The faster you grow, the more unlucky you are.

If you come from another family, it’s okay, it’s not a big problem, as long as you don’t conflict with the village philosophy.

But if you are a member of Uchiha, you will die a ugly death.

Others say that Shimura Danzo is a scourge, and a few people from the Elder Group are a scourge, but Yanfeng thinks that even the three generations of Hokage are not good people.

Otherwise, when Shimura Danzo and the Elder Group were doing things, why did you go?

You don’t acquiesce, they dare to mess around?

The world is as black as a crow!

Don’t take yourself for a gentleman.

So Yanfeng didn’t want to be a genius at all, and then, he fell asleep.

In the past two months, I have been so tired that I was pulled up and trained by Mikoto Uchiha every day, and now I finally relaxed.


Yanfeng was not only asleep, but also snoring, making many people secretly laugh.

On the podium, Ono Lang was covered with black lines, and he wanted to throw the book in his hand and smash him to death.

After hesitating repeatedly, he chose to give up.

Forget it, forget it, this kid finally turned it back, but don’t go crooked again!

If you love to sleep, you can sleep, just don’t trick or treat.

“Uchiha Obito, is the blackboard growing on Nohara Rin’s face? Is the teacher also on Nohara Rin’s face? ”

A roar came, and Onoro burst out.

Uchiha Yanfeng sleeps and forgets, it doesn’t affect others, but what’s wrong with you?

I kept staring at someone else, Rin Nohara, and I almost put my face on it.

Bastard, what do you want to do?

After sleeping all morning, Yanfeng felt refreshed, and the afternoon was a training session to teach students how to use Ku Wu throwing correctly, Yanfeng was still not interested, and unconsciously mixed up for an afternoon.

School is finally out.

Yanfeng carried his schoolbag home, and on the way, he did not forget to tease Nohara Rin and Yuri Hong, as for mute…

Forget it, this girl sees herself and shyly wants to get under the table, more ostrich than an ostrich, which is not fun at all.

Under Uchiha Obito’s almost fire-breathing gaze, Yanfeng waved his hand

“Lin, Hong, come to my house tomorrow to play, I invite you to eat hot pot, don’t bring irrelevant people.”

“Yanfengjun, we will definitely come.”

The two little girls both answered Xia Yanfeng’s invitation with a serious face.

As for Uchiha Obito, he ignored it.

If it weren’t for the fact that it was too early to write a wheel eye, Yanfeng really wanted him to taste the taste of the hot dance on the street.

“I’m still the same teenager I used to be, and nothing has changed…”

Mixed for a day, just hit the rest day, can connect to rest for two days, Yanfeng is in a good mood.

He went to the training ground to train for two hours, and then took advantage of the fact that it was still dark, bought some ingredients, and prepared to make a hot pot tomorrow.

This thing can’t be thought of, once thought … Can’t stop.


They were almost at the door, and Yanfeng didn’t expect to meet the most famous classmate of this class, Kiki Kakashi.

Super genius, the existence of entering school at the age of five, and then graduating not long after, and this guy can advance to the middle ninja level at the age of six, which is an exaggerated speed.

But the next thing is a little slower.

Perhaps it had something to do with his father’s suicide, causing Kakashi to become more and more unsociable, always standing in a dark corner, and after Uchiha Obito and Rin Nohara’s accident, it became even worse.

“What are you doing here?”

Outsiders are not welcome in the Uchiha clan, but Kakashi is just a child and will not be targeted.

Kakashi also didn’t expect to run into Yanfeng, tilted his head and thought for a while, and replied sullenly:

“Obito that idiot forgot to bring his school bag, I’ll send it to him.”

Sure enough, there is a reason for becoming the tail of the crane, so I sulked with myself, and even the school bag can be forgotten.

Opening the door, Yanfeng asked casually

“Come in and sit?”


What made Yanfeng almost hit the door was that Kakashi agreed.

Please, I’m just being polite, not making you really unpolite.

The corners of his mouth twitched, and Yanfeng had to let Kakashi come with him.

The words that were said were splashed with water, and they were all invited, and if they refused again, Yanfeng could not afford to lose this person.

Kakashi looked at the training props in the courtyard curiously, and Yanfeng, who was walking in front, casually threw away his shoes and said:

“Don’t look, it’s just a small yard, there is no way to compare with your family, come in, I’ll cook, I’ll be able to eat soon, by the way, you come home too late, you won’t be beaten, right?”

Don’t look at Kakashi has been muffled and unsociable, this product is a second generation.

His Laozi is the patriarch of the Qimu family, isn’t it the second generation?


Kakashi put his shoes away, sat honestly on the living room floor, and replied, “My father is not at home and is out on a mission.” ”

Yanfeng didn’t mean to ask, walked into the kitchen and began to cook.

Don’t look at him small, cooking skills are not bad, it is a life skill left over from the previous life, even if Uchi Mikoto is not there, Yanfeng will not starve to death, on the contrary, he will still live a very dashing life.

Simply three dishes and one soup, Yanfeng let Kakashi see what food is, but this meal is willing to take off the mask, which makes Yanfeng want to complain.

Are you a pig?

Yanfeng never dreamed that Kakashi had dried three bowls of rice, and more than half of the three dishes and one soup entered his stomach.

People are not big, but quite edible.

“Thank you for your hospitality.”

After eating and resting for a while, Kakashi saw that it was already dark, and had the idea of going home, got up and thanked Yanfeng with a straight face

“You look very strong, we can practice against each other when we have the chance.”

“How do you see that?”

Yanfeng almost smashed the door panel in Kakashi’s face, you can see this?


“Roll !!!”

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