Chapter 139 is not used like this! (Seeking subscriptions, seeking monthly tickets)

Wind and sunny!

The wood leaf seems to be sweet and happy.

The corpse on the wooden carts exudes a cold taste, which is the mixed fluid of the Forma water and chemical reagents. There is a little more life in the middle.

The flat cart rolled the road, the wheels and ground frictions made a puppet sound, and they have been steadily arriving at the Naruto.

The covered cloth was lifted and revealed a row of pale bodies. Although it was dead, under the treatment of freshness, the appearance still maintained the sound capacity of life. Similar decisive.

The visual effect is shocking.

Help the dark part of the giving away!

The apes were cut with the cigarette fights, and came out with Naruto buckets. Looking at the corpse carved by the side by side, the pupils were slightly contracted.

“Is this a man?” The question of the ape flying sun pointed directly at the core.

“They have human body and internal organs, but the composition of the body’s muscles and epidermis is mixed with the fiber of plants, as if it was reshaped by collective cosmetic surgery.”

When Hui Yeqiu came out, he took the surgery knife handed in the ghost of the ghost, piercing the skin of a corpse, and cut it along the withered muscle veins.

Sure enough, you can see some weird fiber silk, interspersed with the roots of plants, one by one, one by one, looks like a spindle to woven the network.

“When people were just died, they could not be seen at all, but after the corpse was soaked with a special potion, and then waited for the muscles to completely shrink, these fiber filaments slowly emerged from the muscles.”

Hui Yeqian saw the surgery knife and repeated the information that Nirvana was told to the wood leaf. As for the treatment of that special potion, it was the secret of Caotan Village.

“The level of medical research limited by Caotan Village is limited, and we cannot make accurate judgments on these corpses, so secretly sent these corpses to wood leaf, hoping to get more accurate answers from wood leaves. The support of wood leaves. ”

These corpses must have problems!

These problems do not understand Caotan Village!

The ape flying sun did not doubt what Hui Ye met, and the scientific research level of these small ninja villages was indeed terrible. He looked at Hui Yena in silence.

Then he looked at the face of Huato and Ghost Ainan, and finally stayed on the black umbrella that stayed in Huato, and frowned slightly.

The ninja’s personality is very strange. Some people like to wear masks, some like to wrap bandages, and those who like to wear green skin tightly. Relatively speaking, there is nothing strange to hold the umbrella shading.


The ape flying sun will not be deceived by Hui Yenai’s sophisticated face. The Chinese Ninja test is still vivid. The value of this person does not talk about lunatic, but it is by no means a normal person.

“Support?” Ape Feiri spit out a cigarette ring.

Hui Yeqian saw an envelope from his arms. This is the self -written letter written by Naruto Village, the highest leader of Kusari Village.

“Yes, Cao Ren Village was weird.” Hui Yeai saw the corpses and tried to consider the vocabulary: “Well, the white horror is surrounded by the ground!”

The ape flying day cuts the letter, which is written on the above. It is much more detailed than Hui Yejin, and the situation is much more serious. The eagerness and anxiety of the straw.

The ape flying sun is not disturbed by emotional emotions. He rationally analyze the real content revealed in the analysis letter. The idea is:

There is a white strange creature monitoring Cao Ren Village for 24 hours underground. Recently, there are often ninja disappearances in the village. Akioson feels in secret that there is a huge black hand that is invisible, and he is shrouded in Cao Ren Village silently.

This huge black hand is so big that it is a lot of time to spy in the dark, and it is bound to be very big!

To sum up a word -Cao Ren Village is in danger, come quickly!

The ape flying sun cuts the letter to get it up. The turbid eyes cannot see the emotional waves. “What is good for Cao Ren Village? This picture must be related to [ghost].”


Is it rescue or not to save?

The pros and cons of Ape Feiri has been decided. At present, Wuyin Village is likely to have research results on ghosts. The wood leaves have lagged behind, and the news of [Ghost] will not spread again.

“You can rest assured that Cao Ren Village is the alliance of Muye. Muye will never be ignored as the alliance fall into crisis. Muye will adjust a elite team as soon as possible to follow you to respond to the crisis of resolving Caotan Village. ”

Ape Feiri chopped a charity smile on his face.

Hui Yeyu also showed a grateful smile.

Ghost Xiangnan and Huato look at each other, manipulating the cheeks to squeeze out a textbook -like decent smile.

It takes some time to arrange the dispatch to support the team. Cao Ren Village III [People] temporarily live in Muye and wait patiently.

Hui Yenai saw the arrangement of the wood leaf very much, waiting quietly and politely, and stayed in the room for a whole day.

At night, the three [people] also pulled the curtains early to turn off the lights.

The night gradually shrouded the entire wood leaf. Under a peaceful and quiet, the window quietly pushed away a gap, allowing the outside air to enter the wind with the wind.

The shadow of the folds on the curtains, a ripple -like ripples swinging in the air, if there was a ghostly merging into the night.

In the night,

The gloomy wind was breathing, and a few deciduous leaves fell down, revealing the stiff mask behind the back, but the straight eyes were just staring at the night.

The dwelling of the day.

The white lantern hangs outside the door.

In a certain room in the part of the yard, the chest wrapped in a bandage sunblast, sitting in the corner of the house, facing a mirror, watching himself in the mirrorless and stiff eyes.

It was a pale face, the two fonded eyes were embarrassed, the edge of the blood vessels raised and twisted, and the mantra on the forehead sketched the ugly lines.

“This is me, a ugly, cowardly self!”

The face in the mirror in the mirror is a person who begged to survive by killing his companions.

Everyone was disgusted, and no one was blame him for alienation, but no one was willing to approach him. If he was once a cage that was bound by the curse, now he really feels that the whole world has changed. It became a cold prison in imprisonment.

Being in it,

Only the indifference to freeze the soul.

As soon as Hyuga closed his eyes, he could recall the companion who was killed by himself. The face of the poisonous face made him unable to fall asleep; and when he opened his eyes, he saw it all the eyes of indifference. Said, but the Hyuga Ban can see from their eyes that they want to die.

“Maybe I should die that day, everyone should want me to die that day!”

Hyuga Bazi tightened his short knife, and he was aimed at his eyebrows, and the faintly faint greenness of the five fingers was always piercing in.

in the dark,

A blurred body showed the outline behind the sunburn, and the two knives were gently pinched between the two, and the brow heart of the latter moved away steadily.

“Knife, it’s not used like this!”

The gentle and magnetic sound is passed into the ears of the sunburn.


Thanks for [Paper Emperor to write about it] 1500 points for rewards, thank you [Dengta Pioneer] 1500 points for reward.

(This chapter is finished)

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