Chapter 181 Is the villain be the savior? Should I remove Lan Ran?

Can I refuse?

Do I dare to refuse?

Am I refused?

The soul asked three questions, echoing in the head of the big toad fairy, and made a sound of nourishing. He was not the brain back of the thought, but the sound of the drill bits in the brain, vibrated through the skull, and passed into the cochlea.

The retina is implanted into the projector, the head is cracked, and the tofu brain -like brain paste is pierced into an antenna with a signal.

“Rest assured, there will be no strange sensation, as long as you don’t want to tear your head crazy, lift the fungus film, everything is safe!”

Nirvana completed the surgery quickly, and stitched the toad skin on the head intimately, reappeared the dark doctoral hat on it, and then quietly, then

“The surgery is very successful, you must protect your head, otherwise, you will be blown up!”

The big toad fairy feels that his body is dominated by consciousness. It feels his head. It really does not have the slightest feeling. Its heart immediately sinks into the valley.

It moved his eyes, his cheeks were swollen inhaling, and two words spit out two words from the tired breath: “Prophet?”

[Lan Ranya Yukuke] A bright and gentle smile hanging on his face, forgetting the quiet sky curtain, the cold -hung moon disk, the sound of the sound of being bewildered: “Yes, you can receive it In the future, is it meaningful to be reflected on this sky curtain? ”

“.” The big toad fairy touched the raised eyes.

“The method of use is very simple. After receiving the signal in my mind, just play this film to the Ninja Realm and answer their questions for them!” Nirvani excitedly introduced the instructions for the use of use.

“Why is it me?” The big toad fairy asked.

“Because you see it, you will tell the Ninja Realm again, which is highly credible!” [Blue Dana Yukuke] is very patient, “Like a righteous story, the savior in the life should be said to be thousands of calls. Calling out can meet everyone’s expectations! ”

“Savior?” The big toad fairy was suspicious. This word once said like this with it, it was so powerful in his heart.

“That’s right!” [Blue Dana Youjie] Zhang opened his arms and danced in the wind. “The ninja will usher in an unprecedented disaster, the ground will collapse, the sky will tear, and the weirdness of the long time in the river will be sealed. Terror will unblock the world, all life will end, and only the Jingling Ting who can save all these is to find all the shelter, and the humble begging begging for the shelter of the thirteenth. It’s the only hope in this world! ”

“The 13th of the Guard is the savior, do you understand?” [Blue Dye Kimosuke] View of the raised eyes of the big toad fairy.

The big toad fairy is all cold, and welcomes the cold eyes hidden behind the glasses, like falling in the ice cave, and the heart roar is exhausted. I understand a ghost. I have seen your truth.

You are, the virtual night palace!

[Lan Ranya Yusuke] It is clearly the leader in the virtual night palace behind the scene of that day, and at this moment, those [people] types wearing black robe weaving behind him should be on both sides of the long table, those blurred and horrible bodies, It’s shaped!

This is a beautiful misunderstanding!


Maybe half of it is correct!

“Understand!” The big toad fairy nodded heavily. It is now the only toad that is in close contact with the truth in the ninja. For itself, for Miaomu Mountain, and for the ninja world, it must lower the head, give up dignity, virtue and snakes, first Obviously and obediently play the role of a prophet, after that, then again

“Very good, just obediently obedient.” [Lan Ranyouyoujie] has always been a stingy person. He promises very generously: “Miaomu Mountain will still be the holy place in the ninja world, and there will be no danger to disturb here. After 1,000 years of peace, you can be as noisy as yesterday! ”

There will be no more dangerous disturbance,

Because of,

The most dangerous has been washed here!

The big toad fairy is slandered, and the folds on the face barely squeezed out with a smile, whispered, and asked tentatively: “So, what is the weird horror of the unblocking river in the river?”

The big toad fairy has seen all kinds of weird and horrible creatures in his dreams. What he wants to ask is the things, where does it come from, and does it have anything to do with your [Guard Thirteen Fan]?

He even wanted to ask, is there a slightly heard ghost outside now, is it a strange and horrible part?

“It’s not a ghost, it’s just a appetizer; of course, there may be some other species, but it’s not the main dish;

[Blue Dana Yosuke] The tone was slightly paused, and it meant to spit out a terrible vocabulary.

“Virtual circles, ghosts and all other horror are just the humble minions, the virtual circle is the end of all destroying everything.

“.” The Big Toad Fairy was numb inside. He watched the captain of the 13th team claiming to be the 13th Fan Fan of the Guard, but it was actually [Blue Dye Kimosuke] with the BOSS BOSS of the Vanity Night Palace. And pass.



There is no protective court at all, right?

Only the virtual night palace!

I am afraid that I know the absolute truth that I shouldn’t know!

“I understand!” The big toad fairy managed his expression, and dared to welcome the eyes of [Blue Dana Kujie], afraid of being seen through the bottom, and he was terrified to the extreme. What I want to do is to use the prophet’s ability to continue to rendering the terrible horror of the virtual night palace to the Ninja Palace.

“It seems that it is still a bit understanding after 1,000 years of life. You understand it very well. Next, you have to play the first section of the first section of the first section of your mind to the ninja.” “Ghost is just a moss and mustard disease, let the ninja world notice as soon as possible.”

The big toad fairy quietly raised a little eyelids, and seemed to be firmly imprinted on the bottom of the heart in the bottom of the heart, and deep in the heart was naturally heavier and desperate.

The six immortals are on,

The enemy this time is too cunning,

Nothing is to be villains,

Instead, you want to be the savior!


Ready to disguise the villain BOSS of the Savior,

Should I break through him?

The big toad fairy uses the mad thinking of the wisdom brain that has been bred for thousands of years. The more deeply thinking, the more deeply feel the significant responsibility of his shoulders.

When will the opponent be removed;

What method is used to disassemble;

After disassembly,

How about it?

This problem is really too bad. The big toad fairy takes a deep breath. I can only obediently obediently, take a step and look at it.


First play the first film as soon as possible to the Ninja Realm! Intersection Intersection

(This chapter is finished)

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