Chapter 12 I feel insult

The night wind of the forest is cold and cold, and the nasal cavity is all the haze particles of the PM index burst. It is also mixed with a slight bloody smell of blood, but I don’t know how many bones are buried in the forest under this foot. inside.

The sole is stepped on the soft land, and if you accidentally hook the lush roots that are wrapped into a thread group, the rotten flesh is dropped out of the mud, and the buzzing flies are frightened and flew away. Wandering the bones.

“Look, the corpse rotten will be the first to attract mosquitoes and flies, but the gorgeous flowers are finally waiting for it. Should the flowers be regarded as beautiful or ugly?” Step into a rotten together, he has light cleanliness!

“The fat and fat maggots are just ate the corruption of the bones, and they are disgusted by the world; and the seemingly innocent and delicate flowers have already been exhausted in the essence of life in secret, but they are praised by the world; In the end, where is the strange flower, but most people have never opened up to see this world. ”

Discussing the pain of pain and pain with actresses is the basic skills of the director. When Hui Yejie saw the words of Shimaru Yin almost without thinking, for him, this seemingly melancholy Wenqing art fanfan In fact, they are all LSP’s PUA words.

The atmosphere suddenly became weird ~

Shiman Yin was stunned, and the smile on his face was stiff for a while, and then he bent down and broke a flower without any matter. The fingertips were lightly bounced.

“The petals are coming!”

The green hiding behind a tree saw the petals floating from the darkness, and the weak petals were rowed into a sting, as if being controlled by the invisible palm to bypass the trees and branches and leaves, and quickly floated towards their own position. come over.

This TM is a counter -wind!

“Buried your body with these petals, would you like it?”

The gentle groaning caught in the ears, and Qing was shocked to look up at the trees and the mockery. A black robe came into the pupil. Do yourself.


Can it be exposed at 300 meters across the wind?

I didn’t see it with such a big white -eyed beads. Is this white eye blind!

The blood vessels in the eyes of the green eyes were bombarded, and the white eyes were unbelievable. There was only one figure wearing a mask in the field of vision. The other figure really disappeared. Yes, he was standing above his head to say hello.

Qing was full of excitement, and he jumped backwards. At the same time, he seal two split waters, and the left and right climbing trees rushed to attack the figure above the head.

The water body stepped on the trunk and jumped up, and a few water arrows were sprayed in the mouth of the mouth, pointing directly to the head, chest, limbs of Shimaru Yin; the other 360 -degree volley, and the soles of the stinky sky were split into the city Maruyin. bridge of the nose.

Shimaru Yin’s nose twitched, and the cold light of Mori was squinting, and his eyes penetrated the two water splits like perspective, locking the dirty and ugly soul in the real body of Qing.

In the eyes of death, the body is just a cheap coat, let alone the scooping trick of dividing the body, which is regarded as the air.

“Oh ~”

The tip of the toes breaks the branches, and the body shape disappears instantly. A disabled image in the air was captured by white eyes, just like the live broadcast stuck, there was a slide appeared in front of the eyes. Essence

“Disappearing, just like it just now!”

“No seal, no chakra flow!”

“Just lift your feet?”

Instaline is also about blue consumption and casting before. What kind of ghost you raising your feet? I can’t bear to learn it at all!

Qing’s eyes widened, expanding the horizons from the point of locking to the range of the radius of the whole body. Then, he saw that there was a bunch of vague residues in the air. Completely restoration of dynamic pictures, you can only complete the picture in your mind with experience.

“If it wasn’t for the insight of Baiyan, I am afraid that I wouldn’t even catch these disability. How terrible speed was beyond the limit that normal vision could capture.”

Green swallowed his mouth, and all the ninjas were most afraid of meeting the speed ninja. It was really a round -made game. If you are playing with the god of death, you can feel the gloom that the sickle of death passes from the neck, but you can see it. No shadow of death.

At that time, the golden flash of the wood leaf was not to develop the speed to the extreme.

“If it is the technique of flying thunder, there will be no trajectory in the air, but it can only capture the intermittent disability. This is only the difference between all blindness and half blindness. ah!”

The blood vessels around the orbit are bumpy, and the green heart sinks into the bottom of the valley,

“There is no trace of Chakra flow in the air!”

“Is it the purest physical technique!”

“It’s outrageous!”

The footprints on the ground were chaotic, and the countless disabled in the white eyes surrounded themselves. The two water -split -to -body downs stood on the periphery. I didn’t know how to save the real body, and then turned towards the distance.


On the other person with a mask!

It is always impossible to be outrageous ~

If you can hold him, maybe you can have a line of vitality.

Hui Ye, who watched the play in the periphery, saw the cheek muscles slightly rigid under the mask. Is this regarding himself as a life -saving straw? Although he admits it in his heart, he is indeed the one who dragged his hind legs, but he is so darkened. Is it too insulted ~

“I definitely can’t be held up. It is not that I can look at myself, but that Shimaru Yin will not allow this scene to happen. How many pounds do I have under the measurement, or is it just that I am afraid that I will watch the show boring, and find some fun for me? ”

Hui Yenai saw a cold radian of the corner of his mouth. He originally believed that Shimaru Yin’s kindness was believed. He watched the two water sprints sprinting 100 meters away, and his hands stretched out the cuffs and quietly pressed the ground.

“Solving the two watersheds, my performance can not be too much price ~”

The slender and pale palms are pierced into the ground, the naked arms are weird red, and the blood pores are drilled out, and the fingertips are penetrated into the ground. A mapping of 60 meters in diameter.

It is like a blood -colored altar steaming from the ground, and the air exudes evil, cold fragrance, as if a kind of indispensable horror was summoned by the altar, and the slippery tongue licked the living creatures in this area. Essence

The air is contaminated into sticky plasma, and the soil is also disgusting bloody smell. Only the flowers in the altar are becoming more delicate and holy!

“Blood Festival!”

Hoy hoarse, the low sacrifice accompanied by the falling blood rain echoed in the diameter of 60 meters, coincided with, the 100 -meter sprint water body broke in

(This chapter is finished)

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