Chapter 165 The Danger Research Project of the Technology Development Bureau.

I almost forgot to say on my mouth. In fact, I didn’t forget to remember for a moment, and I gave a gift to Miaomu Mountain!

From the beginning, the toad recruited in the body that night was quietly parasitic into a parasitic animal eggs, and the bugs were stuffed in the toad body. This should be the most likely gift!

No need to be polite ~

No. 7 parasitic beast, the first parasitic beast in history with toads as the host!

At this moment, the remote positioning signal of Miao Mushan has been passed back to the underground laboratory of Ghost Lantern City!

The experimental instrument and equipment presented by Dashe Wan, filled with the full -fledged laboratory, was soaked in the nutritional slot that was soaked in the nutritional tank, served as an excellent control living body, and carried out various interesting and complex experimental projects. Essence

Of course, there are more dead Bai Jue bodies, which were pulled to the library, and were degraded and restored to a variety of materials by the strange instruments.

Bone, muscles, skin, and blood are degraded and restored to granular substances, and then stored and packaged in vacuum tanks. These are materials for making righteous skeletons reserved by Nirvana.

Of course, it is impossible to be the perfect -level armed righteous skeleton created by the president. Nirvana Li found that Bai Jue’s corpse was processed and decomposed, which was very suitable for reorganization to assemble it as an alternative to ordinary righteous skeletons.

Nirvana is ahead of rain. He is convinced that in the near future, the President of Naijian will let the entire Jingling Ting come again and recover in this world. By then, the captain and deputy captain will be unblocked and awakened. The remaining gods who fill the base are also unblocked and recovered together.

How many skeletons do that need to be? You can’t let the President Nai see the perfect and armed righteous skeleton. It’s too hard. The most important thing is how they can match the righteous skeleton made by the chairmanship. Woolen cloth?

Let’s make batch manufacturing by considerate Nirvana!

Although Nirvana still does not understand so far, how the president has unblocked them and summoned to a strange new world, but this does not hinder him, setting up a place of body, and wholeheartedly, some of the cumbersome problems that may be encountered in the future may be Essence

This is the meaning of the existence of the Technology Development Bureau!

Nirvana records a lot of long -term plans and short -term goals in his own diary and deputy brain. He firmly believes that his efforts will be seen by the president. Occupy than a more important position, even the ranking sequence of Captain Fan will definitely be ranked at the forefront.


Nirvana did not care about these virtual names, this is just his progress!

For this lofty ideal, Nirvana is very interested in Bai Jue, and even after upgrading the research on ghosts, the transformation and evolution of virtuality, and asexual cultivation and reproduction of parasitic beasts.

Experimental items 1: Dynamic/Plant ecological conversion!

——Arrons, in view of the special nature of Bai Jue, it is difficult for Nirvana to summarize it as a pure biological category. He wants to study whether the hybridization of this kind of animal and plant is universal and can be further promoted to this as a result. Make more animals and plants get better.

The project’s research progress is 2.3%.

The research progress was considered by Nirvana through a series of complex formulas that humans could not understand and carried out meticulous logic derivation, which could be calculated in the center of the brain.

Experimental project 2. Zero and tampering of memory.

—— Niecoli discovered that these white brain memories were almost born at the same time. At the same time, the memory before that was obviously a lack of chaos, and their memories were zero.

The project’s research progress is 94%.

For the death of the soul, zero or tampering with memory is a thing that is not too difficult. Nirvana can soon come up with research results and technical products.

Experimental items 3. Ghost’s immortality.

——The volunteers of this experimental study are black and dead. He will regularly come to the experimental table for 2 hours every day. During this period of time, he was appointed to an anatomy research.

This provides huge convenience and benefit for Nirvana’s research. Of course, the strength of the black death is also increasing. The structure in the body is increasingly not like humans.

The perfect win -win!

Every time the study is conducted, the city Maruyin watched on the side will show saliva.

The project’s research progress is 14%.

When the experimental progress is 100%, Nirvana can apply the regeneration of the ghost to the righteous skeleton technology and upgrade the righteous skeleton.

Experimental items 4. Virtual upgrade.

——The research material of the project comes from the friendship provided by Shimaru Yin. Almost two days, the soul of a prisoner will be eternal redemption in the ghost lantern city.

Nirvana was seriously doubtful, and I was so crazy for Shimaru Yin, and the inventory of the entire ghost Lantern City will soon be emptied.

By the way, the headless monster rescued by the Rotten Mu Shirai will relive every two days, and it feels like lying on the experiment.

Nirville and Shiman Yin found that the ninja is indeed a high -quality material converting into a virtual quality. The empty soul of the empty deformed soul is their unique advantage, which allows them to quickly have strong power after blurring, but because of this, it is blurred. Later, they are more difficult to store.

The project’s research progress was 11.1%.

Experimental items 5. Parasitic beasts’ nonsense reproduction.

——The experimental materials are from the gift of Chairman Naijian, a narbid insect of parasitic beast, which is the president’s expectation of him.

Nirvana is the most attentive for this experiment.

The actual situation is that when Hui Yenai saw the remaining parasites in his hand, he wanted to cultivate a wave of supplement, and he hit Nirvana Li.

This person is no longer as simple as the wool of the system. He has begun to have dangerous thoughts such as piracy, plagiarism, deciphering, and so on.

What is even more terrible is that Nirvana, who has been fighting with chicken blood, seems to have the ability to turn everything into possible.

The project’s research progress was 31.4%.

There are more than a dozen studies in the laboratory at the same time. All projects are mainly carried out by Nirvilleli alone. Shimaru Yin will only help the research projects that they are interested in.

Fortunately, the “Book of Seal Seal” from Muye has also been handed in the hands of Nirvana. He did not exclude the study and research of Ninjutsu. The first time he gave a systematic understanding of the Book of Seal From a glance, I met each other.

Nirvana loved this new world and loved to die even more. He called himself to the chairman of the new world.


When Hui Yeqian saw the door of the basement and walked in, she saw more than a dozen wearing white coats wearing black and white masks, doing various experiments and busy cocoons. Unconsciously, I was happy, but the thick eyes of the dark circles were full of cracking eyes, and I looked at it together.

(This chapter is finished)

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