"Something like this ungrateful dog would have to break at least two of his legs."

Mariko Hamoto said gloomily as well.

"What are you doing?"

"It's illegal to beat someone, how can you do such a thing?"

Xiaolan stopped in front of them and asked loudly.

"Could it be that he doesn't break the law for murder?"

Qiben Qiujiang asked.


Xiaolan couldn't answer immediately.

"Who the murderer is, it has not been determined yet."

"The most I can say is that Hajimoto Wu has the biggest motive for committing the crime and is the most likely suspect at present."

"However, even if it is determined that he is the murderer, lynching is illegal."

"Just lock it up 693, wait until Tokyo Port!"

Tono Makoto stood up.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that the people who spoke for me at the end were you two outsiders, strangers!"

Qi Benwu smiled helplessly, and when his eyes swept across Qi Ben Xiajiang, the latter quickly avoided it.

Clearly, trust has been lost.

"Dongye is right, we can only lock it up first."

Mouri Kogoro nodded.

Soon, Hajimoto was locked in a storage room on the ship.

As for Qiben Longnan's corpse, like Qiben Haozang, at the strong request of Qiben's family, he could only take a few pictures of the scene before they could restrain themselves.

"First Qiben Haozang, and then Qiben Longnan."

"Who is the murderer?"

Conan lowered his head in thought, carefully recalling every detail before.

When Qi Benhao's body was discovered by the housekeeper, everyone in the restaurant had an alibi.

The only ones who were not in the restaurant were Hashimoto Takeshi, Hashimoto Ryunan, and Hachimoto Ichiro.

"If Qimoto Wu was the murderer, tonight should be safe until dawn."

Conan muttered to himself, somewhat uneasy.

Early in the morning, the night is deeper.

"Father, mother, you were indeed forced to death by Qiben Haozang!"

"There is no good thing in the Qiben family!"

"They're all damned!"

In the storage room, Hajimoto Wu slammed the wall with force, and was furious at his incompetence.

At this time, there was a soft sound of metal friction.

The gate that locked the door was put down.

Under the moonlight, a figure stood at the door, blocking all the sight of Hajimoto Takeshi.

"it is as expected!"

"You bastard, really damn it!"

The black shadow suddenly rushed up with the blood-stained kitchen knife. .

Chapter 69

The whistle sounded.

The luxury yacht of tens of thousands of tons slowly approached the port of Tokyo.

"Its daybreak?"

Conan opened his eyes and suddenly jumped up.

"Its daybreak!"

"Uncle, it's already dawn!"

He pushed the middle-aged uncle beside him, and the corners of his mouth were still flowing.

Since moving into the Maori family, all he sees when he wakes up every day is this beard face.

In the past, at least Xiaolan was still there, but now, only Maori Kogoro, who was snoring in sleep, talking in his sleep, and drooling, was left.

"Isn't it just dawn, what is it called?"

Mouri Kogoro hugged the pillow, not knowing who he was fantasizing about.

"The police should be here."

"In the two murders last night, it's time to start searching for evidence!"

Conan said excitedly.

Regardless of Mouri Kogoro, he wiped his face and rushed out.

On the deck of the yacht, people come and go.

Sure enough, there were many uniformed police officers carrying corpses and various evidence.

In the crowd, the only police officer Mumu who did not wear a uniform, wearing a brown trench coat, was particularly conspicuous.

"Officer Mumu, I found a lot of strange things about the murder case last night!"

Conan ran over quickly, he didn't want to act, and straight to the point, he filed the case.

"Conan, why is it you again?"

"That is to say, that boy Maori..."

Officer Mumu narrowed his eyes and turned his head to look behind him.

"Police Department, you came so early!"

Maori Kogoro yawned and came lazily.


Inspector Mumu sighed.

Sometimes, he doubts that Conan is the illegitimate son of Kogoro Mouri, right?

Inseparable all day long!

"Officer Mumu, that, that, when Mr. Haozang Haozo was killed last night, I found out..."

Conan tried his best to guide the topic.

In the two murders last night, he had already discovered a lot of doubts.

As long as you give him a little something and cooperate with the evidence found by the police, you should be able to find the real murderer soon.

"Oh, you said yesterday's murder!"

"Oh, it's really tragic. I have rarely encountered such a tragic murder in the decades as a police officer."

"There are nine members of Qiben's family, only one night, and only Miss Xia Jiang is left alone. ¨."

Rao, the police officer Mumu who was used to seeing murder cases, was a little touched and sighed, but he couldn't keep his spirits up.

"You, what did you just say?"

"There are nine members of Qiben's family, and only Miss Xia Jiang is left?"

Conan's face suddenly turned as white as paper.

"In other words, a total of 8 people died?"

"After we fell asleep, 6 more people were killed?"

Mouri Kogoro was also shocked.

"Yeah, the massacre!"

"I'm afraid no one will dare to sit on this yacht in the future."

Officer Mumu sighed, and then said with a slight ease, "Fortunately, there is brother Dongye, he has already found the real murderer."

"That flag Benwu... No, it should be called Caicheng Takehiko, and he was killed on the spot!"


Conan only felt as if he had been hit hard, and his whole head was buzzing and blank.

Just one night, how could things turn out like this?

"Police, what the hell is going on?"

Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but ask.

After all, that case was full of doubts, and there were a lot of unreasonable things.

"It's like this, first of all..."

Officer Mumu described it.

Probably because Hamoto Ichiro had a crush on his cousin Hamoto, he was very dissatisfied with his grandfather Hamoto's decision, so he went to him for a theory, but he accidentally killed Haozo Hamoto.

And this scene was accidentally seen by brother-in-law Qi Ben Longnan.

Hashimoto Ryunan, who was heavily in debt, threatened him to steal his parents' money and use it to repay his debts.

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