Chapter 206 The qualitative to the 13th of the Guard! This is our time.


They trusted Hei Jue, and they were basically accepted by Hei Jue’s information, analysis, and inference that they were brought into the deep pit by collectively.


They are painful,

They will never make this mistake anymore. They have to carefully figure out the black report without a word. It is necessary to find out every possible loophole and disagreement from it.

To some extent, how terrible the shadow of the 13th Fan of the Guard is, how strong the shadow that Hei Jue brought to them.

“. The above is my integration of all information intelligence that day, so we can draw the following conclusions!”

The pork cages on the black Jue’s head are wrapped in bandages, and a pair of black -painted small eyes are bright. For this report that he spent too much effort, he dare to guarantee that this time there will never be any missed errors. It,

“第1点结论就是:那些番队长的确不想杀死我们,这背后的缘由恐怕与[蓝染惣右介]有关,因为是他与灵王有相左的意见主张,而那些番队长的举动, I can understand that it was affected by [Blue Dye Kurosuke], and even instructed! ”

The implication is that [Lan Ranyukuke] has different levels of prestige among the Captain Fan of the same level, so that at that moment, the Captain Fan obeyed the claim of [Lan Ranyukuke].

“Through point 1 conclusion, we can extend Article 2 conclusion: [Blue Dye Youzhi] may be able to control, influence, and even command other captains to organize the organization of the 13th Fan of the Guard. It is said that in the architecture of Jingling Ting, the status of [Blue Dye Kurosuke] is not simply a Captain Fan. What he did that day, no matter what the purpose of it, it can be described as the spiritual spiritual spiritual spiritual spirit. Wang Yangfeng violated! ”

Hei Jue stared at the crowd, but no one interrupted the refutation, and then said eloquent.

“After that, [Lan Ranya Youjie] even asked Ling Wang to concession, and changed the disposal of this world, so I doubt that to some extent, [Lan Dye Kurosuke] can resist the court of the Ling King, and even overhead the overhead. King of Ling. ”

“.” The members of Xiao Organization looked at each other, and it was unexpectedly that Hei Jue had analyzed the thirteen of the Guard to this extent.

They admire both black Jue, both,

The lesson of the front car is not far away,

The deepest analysis of He Jue, the more they feel that there must be a deeper pit waiting for themselves, although they do not know when the pit will appear, but what is more terrible is that they listen carefully and twisted, twisting After thinking about his brains, he was persuaded by the analysis of the black.

No loopholes and flaws,

Logic perfect closed loop!

Hei Jue looked at the eyes of the organization from confusion to conviction. The more confident, the more confidence, the more I felt that the infer of the inferring is correct: “This conclusion is very important. The 13th Fan of the Guard is likely to have two completely opposite attitudes to us. ”

Say a little more straightforward,

Hei Jue believes that although he had previously had a significant deviation in the positioning of the 13th Fan of the Guard, he was too wrong in the cognition of hacking behind the scenes.

“The King of Ling is likely to be the puppet that is placed on the bright side of the Guard, which is the same as the role of the long door in the organization, but it is actually [Blue Dye Kimosuke]!” Black I glanced quietly at [Pay], secretly in the bottom of his heart.

The King of Ling is equivalent to Changmen;

[Lan Ranya Yusuke] is equivalent to yourself!

This is a further analog analysis of Hei Jue in the bottom of his heart. Of course, he did not say, but only explained: “Therefore, the attitude of [Blue Dye Kimosuke] actually represents the attitude of the thirteen of the Guard. After the actions of Sanfan, we need to consider more is the teachings of [Blue Dye Kurosuke] instead of the King of Ling! ”

The crowd secretly said that the analysis of Black Jue was well -founded, and they could not refute them, and they could only accept the inference of Hei Jue temporarily!

“Article 3: That is the qualitative of the 13th Fan of the Guard, this is the god behind the sky, and it is the organization established by the god of death. We need to focus on. ”

“In addition, the 13th Fan of the Guard belongs to the Jingling Ting, and the rulers of Jingling Ting are the king of Ling, and the qualitative of Jingling Ting or the 13th Fan of the Guard, it is difficult for us to make from justice and evil to make Judging, because God’s attitude towards humans cannot simply explain good and evil. ”

Hei Jue paused, let everyone digest, and then continue,

“In this regard, whether it is the heavenly curtain of the King of Ling, or the theory of the species of [Blue Dye Kurosuke], it is obviously not from the perspective of human beings. Therefore, it is difficult for us to judge whether it is the king of spirit or [Blue Dye 类 类 惣 惣 惣 惣 惣 惣 惣 惣 惣 惣 惣. ”

[Payne] Frowning interrupted: “This is not important. I just want to know whether the plan of Xiao Organization can continue to be implemented. Whether the 13th Fan of the Guard will interfere in the stop of our actions. 惣 惣 ”]!”! ”

“This is also my fourth point conclusion: The 13th of the Guard should not interfere with Xiao!” Hei Jue was determined. “Human beings are species raised under the sky. In the eyes of the gods, we and ants are ants. There may be no essential differences, so he will never care about the ants’ revolution. ”

“The ants’ revolution is very good!” [Payne] I ca n’t hear anger in my tone, “So God will naturally not come to save the ants, so Xiao’s plan will continue to be implemented.”

“10 years will be the deadline left to us in the thirteen of the Guard. At that time, we will not only build a new world, but also to tear the scene of this day!”

“The last important conclusion is: the key to human evolution on the ghost. In other words, we need to get a new force from the ghost’s body.”

Hei Jue’s face gradually became dignified,

“And the ghost’s attitude towards us is probably the same. By the way, the ghost is the product made by Nirvana in the laboratory. According to its orally, it is only a failed product, but in the ghost camp, the ghost camp’s camp is. There is also a ghost that is exactly the same as Nirvana. In fact, it is just a copy of the doll. ”

Experimental product,


Ghost is a god,

The raw materials are people!

The members of Xiao Organized had a sip of cold air.

“Either, we eventually become ghost rations, or let the ghost become our stronger nutrients!” [Payne] indifferently: “The answer is obvious.”

“Ghosts may have been delusional to tear through the sky, but they must have failed; in this case, let them become our nutrients!”

[Payne] A look of indifferently, faintly,

“And we must succeed, because we are both dawn that breaks the haze, this is our time!”

(This chapter is finished)

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