Chapter 79 The performance that no one is spared, the night was torn

The atmosphere of tonight is unusual. Ninjas who come to participate in the China Ninja Joint Examination are staying in their rooms. They can feel that the streets outside the night are particularly silent.

The sound of the wind rolled in the fallen leaves, and the rain of rain dropped from the air, and soon became a black world.

Behind the shadow of the buildings, some of them can be seen in the dark, and they are monitoring all of them in secret through masks.

It’s the dark part of the wood leaf!

After all, the outer village ninja, after all, there are [Suspected Spy] logo on the top of his head, which are in the dark in the dark. Be careful to monitor the moment, and they are not unable to understand, but tonight, the number of dark parts outside is over. It’s more exaggerated.

Because of,

Tomorrow is the last positive game of the CONABL test?

Some kind of unclear depression seemed like the haze shrouded in the night, and silently permeated in the minds of each of them.

They are also very conscious. No one leaves the house tonight. At least until this moment, they seem to be just standing on the edge of the stage, unknown audience.


A grand performance invitation was made for all of them. Tonight, no one could be absent.

“what is that?”

There was an uncertain exclamation sound, and the village ninjas, which had been stretched by the nerves, pushed the window one by one, and looked at the sky in the distance suspiciously.


The night washed on the rain line was like clean and cold satin, and at this moment, the satin seemed to be polluted, and it was stunned with shocking black spots.

The black spots above the black are obviously the same color, but it is bizarre to make everyone see clearly, that is completely different from the night.

A kind of like from hell, the abyss, as if it should not exist in the black of the world here, just like the black mud that children smashed on the wall at will, one piece, one piece, another quiet, but crazy ordered People are afraid, bloom on that black curtain! Intersection

One sound,

The roar of humans and tearing the dark night, and even the storm of storms fall into the deadly silence. Everyone who heard this sound feels unprepared trembling from the depths of the soul.

“There are some kind of people who eat people, wake up in the night!”

Strangely, their weak physical instincts conveyed such a thrilling and weird intuition to their brains!

The invitation at the beginning of the performance was sent!

In the narrow small room, the mess was messy, and Naruto Naruto had not slept yet. He was lying on the bed to study.

The cover of the book is the latest hardcover version of “The Will of Fire”. This was brought to him when the three generations of Naruto came in the past two days, and told him that he would not study in the house in the house in the past two days.


Naruto Naruto was banned. At the door, there was a dark guard at the door. He couldn’t go anywhere, and he could only stay in the room obediently.


Naruto Naruto disassembled the cover of “The Will of Fire” and carefully wrapped a layer of book skin to “Heat -Heat Paradise”.



A horrible roar drilled into his ears, broke into his mind, and infiltrated his soul, and Naruto Naruto suddenly hit a spirit.

A certain kind of

Naruto Naruto couldn’t understand it, but he felt no reason for no reason. The creepy malicious seemed to come in the wood leaf in the night.

It was the wild instinct of being a pillar, so that he could be more keen to know that a trace of evil in the air was permeated. It was the purest, horrible, dark, unprecedented, evil!

On the whole body, every pore is trembling that is not controlled. The beard on the cheeks of Naruto Naruto seems to be spontaneous and reflects the red light.

He put down his learning materials, turned his head and opened the curtains, looked at the sky, and looked at the clusters of dark spots blooming.


Extreme evil!

Black spots began to fall, and it seemed like the crusts of the sky were falling off and smashed into the ground. Look carefully, where is the dark spots?

It is clearly twisted after another, huge, horrible imaginary shadows falling from the sky, and the cold and evil eyes in the imaginary shadow are overlooking the ground. Turn, don’t hide the slightest malice.

Below the eyes of the eyes is Morima’s shuddering weird mask, like a face without facial features, a large mask as a small house, the roar that is not like humans is from the face of the faceless face. Ended.

The quantity was unclear for a while. I only saw that they fell from the air again. One of them fell the fastest, but there was no head on the neck. For example, the arm of steel suddenly hugged a ninja that was unable to dodge, squeezed it in Lili, and the flesh -and -blood body was fried like tofu, and the pouring blood stained the cold white wings.

“What monsters are those monsters?”

Naruto Naruto was full of question marks. He didn’t understand what the monsters were, why did he kill, and where did he come from?


They fell from the sky,

At the beginning,

Where did they go to the sky?

Naruto Naruto felt cold, but his eyes could not be moved out of the window. He did not notice the face that the window was released, and he became vicious at a little bit, and his eyes were narrowing into vertical kernels.

He wanted to open the window to see a little more clearly, and then a violent and cruel voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

“Little ghost, don’t open the window!”

“Don’t be found!”

Naruto Naruto’s hand suddenly froze, and then continued to hear the voice to himself consciously,

“This kind of evil atmosphere has never been seen, but don’t be found by him, it will be eaten!”

Naruto Naruto’s hand lightning retracted, he understood the last three words, and instantly felt creepy, and a cold air rushed straight from the soles of the feet.

“Eat the monster outside? Will he eat me?” Naruto Naruto had a dry throat.

“It’s not that, there are even worst, the taste in the air is getting stronger and thicker, not in the sky, not in front of it, look at the bottom of the sky, the ultimate evil is spreading from the bottom of the ground. Yes, he is still underground! ”

Naruto Naruto’s tongue was stiff. He looked at the horror outside the window. The huge unknown monsters and the ninja like ants were crazy crashing, splashing blood, meat pieces, and the rain under the night became red.

And these ninjas on the ground are not clear, and there are even more terrifying things. The real evil does not come from the dark spots that fall in the sky, but the invisible underground!

In the end what happened?

Where is Lord Naruto?

Where is Shimura Tuanzang?

The collision between monsters and humans has no explanation, there is no reason, as if there is no way to pavement, it is abruptly entered the climax, using blood and death to rendering the effect of the stage.

The ninja on the ground, whether it is wood leaf or outside the village, is involved in a brain, and is desperately performing with his own life.


But they have no clue. I don’t know where the show starts, why is it, and it is not clear who directed the play. Why did the light and shadow of the wood leaf refuse to show up?


Dial back to 15 minutes before the time.

“I am selfish, greedy, and there is no light in my heart.” Li Mingyu frowned, looking at the dignified man in front of him, saying “Can you” “Can’t! Go to the monster!” The ruthless man in his hands in his hands, pointing to the two behemoths in Tokyo! “No!”

(This chapter is finished)

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