Ruan Mei started her research here.

For her, this was a good place to do research, but most of it was theoretical.

There was no way to research more things.

She was very interested in the true inner world of this world.

Geniuses are like this, they will spend their time and energy researching things they are interested in.

When they lose interest, they will immediately withdraw.

Lin Ze didn't know how long Ruan Mei would study here, but he still sent all the research materials he could.

"There is research on the soul? Interesting, there are people studying this?"

"No, souls do not exist in this world. The world allows consciousness to match new containers, but does not allow containers to collect dissipated consciousness. This is one of the laws of the Sea of Trees system."

"Sea of trees system?"

"Since you are a member of the Genius Club, you must know the theory of the tree of imaginary numbers published by Zandar Ichikuhara, right?"

"This is nature. In other words, does the tree of imaginary numbers exist?"

According to Zandar's theory, different worlds in different time and space are compared to the structure of a tree: each branch is a form of existence of a world, and each flower and leaf is the present and past left in the time dimension.

The tree of imaginary numbers absorbs imaginary energy to exist, new leaves grow, and dead leaves fall off, constantly performing countless births and deaths in the vast universe.

"It’s just that the tree of imaginary numbers cannot be observed"

"You just can't observe it at the moment."

Although the Collapse World is a world that has not left the surface of the earth, it can observe parallel worlds and enter the place where the Imaginary Tree is.

The power of the Herrscher is a rather unreasonable ability.

Bringing Ruan Mei to the projection of the Imaginary Tree, looking around, there are red sand and broken walls everywhere.

"Is that the tree of imaginary numbers?"

"The real imaginary tree is so huge that every leaf carries a world. How can it be so small?"

He shook his head and said,"That's just a projection, and only one person has touched the projection so far."

"It is hard to imagine that someone could touch the tree of imaginary numbers. It is said that before becoming a god, the god of joy, Aha, once climbed a high branch of the tree of existence."

"But whether the tree of existence is the tree of imaginary numbers remains to be verified."

"What is the sea then?"

"The quantum ocean"

"According to the theory I know, the tree of imaginary numbers is rooted in the quantum sea. Together they form the world and engage in an endless competition."

"The tree wants to swallow up the sea, and the sea also wants to absorb the tree. When the leaves on the tree fall, they will fall into the sea and be swallowed by the sea. In the sea, a wave will give birth to a large number of world bubbles."

"These world bubbles will exist in the sea until they disappear."

"Interesting, it seems like you know a lot. Then who is the person who touched the World Tree you mentioned?"

"He is just a fool. The research notes I gave you were written by him.

Lin Ze said,"I also tried to touch the imaginary tree here, but nothing happened. Tsk, it's really disappointing. The projection here does not have that special power at all."

"If so, what would you like to do?"

"Need I say more? Of course I should go out and enjoy life. Life here doesn't give me a sense of being alive."

"I will help you.

Ruan Mei said,"Aze, when you get out, you can go to my place."

"What? I am not your bodyguard. I say again, Ms. Ruan Mei, don't be too obsessed with illusions. Fake is fake after all."

"I know, I also want to experience the feeling of being truly alive."

Ruan Mei discovered her problem, her emotions were too weak, and the vivid self in the illusion really made her care.

It was more vivid than the current self.

This feeling really made her care.

This is why she wanted to cooperate with Lin Ze.

Wanting to study this world is one thing, and staying with Lin Ze is another.

"Aze, I want to continue to experience new feelings"

"Are you sure? I won't use illusion this time."

"It doesn't matter"

"Then let's stop the research for a while. I'll help you."

Help me?"

Ruan Mei didn't understand, but she soon understood.

The whole person was hung in the air, his hands and feet were tied behind his back, and his whole body was tightly tied with ropes.

His eyes were covered with a blindfold, and his mouth was blocked with something.

"Are you sure you want to do this? This is the first time I treat someone like this."

Ruan Mei nodded, unable to make a sound. This was the first time she had this special feeling.

"If that's the case."

Something was buzzing, and the next second, Ruan Mei's whole body tensed up, and her toes in her sandals curled up.

A strange, unprecedented feeling spread throughout her body. Lin Ze asked,"How does it feel?"

Ruan Mei's breathing became heavy, and she shook her head, as if to tell him that it was nothing.

"Oh, that's good, keep this position for the next five hours, don't worry, it won't cause any harm to your body."

A remote control was placed in Ruan Mei's hand," This remote control allows you to adjust the power, but there is no off button."

At this time, Ruan Mei's mind was swaying, and she could no longer hear what Lin Ze was saying.

Lin Ze found a place to sit down, holding a magazine in his hand, reading with relish, with Ruan Mei's humming and the sound of toys in his ears.

Tick, tick!

The ground was sparkling, and Ruan Mei's fingers touched the remote control and accidentally touched the fifth gear.

The body tensed up and then relaxed, back and forth several times in a short period of time.

After being unable to bear it, he touched the button randomly.


This time, the uncomfortable feeling disappeared, leaving only an even more unbearable itch.

The indifference on his face had long disappeared, replaced by a moving blush���

Untying the restraints on her mouth, Ruan Mei could no longer control herself, panting non-stop, soaking Lin Ze's hands."How does it feel? It's still fresh in your memory, right? I think you will never forget this day."

"Do you want me to release you?"

"The rate at which dopamine is secreted is too fast, but this feeling... is unprecedented."

Ruan Mei was still able to speak continuously,"I think we can continue, just as if we are collecting experimental data."

"Are you sure?"

"OK, let's just say that this is data I have never collected before. If possible, please join me."


"What happened?" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"This is the first time someone has taken the initiative to invite me." Lin Ze said:"You know what will happen, right?"

"Of course, this is just an experiment"


He untied Ruan Mei and carried her to the bed.

"Use the means you know to let me record the experimental data"

"I don't think you'll stand a chance."


The lips with the scent of osmanthus cake fell on Ruan Mei's red lips.......


【Experimental Record: Observed subjects, Ruan Mei, Lin Ze】

【The reproductive behavior lasted for three hours, during which the subject Ruan Mei lost her power for about half an hour. After returning to reality, she used a sleeping potion and entered the dream world again.】

【According to Lin Ze, the subject of observation, Ruan Mei's physical condition is poor under the physical condition of ordinary people. It was the first time to conduct it, and the record was too poor.】

【Conclusion: The secretion of dopamine is not worth mentioning for Ruan Mei. The primitive reproductive behavior brings Ruan Mei a different feeling.

Ruan Mei works at her desk, recording relevant data. Her hands keep shaking as she types on the keyboard, and she can't even type properly.

"A Ruan, what's wrong?"[]

Lin Ze behind her kissed her earlobe,"Do you want to take a break?"

"No, nothing."

The trembling voice did not stop Lin Ze, but made him even more aggressive.

"Aze, I like you"

"I like you, too, A'ruan."

The touching words made Ruan Mei turn around and hug the man behind her,"A'ze, even if it's fake, I know that the feelings are real, and you like me too, right?"


"Your scent is the feeling of love, but it is filled with impurities. Being with me, these impurities will be purified sooner or later."

Ruan Mei's eyebrows are as beautiful as a painting, with indescribable tenderness.

"You are just like me, immersed in the fantasy, you can't tell the difference."

She smiled happily,"Yes, it's this feeling, this smell of love, just like the smell of father's love for mother."

"A Ruan……"

"Don't talk, we still have a lot of time, I don't care about those impurities, as long as you stay with me."

Ruan Mei, who was confused and infatuated, no longer cared about those things. The illusion not only affected her, but also Lin Ze.

The nineteen years were a real experience for them.



Lin Ze sat in his room with a headache. He had a headache.

He had really gone too far and played himself into it.

The illusion was double-edged. It was just that he was being stubborn in 3.2.

"Ah Ze, what happened to you?"

Ruan Mei, who had changed into a cheongsam, came over with a cup of tea and asked with a smile.

"I feel like we've fallen too deeply into this fantasy, so I'm going to delete this part of my memory."

"Why? I think it's good"

"What's so good about fake love? Do you like it?"

"Love is real, not fake"

"Forget it, just do as you like."

Leaning against the headboard,"I don't understand how a genius like you, a genius in the genius club, could fall for someone like me."

"Is there anything difficult to understand? You have the love I need, and you also like my body, so we each get what we need."

Well, it turns out that there is no need to use reason to understand this group of geniuses.

If this method is used by other people, it is just deception, but Ruan Mei thinks it is nothing.

Whether it is false or an illusion, it is nothing to her. As long as the love is real, it is fine.

Geniuses are a group of people who cannot be understood by common sense, so Lin Ze cannot understand Ruan Mei's thoughts.

But it's fine this way, each gets what they need, and there is not so much to argue about.

After taking Ruan Mei's tea and confirming that there is no problem, he took a sip.

"It tastes very good"

"Just like it"

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