Chapter 70 Exit Makeup!

The roots outside the door did not receive a signal of staying, so they left with the west of the west. Huato Wu and Ghost Xiangnan followed behind, while the eyes were dripping over a mask guarding at the iron gate. At the root of the latter, the latter turned into the iron door without a word.

“Why stop me from leaving him, in case he goes out and talk nonsense.” Zhicun Tuanzang frowned and looked at the apes.

“What do you say? Tell Cao Ren Village and Uchiha that Siso betrayed them. He was just a lunatic, not a fool, and a lunatic who driven the action by his interest, leaving him how he could take him again, and now killed it. He, Cao Ren Village and Uchiha outside will not be aware? “The apes were very comprehensive, and he determined:” Rest assured, he is standing on the side with us now, at least, in the box of the bliss box That’s it before! ”

“Don’t completely believe him, he is a lunatic!”


Pushing the door interrupted their words, walked in wearing the roots of the mask, and reported: “When Sisso just left, the subconsciously placed the bliss box glanced at it. For safety reasons, do you need to transfer? ”

“Don’t transfer, send many people to guard!” Shimura Tuanzang gave an order.

The members of the root led the lead.

When the door was closed again, the Shimura Tuan hid coldly with a cold face and sinking to the ape flying day: “It’s not just Uchiha’s writing wheel eyes, the day cut, the pillar power is also!”

“Tuanzang, do not allow the idea of pillar, never move this idea!” Ape Fei Rizhe directly interrupted the words of Zhicun Tibetan.

“Then you can only write the wheel eyes. Since you choose it, just do it!” Shimura Tuanzang sneered: “Do you need it?”

“First move Cao Ren Village, it will be alarmed Uchiha, forcing them to jump the wall in a hurry; you can only do it first.” Ape Feiri cut the talk without finishing speaking, and re -ignited the pipe and took a deep breath.

Shimura Tuanzang is accustomed to the hypocrisy of the old partner. He understands the meaning of the other party, and echoed: “Yes, as long as you get all the eyes of the writing wheels, Cao Rencun can only cooperate with us.”

“Don’t worry first, I will test the attitude of Uchiha Itachi again, and then confirm that in addition, Naruto Naruto will also be protected, and no one will be allowed to contact him recently!” Essence

“Hmm!” Shimura Tuanzang nodded. “If you can persuade Uchiha Itachi to do it in person, it is naturally the best, it can be regarded as a reputation for the Uchiha family. Benefit! ”

The ape flying sun was just a deep pipe, and the room was silent. After a long time, there was a sound of sound in the smoke:

“That wish, what do you think?”

But I can’t see it clearly, and I can’t hear who is talking.

the other side.

After the end of the game, Hui Yeyu saw that he came out of the death forest, alone, and walked alone in the night.

while walking,

The shadow behind him quietly showed a few more ways. Nirvana, dressed in the clown mask and the camouflage camouflage, appeared next to him.

Three [people] shadows and stood stood on the street, the lonely and gloomy cold wind passed by, and the leaves on both sides fell down.

“The president’s performance in the death forest is very exciting. This is a gift I made to the president. I hope the president will like it.” Ni Coco took out a pair of black -edged glasses frames as Hui Yenai passed the Chinese Ninja exam. Gifts for pre -election.

“Thank you, I like this pair of glasses!”

Hui Yenai took the glasses with a smile, but didn’t wear it directly on his face, but looked at Shiman Yin and asked: “Do you think this glasses match with me?”

“It is worthy of the chairman’s temperament!” Shimaru Yinxiao replied.

“It feels a bit indedious!” Hui Ye Nai saw the glasses back in his pocket, meaning deeply: “Rest assured, I will match this pair of glasses with a more suitable master.”

Shimaru Yinbin contracted, and she watched it suspiciously to see Hui Yenai, and stopped talking.

“Don’t be too excited, don’t misunderstand what I mean!” Hui Yenai saw her eyes narrowing into a gap, and she didn’t explain much.

Shimaru Yin swallowed his mouth, and you are super scary. He dare not think much about.

“Chairman, where should we go now?” Nirvana’s socket asked.

“It’s almost the right show, we should also exit makeup.” Hui Yeyu saw a trace of arc, “Is the tail behind us still followed?”

“Always followed, president, is it going to deal with it?” Nirvana’s eyes lighted up and asked eagerly.

“No, just let them follow it!” Hui Ye blinked playfully.

The corner of his retina was connected to the investigating guard inserted in the Uchiha family, and the picture of the peeping inside made him very satisfied.


Under the night,

Under the long -distance monitoring of a line, a group of three [people] suddenly accelerated the pace. It seemed to want to get rid of the tail behind them and pulled away quickly, but just kept the tail behind them could see their gradually blurred back.


At a certain position near the Uchiha family, there was no sense of disobedience to disappear into the vision of the tail.


Several roots came out of the darkness anxiously, watching the four -week empty streets, houses, and masks were gloomy.

“The direction and position they disappear is very close to the Uchiha family!”

“It should be entering the Uchiha family. You two are here to see when they come out, I will return to the roots.”

A member of the roots said that the remaining two members of the root nodded out and hid in the dark, and carefully monitored the streets where Uchiha entered and exited.

The three [people] that disappeared in the root of the root stood in the hidden corner not far behind the two monitoring roots.

“That’s it, is it okay?” Nirvana asked suspiciously, “Don’t you really go in to say hello to Uchiha?”

“This is enough. There is no need to waste feelings with a group of dead people. Moreover, someone will invite me to watch the show soon.” Hui Ye said with a smile.

“Understand, in the next two days, we will maintain a state of disappearance!” Shimaru Yin realized the meaning of Hui Yena.

“Very good!” Hui Yeqian torn off the fake leather mask on his face. A face began to twist from the bones, and then it seemed to be integrated into the darkness, and he disappeared in the pill and Nirvana Liso. In the field of vision.

In the perception of the god of death, the president stood in front of him, but in the naked eye, there was no one in front of him.

[Huiyena See] I exited!

Shimaru Yin and Nirvana looked at each other silently, and also disappeared in place. With the ability of Captain Fan, if you do not need to bring Aki Musen’s burden, you will not have any problems if you want to hide how long it is hidden in the wood leaf.

Wait a moment,

They seemed to have been accidentally forgotten just now.

In a certain room,

Aki Musen looked at the empty room, and his eyes were full of innocent confusion. “What about people? Where did they all go? Don’t take me?”

“.” No. 1 parasitic beast.

Thank you Nikj ink, DieCide’s 1500 rewards, thank you for the genius-the unstoppable, the lonely girl, Shangguan Xue, Bai Ji Linglong, I want a COOL name, the right hand on the right hand, the anecdotic name today, there is no cat today. Now It is a reward for reading time!

Mom ~

(This chapter is finished)

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