Chapter 18 The Next Awakening Character

Different from the story of the combination of the ninja village in the animation, Kishimoto Qi Shi is a comic. He understands the setting of a hammer. In the real Ninja Village in the ninja world, only the small part of the country’s territory is occupied.

The main body of the real country is composed of ordinary people.

Cities, governments, villages and towns, markets, monks, dojos, dojo, and mountain thieves have built the colorful scrolls of ordinary people to build the background of this world. Relatively speaking, the village is extremely tedious and single.

If you have to describe it, it is probably the color of blood coagulation. The redness is dark and dark, which is the dark darkness in the blood, which is more depressed than the color of the night.


The question is that I don’t know when it will start,

The blood coagulated color began to roll towards the entire world. The original colorful chromatography was associated with a color, the city’s depression, the villages and towns were out, the market was broken, the monks and temples, the dojo became a bandit nest of the thief.

The whole country was transfusion for the village, and then the Ninja Village sold and killed the world, caught in a vicious circle, until the whole world had been dragged into the bloody scroll at this moment.

Ninjin Village, the initial establishment was a violent institution that guarded the state power.

Nowadays, the cancer has become a pus tumor that cannot be removed, and is desperately sucking the vitality of the world.

This came from Hui Yenai all the way. There were barren fields everywhere on the road. No one was buried on the bones of the bones on the side of the road. Don’t be able to bear it!

at last,

Three Bo Shan thieves were all dropped by Shimaru Yinshou, and Hui Ye was too late to stop, and recite them for prayers.


There are no rewards for plug -ins.

After entering this town, the streets have closed down. Occasionally there are several stores opened. Seeing that Hui Yejin and Shimaru Yin are also shocked, they avoid it from a distance. It’s right.

“There is no fun to go shopping, I am getting more and more disappointed in this world.” Hui Yenai sighed for a long time.

“The system of this world has long been abnormal, and it can hurt the scourge of reality. Instead, I admire the destructive power of the ninja ~” Shiwan Yin squinted his eyes, and his tone was full of yin and yang.

When he turned into a dilapidated antique shop, Hui Yenai saw the porcelain of porcelain in his hands, and he didn’t look like a artwork that could be collected. He sighed, and he should not have expectations.

He just strolled around the market with the psychology of picking up the leak, and the plug -in without stipulating that things made by ordinary people have no collection value, but it turns out that Hui Yeai saw that it was too beautiful. Drill him.

“Forget it, just buy a bottle to pretend to be white.”

Seeing his self -consolation, Hui Ye picked a wooden carved bottle and can, and then pulled out a piece of cloth from his pocket, unbuttoned the exposed white -eyed beads and threw it into the bottle.


A line of reminder subtitles will pass by the retina!


Hui Yenai saw the wrong, and he almost thought the wooden can in his hand was an art collection. It turned out to be just a beautiful misunderstanding.

[Jingling Ting’s Glory History process 73 and 94 sub -processes have been completed! .

Hui Yeqian blinked, opened the drop -down menu, and slid the rolling axis:

[73. From the watches from the five major ninja villages, the name of Jingling Ting began to be noticed by the forces of the five major ninja villages. (Reached)]

[94. Passage is an enemy, an organization that is also hidden behind the scenes, which has hostile to Jingling Ting, you have received a peek from your peers.

[PS: The glory of Jingling Ting is gradually transmitting to the hostile forces organization. It is the so -called person who knows you best to be your enemy. Through the fear of the hostile forces, the influence of Jingling Ting is really a genius creativity. Essence .

[The total progress of the process increases to 5.4%]

[Has reached the first settlement mark, get the achievement point*1000]

“Wudi Village is not bad ~ There is also a peeping from his peers, hey, the enemy, how can these are the enemy? Obviously everyone is a good friend. “,”

Hui Ye saw the boss with a wooden tank with a wooden pot, and the sound came out after the mask was extremely gentle and kind: “Is there a Forma Lin water, please help me fill it, if not, it is possible to replace it with salt water. “,”

The owner of the antique shop picked up the wooden pot with a pale face, looking at the lonely eyeball inside, and the eyelids also revealed a large white eyes to reveal a large white.

at last,

When Hui Yenai saw that he left, he was forced by the owner of the antique shop.

There was a wooden jar with a bottle of plug in his hand. Hui Ye said to the city Maruyin a little embarrassed: “Compared to the ninja who is insidious and cunning, I still prefer these simple and kindness. Ordinary people ~ “”

“Yes ~ I have the same views with President Naijian!” Shi Maruyin and President Naijian’s three views were exactly the same, just like it was carved in a mold.

“Do you want to continue to stroll, but to see the chairman?” Shimaru Yin turned to see the antique shop quickly closed the door panel to close the business, and the arc from the corner of the mouth became more intimate.

“No, there is no need to continue shopping. I have got what I want. Now I only have a fresh corpse!” Hui Yenai saw that the number of achievements currently owned is 3187 points.

However, only 6H37min is left in the countdown of one -fold promotional activity.

In the past two days, I seem to be aimlessly strolling. In fact, Huiyejian saw the opportunity to find might trigger tasks, but it was really difficult. It is the corpse and mountain bandits.

He buried the body on the road!

What a achievement!

The bandits purified three allocation, one without leaving, and chanting prayer in compassion.

What are the rewards!

After finally finding a town and walking in, the people on the road saw that they both hid like hiding the plague god. When playing games, they knew that the task of receiving the NPC was to trigger the NPC. event?

Eye was at the countdown of the promotion of the promotion, and the achievements were unable to find the opportunity to brush.

Now that you want to change the ground, you can’t have time to change the world.


Wuyin Village still remembered himself, not far away, he sent waves to warm!

“I probably understand it. If you want to brush the achievement point, you still have to catch the wool of Ninjun Village!” Hui Yenai saw a long and one wisdom, and summarized the lessons of this experience in his heart.

“A fresh corpse?” Shi Maruyin murmured several times, and the palm of his palm was unconsciously rubbing on the handle. He read the subtext behind this sentence. ” Did Lingting awaken another captain? ”

“Yes, I plan to wake up a captain to come to this world. I just hesitate to wake up which captain. After all, my ability can only wake up one captain at one time at one time, and then I have to rest for a long time. Blame my strength is too weak, so that the remaining captains have to wait in sleep, it must be very tough. “Hui Yenai was full of blame and guilt.

The existence of the plug -in is the biggest secret of Hui Yeyu!

Even if Ichimaru has some guessing, Hui Yeyu will never take the initiative to confess, even if the contract concluded by the plug -in is unbreakable, but this does not hinder the mystery in front of the subordinates!

“Time is not meaningful for the death of sleeping. No matter which captain is awakened, it is a choice of fate. I think the captain must be able to understand. In fact, it can be awakened again from the eternal sleep. Come over, all the captains must be grateful from the inner gratitude. Nai Jian’s gift, Nai Jian did not need to blame and guilty. “Shimaru Yin was bowed towards Hui Ye, and his words were full of sincere gratitude.

“Captain Shiman Yin said that, I feel so much in my heart, but I am still tangled. Which captain should I wake up first? Looking at Shimaru Yin.

“Of course I hope.”

(This chapter is finished)

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