is completely transformed into a huge snake -like body, and the knife head turns into a skeleton skeleton head. The surrounding snake head is covered with a circle of bright red fur. Hey, it can reach three meters long, and it is shaking to aligning Kakashi.

“This time, the knife is completely a snake strange!”

Kakashimo’s eyes were stunned, and the change in front of him really beyond his understanding of his understanding. The appearance of ghosts and myths and legends was paved. The giant snake, just.

The brain was dull because of shock, and Kakashi couldn’t express his inner emotions in words. He looked at the skull snake head with a terrifying atmosphere. A real giant snake was compressed by the scaredness of the soul in breathing.

Kakashi does not doubt that the giant snake even half of the mouth is enough to swallow himself. There is no need to weigh the strength of the knife or snake. It only distinguishes it visually. Kakashi does not think that he met for the first time. I can have a chance to win.

Not to mention a few dark parts standing behind him, and one by one can open his fists.

Kakashi’s heart is cool. I don’t know if this is one of the enemies for Dashe Wan. He uses Yu Guang for help.

However, the picture falling into his eyes made him the whole person falling like an ice cave, where there was the shadow of Dashe Wan, there was only a rigid and ugly legacy, and the cherry blossoms that came from from where he came from.

(This chapter is finished)

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