Chapter 72: Night of the Determination

[You have reached achievements: invitation letter! .

[Invitation: You are invited by Uchiha Itachi to get an invitation letter to watch the bloody night of Uchiha’s destroyer. This is a classic performance. .

[PS: Don’t forget to recycle when the curtain curtain.]

[Get the achievement point*2000]

—— So say, there is a return to buy a ticket to enter the scene!

[You activated a task! .

[You reached a deal with Uchiha Itachi secretly, and a task was obtained. According to the completion of the task, the reward and settlement will be finally carried out! .

[PS: Guess, where does the interesting place he wants to take you mean? .

Uchiha Itachi’s cold voice drilled into the ears, and the retina shall float a few lines of subtitles. Siso habitually spit a bubble, and the smile on his face became more delicate.

Day 2!


From the morning, the sun has been swallowed by the black cloud like the eggplant of the cream. The sky is dim, and the dull and dull air seems to indicate a storm.

Today, the sound of the wood -leaf crow is faint, the drifting leaves are rotating in the wind, and then stepped on the ground by the silent soles.

One after another with a mask is like a ghost, drilling out of the dark corners, blocking the road to Uchiha, which is connected to Uchiha!

The road from the root is cut off, it is the dead road;

On the edge of the enchantment, it was silently buckled, like a bowl covering the cemetery, and those houses that were lit with lighting squares were the tombstones placed in the cemetery.

They are still alive,

They died long ago!

“If you can’t finish, the roots can be done for you.” The hoarse and cold voice was talking, and the bandage was the ruthless old face of Zhicun Tuanzang.

“I will send away my family by myself!”

Uchiha Itachi turned to stare at the Tuanzang, and the scarlet writing wheel eyes of the three hooks of jade were weird.

“When I bid farewell to the clan, I don’t want to be disturbed by outsiders!”

“I will die!” The loud voice translated his subtext for Uchiha Itachi, and Sisuo stepped out of the shadow to stand next to Uchiha Itachi.

Zhicun Tuanzang frowned and moved his eyes out of Uchi Itachi, looking at Sisso, seemed to be asking, how could you appear here?

There is no need to ask this question. Wherever there is a lively, Sisso’s figure is indispensable.

“Ah, it’s time to start, or you can’t keep up with your brother’s time for school.” Siso ignored the Zhicun Tuanzang, and Chao Zhizhi Itachi urged him. He could not wait.

“Ninja school will get out of class late today!”

Uchiha Itachi returned a faint sentence, and then continued to look at Zhicun Tuanzang indifferently, reminding him coldly, “Uchiha’s sin is borne by me, telling Master Naruto and remembering what to promise me!”

Shimura Tuan’s hidden face was expressionless, but just snorted coldly.

Uchiha Itachi didn’t say much. He turned around and walked into the way home. The members of the surrounding roots looked at the gestures of Zhicun Tuanzang, and then quickly dispersed the entrance to the exit of Uchiha Itachi.

The enchantment above the head has been completely built, and even a flying flies can’t fly.

Sisuo followed the Uchihachi Itachi and walked inside together. He also explained the root of the surrounding roots happily in his mouth, “I am different from you, I bought tickets for entering the field!”

The roots can’t understand the cold humor of Sisso.

“Let him come in, he is specially invited by me!” Uchiha Itachi’s voice.

“This lunatic has a relationship with Uchihito again?!”

Shimura Tuanzang no longer tried to interpret Xisuo’s behavior with his own thinking. He was a little inexplicably irritable, but he waved his hand to signal the roots.

Sisso still has the value of utilization,


Can’t turn his face with him!


Siso was polite thanks to Zhicun Tuanzang’s feelings. As soon as he turned around, he entered the cemetery covered by the enchantment.

The road in the middle of the grave is like a gray long snake, which meanders the eyes, and the light bloody smell inhaled the nostrils. The two fresh corpses were wiped out of the throat and fell on both sides of the road.

They wore Uchiha’s guards, and Yin Hong’s blood poured out of the throat, staining the fan logo on the clothes.

If the blood of blood stared at, it seemed that he couldn’t believe what happened. The vitality had disappeared. It can be seen that they died quickly and were not calm, but it didn’t hurt!

“Actions are really fast. Should you say that you are kind or cold?” Siso licked his lips and quickly followed the Uchiha Itachi in front.

A [tombstone] was pushed away, and the sound of the corpse was soft to the ground, and the sound of the corpse was soft, so that the graveyard that had been completed has become famous at this moment.


A family of blood fell to the ground unwillingly.

Uchiha Itachi’s duplex pupils are embarrassed. He won’t say a word from the corpse of the other party, and continue to move forward. The same red eyes stared at Uchiha Itachi.

It looks like a row of heads, stretching his neck, and led by the neck to kill. The corpse is at least in Sisso’s eyes.

The anger struggle and resistance are futile. The messy bitterness and the sword in the hand collide in the air. Uchiha Itachi’s body is looming in it. It becomes more crazy, waving is more favorable, and the slaughter is faster.




Countless why the last words, like a bone gangrene, drilled into the minds of Uchiha Itachi, even if he killed them, but those voices echoed more clearly in their heads.



Both corpses and blood.

This is a unicorn that belongs to Uchiha Itachi. Siso did not interfere. As he said, like the most qualified audience, he watched, appreciated, recorded, and felt.

“Don’t you need to explain?”

It wasn’t until everyone who was standing fell down and waited until the world returned to quiet that Siso stepped on elegant steps, passed a corpse, and asked Uchiha Itachi, who was bathed by blood.

“The language is the most pale and weak. I have done it, and I can’t change the explanation or non -explanation!” Uchiha Itachi grabbed the five fingers of Tai Dao’s five fingers, but it was still stable.

“Of course, the language can’t change anything. I just think that there is an inner monologue here, this scene will be sublimated and better!” Siso suggested.

“You want, you can add it in your own, I don’t care!”

Uchiha Itachi closed a corpse’s eyes, even if he knew that these writing wheel eyes would be dug away in the end.

There is no corpse on the street!

“Obviously, the blood flows into a river, but the person who should appear here is not there. Do they not hear the movement outside at all?”

According to Uchiha Itachi’s instructions, Sisso has joined the narration since then, like the chanting of poetry recitation, and the tone of the recitation completely reveals what Uchiha Itachi thinks.

Uchiha Itachi took a deep breath and vomited slowly, and then walked through this road and went home to push the door!

“This time is the usual meal!” Sisso read the narration cruelly.

Thank you for rewarding only the 1500 points of Bai. Thank you Yinglong, the right hand on the right hand, Yumingzi, KKSQ’s reward! Intersection

(This chapter is finished)

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