Chapter 175 The road is everywhere, and the future has broken

The knife came out of the sheath and fell vertically to the ground!

The ripple rippled on the ground appeared, seemed to turn into a pool of liquid, the blade touched the sinking into the sinking, the air shook silently, like a mirror, was split from the middle, and a strange and sharp knife was like a stood broken mountain. , Piece from the ground water waves, and the entity emerged from the air.

Sword is like mountain!

Arrange left and right!

Feng Massen stands, majestic is like a Seno Sword Prison, and in a moment, it seems that the heavens and the earth are all overwhelmed, and the standing Sword Mountain is like fantasy. Cracking and turning into the sky cherry blossoms.

The sea of fire without the entity was cut and annihilated by the rain, and the raging flames withered; the cliff body stared at the toad with a drum, and the stiff pestle was scratched by the wind. Flower funeral dissipates in the air together.

Xie Xie · Qianben Sakura Jingyan!

The most beautiful and cruel flower funeral in the world!

The huge mountain roads only murmured in the sound of the wind, and the death of the death was not scattered on the top of the head, and the flowers were beautiful!

On the ladder of the Miaomu Mountain section of the dead, [Blue Dye Kurosuke] stepped up the ladder. It is unimpeded.


That’s not hindrance is the torn blood curtain!

It was countless tall and short, fat and thin toads, and it seemed to pour out from the depths of Miaogi Mountain. The deduction of the thousands of years made the toad flooded here, and it was like a surrounding colorful sea. Intersection

A toad’s skull and body fluctuate, the ugly body is crowded, pushing, noisy, making the whole heaven and earth dyed in a deformity.


A blood line is separated from the colorful sea, and then the whole world becomes a color, the dark blood is as dark as ink, like exudation from the scroll of the sky curtain.

Initially, it only split out, and then turned into a tear splash. Countless blood mouths exploded from the screen, like a knife with infinitely bending and extended. In the breathing, the entire scroll was torn into crushing. The colorful sea is dyed by the blood bath to death red!

! 尽 尽 卍!

There are no gorgeous chanting singing, and there is no gorgeous liberation scene. Even, even the solution is short to only two words — all!

[Lan Ranya Yikojie] Continue to walk forward, the eyes are raised slightly, and a blood color reflects on the lens. If the fleshy mountain wall is blocked in front, the mountain is silently collapsed; Sea, then the sea has been torn flat.

There is only one leisurely madness standing in the blood curtain, long braids and twisted flowers, and the wind and dancing are all mad. Slim, fear, greedy breathing the smell of blood.

All are all -everything is ending!

The Captain of the 13th Eleven of the Guard, the captain of the team, the flowers of the 卯 护, the flowers of the 卯 八 八 八 八!

A straightforward road extends from the foot of the landscape to the foot of [Blue Dye Kurosuke]. In the staircase of the blood curtain, [Blue Dye Kimosuke] walks to the top of Miaomu Mountain, and it is suddenly cheerful in front of the eyes. Death, a huge toad with the orange toad with Buddha beads slowly woke up from his sleep, opened his turbid eyes.


What is it?

It is a film that was seen in the future!

Is a prophecy!

This is the understanding of the ninja [prophet] big toad fairy. Recently, he has made an extremely long, continuous, and horrible nightmare!


First, a dark and winding passage, like a time of the promenade, silently, it goes along the promenade. When it walks to the end, it spy at a vague picture between it.

A pair of spiral -shaped eyes reflected on the moon, the horrible blood color shone, a towering giant tree seemed to be a living creature. Essence


Screen conversion,

It is the name of a nine tail beast called a young boy!



The picture is like a mirror covered with water fog. It can’t be seen clearly. It can only blur the outline of the scene, but the mirror suddenly has a cracking road, a cracking, and the pieces fall into the darkness.

[Dream broken? .

【No! .

[It is the original future fragmentation into a residue! .

The big toad fairy was horrified in the dream. It saw that with the collapse of the mirror, the road that originally walked to the end was like a large black trunk. Entering the darkness of the nothing, the winding split extending countless new roads.

[The future is split! .

[Time is gone! .

[The original end point has become the starting point of the new darkness! .

The big toad fairy watched the fragmented mirror, and his heart was uneasy. For thousands of years, this was the first time he met such a weird dream.

He looked at the splashing fork, the winding branches were embarrassed, separated from each other, but they were intertwined and wrapped. In the dark, it was like an indescribable living creature in the dark. Essence

It is like taking root in the dark soil, drawing nutrients crazy, and greedily stretched out more tentacles, stretching into a farther dark darkness, making this original darkness becoming more gloomy. Even the distant distant remoteness passed by the vines.




Nothing and no blending, darkness is overlapping with darkness. The branches have already become a giant net, as if the universe was born on the spider web, and an unknown horror shadow breathed on the cobble.

【what is that? .

[What did I see? .

[This is the future? .

[This is the world? .

[Why is there such a thrilling change? Is the ability I have evolved in the ability of my dream? Or.】

There is a strong anxiety in the heart of the big toad fairy. Standing at this countless fork intersection, no matter which side he turns, he feels gloomy and more gloomy. In the darkness concluded by the cobweb, there are countless weird weirdness and horror that are invisible to themselves.

[What are you kidding? .

[This is a dream! .

[I am looking at the future! .

[Who can spy at me? .

The big toad fairy was laughed at by the weird and absurd thoughts of his heart. It settled the mind and thought about it in place for a long time. Each branches did not look different. Yes, the big toad fairy chose one of them to walk in.


The jokes of murmur echoing in the dark promenade, one face or damaged or incomplete mirror, hanging on both sides of the corridor, covered with mist on it, it seems to be vaguely presenting a bloody and horrible future.

(This chapter is finished)

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