Chapter 87 I can’t betray myself

I can’t see more than seeing the fear of my heart!

The process of seeing the death of a companion can only be seen, and you can only see the result of a corpse spit out of the house. This is like the screening of some horror movies. In the dark, you can only listen to it. It is a truth -your fear will not fall, but it will continue to worry.

Until the end, a frightened face was reflected in front of the eyes, and the fermented fermentation was detonated at the top of the peak.

“Don’t look outside, there are dead people outside!”

A member of the roots in the room looked at the corpse outside the house, and then heard a breathing sound from behind.

Don’t look outside?

Do you want to look back?

He turned to seal, and a water arrow sprayed in his mouth. The darkness of the eyes was the darkness, and the water arrows were swallowed.

Wen Run’s blood sprayed out of his throat, his eyes opened to the largest, and he seemed to see something before he died.

Initially was a slender palm of human beings, and then twisted into a weird tentacle, instantly tearing the space distance, gently touching on his face.

The mask collapsed and melted, the entire face collapsed, and the dirty poisonous blood splashed out, and the corpse fell out of the door.

There is another more rainy corpse rain!

The rotating corridor, the upside -down ladder, and the flowing square house, all leave the spareless tacitly in the gap, so that these vomiting bodies can be connected into a fell line in the crooked gap.

The ape flying sun didn’t dare to turn back. Behind him, a corpse fell from high altitude. The crisp sound of the bones and muscles collided, the broken white bone residue, the splashed flesh muddy, spread out a piece on the ground and spread out a piece on the ground. Twisted, winding red carpet, dotted with pale blooming flowers.

“go out!”

“go out!”

“Only when I go out, their sacrifice is valuable!”

The ape flying rolled out from the vortex, who did not return to the vortex, and several dark parts behind him came out. Then, a stern miserable sound came from behind.

There is a dark part that seems to be stuck in the vortex, and the neatly cracked mouth is cracked from the position of the abdominal cavity. It is like being cut off by a sharp blade. Also climbed out of a few steps to drag out a dirty blood.

Blast and die!

The ape flying the pupils and shrinking, staring at the flowing vortex, always felt that there would be a villain drilled out of the next moment.


Haven’t come out yet!

The ape flying sun was shed, gritting his teeth and looking at the broken hole from the top of his head, and the sky above the cave was stained with strange black.

The chaotic, perplex, horrible roar shrouded the ground from the sky, one by one, the dark shadows of the behemoth fell from the sky, destroying the house building, and the entire wood leaf was used as an amusement park and hunting ground.

“Kill those monsters, mobilize the seal class, and re -seal the bliss box!”

The ape flying sun was cracked, ordered the darkness beside him, and he turned to stand in front of the bliss box. He suddenly realized that he completely cut off the idea of his wish. Come out.

Throwing the broken body of the lower half of the body on the ground, the cold white feet were wrapped in red with bloody mud, and the delicate and cold faces were stained with a little blood. If you painted a little red makeup, it looked more beautiful.

“The ape flying sun can’t die here. The content of the story has its content, but the other is not the same. I did not deliberately leave him in the script after me!”

[Ghost Dance Nothing] Lifting the pipa, the body disappears in place.

In a upside -down room, Shimura Tuanzang suddenly turned to look at Sisso, who suddenly appeared behind him. He was a little bit embarrassed. Now he is not a common rivals when he is settled with Sisso.

“Sisuo, we joined forces to catch that ghost!”

Shimura Tuanzang has a look of sincere cooperation,

“Although you cheated wood leaves, I can’t blame you all now. After all, it is said that it is true or false to distinguish, who can expect that there is really a ghost in the bliss box!”

“Yeah, who can expect?” Sisuo’s mouth was tilted, and his squinting eyes aimed unconsciously at the neck of Zhicun Tuanzang.

This head is in the plug -in, but the price is 5,000 points!

Sisso’s expression was a bit dangerous. Shimura Tuanzang was always thinking about it. He figured out that Sisso’s personality traits made a suggestion that the other party could not refuse: “It’s not the most interesting to witness to witnessing ghosts becoming reality. Well, the most interesting thing is to catch and control a ghost alive, what do you think? ”

Siso licked his lips, and seemed to be quite exciting, and he stared at Shimura Tuanzang. “It sounds more interesting, but what do you prepare?”

Shimura Tuanzang unbuttoned the bandage wrapped in half of his face, revealing a scarlet and evil eyes. The dark hook jade inside the pupil turned into a magnificent kaleida. Non -general writing wheel eye! ”

Each kaleidoscope writing wheel eye contains a weird pupil!

这颗万花筒是志村团藏从宇智波止水眼窝里抠出来移植的,内里蕴有传说中的最强幻术——别天神:能够永久的操作和控制一个被施术者,并改写对方的思维 Will turn it into its own puppet!

This pupil is weird and horrible, so that the cooling time of this pupil is for more than ten years, and it is the strongest card hidden in Zhicun Tuanzang.

“Don’t heaven !!!”

These three words also appeared in Xisuo’s mind. He stretched a lazy waist, and the poker cards at the fingertips crazy rotated.

“It sounds interesting, but I. I refused!” Sisso pinched the poker card, showing an enchanting and dangerous smile on his face.

“??” Shimura Tuan Tsui suspected that his hearing was wrong. With such an interesting proposal, the lunatic of Siso would refuse.

“Why?” Shimura Tuanzang suddenly was vigilant, and he felt a malicious maliciousness from Sisso.

“There are three reasons!” Siso fingertips a fingertips, and the poker cards flew out, cutting the throat hidden in the village of Zhicun, and at the same time leaned forward like a snake, and went straight to the ground.

“At the first point, your head is valuable!”

“At the second point, someone had traded with me before. You can exchange for a special ticket with your head. I am quite interested in it. Although your proposal is also very interesting, I am a speaking calculation count. People! ”

“There are also points 3.”

The body that stuck the ground raised his head, and his mouth was grinned at the roots of his ears on his mouth. The tone suddenly turned cold, his arms were raised, and a bone blade was revealed in the palm of your palm. The sound of rotation between the bone blade.

“I can’t betray”

At the third reason, the reason was cold out of the teeth seams, and Zhicun Tuanzang was shocked. He clearly heard that it was a heavy voice!

In addition to the Sisso in front of him, behind his own, there was another cold voice talking about the same strange words.

“I can’t betray myself !!!”

Explanation: Can children’s shoes ask the ghost boss so high? Well. Essence Essence There is no dandruff boss, but the dandruff boss played by the protagonist can have it!

Death, virtual, ninja, ghost. Essence Who is stronger, the benevolent sees the wisdom and wisdom, but I must be the strongest here!

(This chapter is finished)

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