Chapter 75 Xiao, 13 Fan of the Guard, I was gone!

The veteran of the Ninja Millennium is dark, and his teeth are itchy. In his extremely long life, a guy who dared to talk to himself with such a arrogant tone has been lying in the coffin by him. It is covered with pig cage grass.

Blue Dye 介 介,

Why do you dare?

Hei Jue exhaled deeply and suppressed his indignation. He decided not to set up a moment of breath with this person, first try to find out the origin of the other person.

The long life taught black and patiently, and only the talented people can survive to the end.

“Do you think, we have other things to do, we can’t delay here for too long.”

The blue -dye -dyeing glasses frame, from the perspective of Sisso, can already see a villain who has endured a schoolbag, and one foot has entered the dead street.

“I want to know what the organization you are? This question is not divided!” Hei Jue asked for a while.

Know you will ask this question!

The brain circuit of senior screenwriters is also very simple!

“You can tell you!”

Lan Ran answered with a smile,

“Just tell you, you may not know. After all, human life is too short and accustomed to forgetting, and the 13th of the Guard has not been active in this world for a long time.”

Thirteen of Guard! Intersection Intersection

Where did you have heard of this name?

Hei Jue and [A Fei] pupils contracted slightly at the same time, and Yu Guang collided vaguely. They immediately remembered the information news from Wuyin Village some time ago.

I remembered,

The black and white robe always brings some unknown words in the speaking, yes, it is called this name.


This handle is a short knife, Mimi Xiaoxiao+squinting man is the intelligence in the information, the captain of the city Maruyin.

At that time, another guy with a very harsh personality was mentioned in the intelligence, that is, Lan Dye Kurosuke? No, I am not right to describe the appearance of that person in the intelligence.

This is the third leader of Fan!

The strength of Shimaru Yin has just been verified from a long distance, and the masks on the face have broken the corner. Although the other blue dye Ishuke has not done it, the strange way of forming in the beginning, Ishimaru Yinwa pair pair Its respectful attitude is enough to explain many issues.

The strength of these two people can’t feel the shades now. Of course, Hei Jue doesn’t think that these two captains will be the opponent of themselves and [A Fei]!

He still has this confidence, but he is not blind!

These two captains must be very tricky to solve them. If they accidentally move, they will make troubles. It attracts the attention of Uchiha Itachi and root. Stealing chickens does not erode rice, it is purely worthless!

in addition,

The words of the third position appeared,


There will be a thirteen captain of the 13th Fan of the Guard!

In the heart of the Guard 13, the level of being vigilant in the heart of Hei Jue was raised to the level of danger.

Heiusi thought about it, and thought a lot of problems for a moment, but on the bright side, he did not show any emotional fluctuations, as if it was really really expected by Lan Ran. He never heard of this name.

[A Fei] There was a surprising expression on his face, but fortunately, across a spiral mask, it would not be exposed in front of the two.

You think, we don’t know you;

In fact, you have been exposed once. We didn’t care at the time, but after this face, we would not ignore you anymore;

And you, I’m afraid I don’t know who we are! Intersection Intersection

[A Fei] Suddenly IQ went online, with a smile in my heart, and then glanced at the absolute field of vision with Hei. He retreated from the promised courtyard. One drilled into the ground and disappeared from the air vortex.

after awhile,

In the perception of death and the monitoring of the guardian guards, after Hei Juehe [A Fei] has indeed left, Shi Maruyin spread the seal scroll on the ground.

A white cabinet like a frozen refrigerator is exposed. This is the coffin that can keep the corpse that can keep the body as required by the president.

Open the coffin, move these two corpses in, and seal the scroll back to the scroll.

“Do you need to adjust the two corpses from the outside?” Shimaru Yin moved away the body and looked at the empty tatami felt that it should be made up for a good after -to -be.

There are ready -made corpses outside the outside, and it is not difficult to distinguish between true and falseness with the exquisite face technology of the president.

“The fake will sooner or later will be exposed, and there is no need to draw a snake to add enough. You still don’t know enough about the wood leaf. All the bad things that happened on this land. Back! “The sound was extremely determined.

“That is really a good kind person. How do you plan to thank him?”

Seeing Hui Yeqian, who looked like a blue dye, he felt that the temperament of the chairman suddenly became doubled.

“Oh ~”

[Lan Ranya Yusuke] Take off the black border glasses and stroke up his hands along the edge of the cheek. The whole face suddenly looks like a candle, and the terrible deformation twists into another face.

Body bones are also deforming and narrowing. The whole screen is extremely thrilling, but there is an indescribable beauty. Rao is a well -known city Maruyin looking at the makeup in front of me. A layer of goosebumps.

Take off the dead god black robe and Yaori to Shiman Yin, and put on the clothing and props prepared in advance. A new body and face are in the opponent’s field of vision. Essence

“I have to rush to the next performance!” The voice came from the invisible air.

“I believe that it will be a grand performance that everyone who has made everyone amazing!” Shi Maruyin bowed his body halfway in the invisible air.

You never know what the president will appear in front of you with a face! Intersection Intersection

This is the only idea of Shimaru Yin at this moment. He even began to doubt that the face that was exposed to him and Nirvana’s eyes for the first time was really the most original appearance!


Blood in front of me, breathing is blood, red blood is everywhere, stained red streets, splashed on the wall, the trunk and branches and leaves are red, and the gray electric pole is also mottled.


Only blood is left,

There are also corpses that died in pool of blood.

The gorgeous scarlet, the stiff and stiff expressions of Uchiha Sasuke, which were originally familiar and lively, became so strange and horrible at this moment.

It turned out that when people died, they were so scary!

Uchiha Sasuke looked at the street in horror, and his feet seemed to be poured into lead water. Those blood seemed to be entangled with his legs, making him unable to move in one step.


Extremely fear penetrated from his soul, and permeated every cell of the whole body. There were only three words left in his head, “All die!”

Without a person, there are corpses on the dead street, and the open houses are all corpses in the door.

Uchiha Sasuke could only hear his breathing, and quietly shivered him. He eagerly wanted to find another sound that could breathe.


He heard the sound of a poker rotating in his fingertips. He turned his head to see the corner next to him, and the face that brought him a psychological shadow these days.

“Are you killed?” Uchiha’s instinctual conclusion in Sasuke, Sasuke, stared at Sisso.

“Good eyes, but the object is wrong, it’s not me to kill, look up, the murderer is there!” Sisuo reached out and pointed up.

Looking at his fingers, there was a telephone pole. The top of the electric pole squatted with a figure, and he looked down at him with a silent face. It was an extremely familiar face.

Sasuke took a step forward subconsciously, and then settled under his feet. He saw the custody of black blood stains on the familiar face, and a warm smile on weekdays, only strange, more horrible than those dead people, more horrible than those dead people. Cold.

“Sasuke is back, I have been waiting for you, Sisso said yes, everyone was killed by me alone!”

The cold voice of the blade was thoroughly stabbed into Sasuke’s eardrum. He looked up stiffly at the contrast blood in his brother’s eyes and the black red writing wheel eyes, which was twisted and rotated into the cold. In the evil shape, he seemed to see a round of blood stained red moon in those eyes.

Seeing Hui Yenai: I am Lanrano Yosuke!

Lan Ranya Yujie: Why, I heard that someone in this world was calling for my name.

11 Captain Fan, who has not been unlocked in order, like 11 sculptures, silent! Intersection Intersection

(This chapter is finished)

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