Chapter 77 There are ghosts in the Box of Bliss, who believed it?

The smoke spit out the fog of his nose, and the ape flying the sun and sitting on the back of the desk, looking out of the window from his position, just to see the four Naruto statues lined up in turn.

“It’s dead, only I am still alive!”

The apes were talking to himself, his eyes were scattered for a moment, and then he returned to his deep eyes, focusing on the third statue.

“Where the leaves are flying, the fire is endless, but if the leaves will never wither and wither!”

The voice of muttering to himself was very low, very heavy, seemed gloomy and shocking, echoed in his ears, and the apes were slashing in the sound of listening to his heartbeat quietly.

Swinging his hand to stroke the crystal glass ball, cover the blood color reflected on it, and restore it into the crystal clear glass ball.

The ape flying sun should also go out to the roots, oh, I almost forgot, I had to see a person again before going out. He took down the pipe and buckled it on the beautifully packaged “The Will of Fire”.

“Take it in!”

After a while, the door was pushed away, and Caotan Village · Gu Yifu, the highest head of the head, and Akamori were brought in in the dark.

Akioson’s face was innocent and aggressive, and there were still people thinking about themselves! Intersection

“Let’s talk about the secret collusion between Kusan Village and Uchiha. Although I have been clear about all the inside story, I still hope to listen again from your mouth. The story of the Box Box!”

The sacrifice is written in the wheel eye, and it has been recovered as much as possible;

The identity of the gatekeeper has also been determined;

The Box of Bliss stayed at the root well;

Everything is ready,

In fact, Muye no longer needs to ignore the others of Cao Ren Village, but the ape is cautious and compassionate. It is still necessary to give a frank opportunity to [leader] in Caotan Village.

“.” Aki Mori swallowed his mouth, and his mind was madly remembering a small theater a few days ago.

A few days ago, there was not only one left in the room. When Nirvana and Captain Shimaru Yinfan watched the “Death Forest” live broadcast, he took a short time to perform a small theater on the way.

It is said,

The script of the small theater was written by President Naijian himself. At that time, Captain Shimaru Yinfan played the role of three generations of Naruto.

At that time, Aki Musen didn’t understand why, but he was honored and trembling to watch the small theater. Now he understands all.

Isn’t the content in that small theater that is happening at the moment? Three generations of Naruto, your script has been written by President Naijian! Intersection Intersection

“Box of Bliss? I can’t understand what you are talking about Naruto. Talking with Uchiha is not even more nonsense. We have never had any connection with Yu Zhibo, Muye’s giants.”

Akamori answers the words of the ape flying sun according to the performance of [Akiosen] in that small theater.

“Cold sweat should be squeezed out on the face!”

No. 1 scolded in his mind, and controlled Akagisen’s facial muscles and pores, and squeezed a few drops of cold sweat.

The ape flying sun stared at Akiosen expressionlessly. In his eyes, Aki Musen’s cover was poor and futile. It was a stupid struggle to see the coffin and no tears. He saw too much about this kind of person.

“Don’t try to conceal it again, Uchiha has just killed the tribe!” Ape Feiri said.

“.” Aki Musen was shocked, and the cheek muscles were very layered under the manipulation of No. 1 to show the complex emotions of being shocked, doubtful, terrified, and mourned.

“Muye is so ruthless!” Aki Mori was sweating with a cold face, and his teeth trembled.

“Don’t framed wood leaves. It is the rebellion of Uchiha’s all race to defeat the Uchiha. It is very sad and angry about the wood leaf.”

“What happened to this day, what did you say with Muye!” Akamori gave up cunning with discomfort.

“This depends on whether you will continue to conceal Muye next.” Ape Feiri Stew felt that the psychological defense line of Akamori had defeated the psychological defense line, “Tell me from the beginning.”

“This is the case. We originally planned to do it tomorrow. I didn’t expect everything to be learned by Muye. Can you tell me, how do you know?” Akamori showed a puzzled expression.

The ape flying sun listened carefully to the contents of Akagi Sen’s mouth, and Sisso said basically.


The ape flying day answered the question of Aki Musen: “Your plan is very meticulous, and the wood leaf almost succeeded by you, but unfortunately, you have a lunatic among you!”

Aki Musen first stunned, and then realized that he gritted his teeth fiercely. “It is Sisso, I know that Sisso is a lunatic, but what I hate is that the entire plan cannot bypass Sisso at all!”

Because Sisso is the gatekeeper!

The ape flying sun has learned that Siso was the goalkeeper through the spy of the crystal ball. At this moment, he was confirmed from Akagi Mori’s mouth. The last doubt in his heart was finally completely dispelled.

“Is the role of the gatekeeper just open the box?”


“Can the gatekeeper interfere with your wish?”

“No, once the bliss box is opened, the gatekeeper has no effect. The right to wish is on the sacrifice of the sacrifice. Whether the wish can be realized depends only on whether the sacrifice and the desire themselves are equivalent!”

“This information will not be learned from Sisso’s mouth?”

“This is the secret of the generations of Cao Ren Village. Before we found Sisso, he didn’t know the blood of the gatekeeper on his body.

Ask a question and answer, answer!

Just like the lift in the mind, Akagi Mori recite his line fluently. He is so weird that he has deeply doubted that the ape flying sun also watched that small theater, otherwise why the other party was like copying, it seemed like he was copying. small theater.

On the face of Akiosen’s face, there is a broken jar that is broken and frustrated, all of which are reflected in the eyes of the ape flying sun.

For a long while, the apes stopped and asked.

“The opening of the bliss box will not have any omissions!”

Ape Feiri Zhan determined that everything had been figured out. Sisso could not get a trick again, so let the other party fulfill the mission of opening the bliss box.

He got up and walked out, and at the same time showed the amount of Naruto’s Rongren. He invited Akagi Sen to watch it very much.

“Thank you Mrs. Naruto, but we can also let our Cao Ren Village witness the opening ceremony of the opening of the Box Box.” Akamori looked like a fly shit.

“Of course, in the final analysis, your contribution is indispensable.” The tone of the old man with a good man.

Akagi Mori’s face was dismissal, and he pulled his head and walked behind the ape flying day, but he whispered the voice,

“Actually, the story of another version of Cao Ren Village also circulates the story of Cao Ren Village, that is, the legend of the Boxes Box Wish is deceived. The ground is used to expel and imprison a certain terrible ghost! ”

Ape Feiri heard it, but he didn’t believe it at all, but he was just as a failed person.



And this version of the legend, you ask you Cao Ren Village to believe it or not, I’m afraid it’s not that you are here with me here!

“If there is a ghost existence, it must not be greater than the value of simple wish, then it is necessary to open the box of bliss.”

The apes flying up said that in the end, it seemed to be amused, and the dumb -dumb throat made an unpleasant laughter. He walked quickly in the direction of the roots in the night.

Akagi: “.”

number 1:”.”

(This chapter is finished)

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