Chapter 68 Sale of Sales?

[You have achieved achievements: drink tea]

[Drinking tea: Not everyone is qualified to be invited to drink tea by Shimura Tuanzang, most people who drink tea with him are dead! .

[PS: His maliciousness is clear, and you are also a little interested in the titles of the darkness of his ninja. I really hope you will have the opportunity to drink tea next time! .

[You get a achievement point*1000! .

A row of subtitles floated on the retina, and Sisuo looked at the corpse in front of him fell back to the ground. He thought about it and said, “Almost forgot, Shimura Tuanzang is also an excellent old leek!”

The broken corpse was wrapped in a cloth, and the blood splashed on the ground was also dry, and the members of the roots were silently handled the traces of the scene.

They surrounded Siso San [People] in the middle, led the way forward quietly, and did not mention the unhappy words that happened just now, but the eyes under the mask stared at Sisso extremely vigilantly.

Sisso appreciates the professionalism of the roots. It looks like a particularly qualified tool person. The Shimura Tuanzang is not good. It is still a set of brainwashing and cultivating subordinates!


In the cold and greasy air, the bloody smell of inseparable. As soon as I walked in, the disgusting smell of the accumulation of the year could not stop drilling into the nose.

Huato and Ghost Akananqi suppressed the excitement of his teeth, but his nose trembled and breathed greedily.

“Can you wipe me a wet cloth? After all, seeing Naruto, the face must be kept at least tidy to show politeness!” Sisso said facing a member of the root.

Immediately brought Buzi, wiped his face clean, and felt the refreshing luster of the skin. Siso followed the members of the roots to the guest room.

Go all the way, there is a dark room everywhere, with a cold iron door and a look at it, like a cold cell.

The aesthetic aesthetics of Shimura Tuanzang is really monotonous. In the minds of Xisuo’s mind, dozens of strange scene layouts have emerged. It can make the decoration more gloomy, horrible, weird, and reveal an elegant style.

In the corridor, the roots of masks are standing in a few steps.

In front of a cold iron door, Hua Tengwan and Ghost Sannan were stopped, and Sisuo made a look at them, and then pushed the iron gate alone and walked in.

There are no windows in the dark room, there is only a table of four or four square meters. The old guy sitting half -faced wrapped in the bandage was wrapped in the dark, and the whole person was integrated into the darkness, only a cold and cold. Eyes looked at it.

The famous ninja darkness (king of the pot) -Suyamura Tuanzang, Sisso consciously had a long time for him, but he really met and saw Zhenrong. This is the first time!

There is only one chair. Under the butt hid of Shimura Tuan, it can be seen that the other party does not seem to know how to treat guests, and there is no tea on the table. This old leek is really unavailable!

After killing the Zhicun Tibetan, how much achievement of the reward?

5000 points!

I recalled in Xiso’s mind, and looked at the mummy -like dead face in Zhicun Tuanzuan, and immediately felt kind.

You can’t get angry without a chair. It is a virtue to let the chair to the old man; it doesn’t matter if you drink without tea. Young people don’t like to drink bitter drinks.

Siso’s hands were behind his head, and his face was overflowing with a bright smile. Shimura Tuanzang was stunned. He hadn’t seen it for a long time for a long time. Someone smiled like this from the bottom of his heart.

“What are you laughing?” Shimura asked with a yin face.

“Suddenly thinking of something happy.” Sisuo licked his lips and replied with a smile.

In the information analysis of Shimura Tuanzang’s intelligence in Sisso, it focused on the marking the other party as a madman who was moody, and would not entangle Sisso’s emotional changes.

“I listened to the next person reported that even if I don’t send someone to invite you, what do you mean?” Shimura Tuanzang went straight into the topic.

The process of inviting Sisso was smoother than expected. Shimura Tuanzang was very curious about Sisso’s intention.

“My purpose is to invite me as the purpose of inviting me. I guess it will be the same thing. About” Sisso grinned a word, “Box of Bliss!”

The pupils of Shimura Tuanzhe were shrinking, and the development of this kind of conversation was completely unexpected.

Isn’t it the biggest secret of Cao Ren Village? Aren’t you collusion with Uchiha? Why do you say so straightforwardly?


The Box of Bliss is now in my hands, and Cao Ren Village and Uchiha Moumoumou are almost clearly figured out.


The normal process should not be. You don’t know anything first, and then I have taken the evidence to break through the evidence, and then I don’t say it. In the end, under the intimidation of my various means, I have to take a little bit. Are the passages revealed?

Why do you come up, opening your mouth is a posture I plan to get all?

“Don’t feel strange. We know that the Box of Bliss is actually intercepted by the roots. Even, we have planned to connect with Uchiha in series. Three days later, while the Joint Test of the Chinese Ninja was the most empty at the root, it was secretly killed. Grab back to the bliss box and complete the ceremony of sacrifice and opening! “Sisso said briefly to sell his entire plan to sell.

Simply, neat, decisive, not self -recruitment. Shimura Tuanzang is a bit aggressive!

“Why do you tell me this?”

Zhicun Tuanzang groaned for a long time before digesting the content in the words of Sisso. The instinctual consciousness was weird. Essence

“Because, boring!”

Xisuo spit out a bubble in his mouth, and then shattered with his fingertips: “The plan of Cao Ren Village and Uchiha’s plot is too small and boring. Platform, I can’t stand it! ”

Zhicun Tuan hid a frowned. This reason is really fitting the logic of a lunatic, and the performance of Sisso in the eyes of Muye these days is precisely a madman who is doing all with interest!

So the conclusion is -Sisso said the truth? Intersection Intersection

“What wishes do they want? Can the Box Boxes really realize?” Shimura Tuanzang asked the question that he was most concerned about.

“Of course, the wish needs to be sacrificed, from sacrifice to the principle of exchanges of equivalent exchanges to realize their desires, that is, the higher the value of sacrifice, the higher the level of the wishes, and the need for sacrifice process. The gatekeeper came to host it, and the gatekeeper could only open a bliss box in his life! ”

Xisuo knows everything, and there is nothing endless,

“Cao Ren Village has used it for hundreds of years to find another goalkeeper. Such a valuable opportunity, they just plan to sacrifice several Uchiha people in exchange for several old -fashioned old guys. The power of returning to youth to restore the peak period is too unimaginable. From the inside to the outside, it reveals the decaying little family. This is not the picture I want to see, it’s boring! ”

The corner of Siso’s mouth was pulled, and the face was screaming with disdain,

“The old guy who will go into the coffin should be obedient. The new world does not need to write the chapter of the old story. The story should be more atmospheric and a new page of imagination.”

The light that shows her pathological and longing on Sisso’s face,

“With the power of Bliss boxes, there are enough sacrifices to sacrifice, and to make a wish that is enough to change the world, so it is more interesting, isn’t it?”

Sisso did not notice that when he mentioned that boring wish, the breathing of Shimura Tuanzhuo stagnated for a moment, and the cold and cold eyes revealed the hot light.

The iron gate was suddenly pushed away from the outside,

The white Naruto robe, across the veil, was looking in a pair of turbid and deep eyes. The ape flying sun stood on the door expressionlessly. Be

Shangqiang pushed it, please you must read it. If you can’t go up, you can read the readings these days! Intersection Intersection

(This chapter is finished)

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