"Lin Ze! Lin Ze! Where did you go again, you bastard?"

Navia has not been in a good mood recently. After entering this world, the first thing she did was to come to find Lin Ze.

In the past, if she came here by herself, this guy should have arrived in a short while.

But today, I don't know what happened, he hasn't come yet.

I don't know why I feel a little disappointed.

"Miss, are you looking for me?"

Lin Ze was still wearing the waiter's uniform and plain glasses, looking like a diligent and elegant waiter.

"Tsk, you're here. I thought you weren't here today."

"If I weren't here, you wouldn't be able to come into this world."

"So that's how it is, no wonder I can't get in sometimes."

Navia said quickly:"By the way, do you have any way to make money?"

"Ah? Are you short of money?"

"No, no."Navia lowered her head and poked the soil with the tip of her boots, a little helpless,"The money spent on building the new Baisong Town is a little……"

The subsidy from Fontaine has not come yet, and the funds of the Rose Thorn Society are a bit tight now. Navia has been very busy these days.

"So that's how it is"

"Yes, but not much."

According to the routine of some novels about traveling through the ancient world, making sugar, wine, soap and perfume can make you rich.

The problem is that the continent of Teyvat has magical alchemy, and these things are not in short supply.

In particular, Fontaine is a place with no shortage of energy, which is more advanced than Mond, Inazuma, and Liyue.

Others are still using manpower for patrols, but they have already used automatic robots.

The energy accumulated by the Cardinal of the Oracle for five hundred years, except for 01 that is prepared to be used to smash the throne, the remaining energy is enough for the people of Fontaine to use for a long time in their daily lives.

"Let me think about it. How about making perfume? No, you have a perfume master over there. The same goes for clothes. Let me think about it. Mora of Teyvat... Ugh, my head hurts a bit."

"no way?"

"It’s not that there is no other way. The essence of business is nothing more than buying and selling. What do the people of Fontaine like most?"

"Would you like some tea?"

"Then you can go to Qiaoyingzhuang to buy and sell tea."

"Is this ok?"

"What's wrong with that? Just package it up a bit, for example, say a certain tea is rumored to have been tasted by the rock god Morax, and then pay the water god a sum of money to endorse it."

"Rock God? And Lady Funina? Is this okay?"

"No problem, trust me, we are selling a brand."

Lin Ze waved his hand and said,"Hire Funina as the spokesperson, the packaging box should be the best, hire a few advertisers, write a few product stories, something touching, inspirational, and inspiring, write them all on it."

"The tea shop is exquisitely decorated and employs the best waiters. Whenever customers come, no matter they buy anything or not, they are greeted with a smile and asked,"How can I help you?" as soon as they come up."

"The packaging box can be as beautiful as it can be, and it can contain as much tea as you want. In one word, it’s expensive!"

"A box would cost at least 18,000 yuan, and then you have to hire a few famous people to buy it for you. It would be embarrassing if others don't buy it. How much do you think a box of this kind of tea would sell for?"

"Ah, how can I get 10,000 Mora?"

"Ten thousand Moras? That's the cost!! Starting from twenty thousand Moras!"

"Isn’t this too expensive?"

"Don't think it's expensive, there's no discount yet. You have to study the purchasing psychology of those people. Those who are willing to pay 10,000 Mora for a box of tea don't mind paying another 10,000. Do you know what aristocrats and successful people are?"


"Successful people buy the most expensive things instead of the best. So, our slogan for selling tea is, not the best, but the most expensive!"


Navia felt her brain was being hit

"Wait, wait, let me sort it out."

Quickly calming herself down, Navia said,"Isn't this a lie?"

"How can you say it's a lie? Ordinary people won't spend 20,000 Mora for a handful of tea."Lin Ze smiled and said,"Who would want to make money from ordinary people? If they want to make money, they'll make money from the rich."

"Will they be fooled?"

"So, this is the person we need!" Lin Ze said:"This person must be famous in Fontaine, and then have an advertising effect."

Funina is the best candidate. As the most popular idol in Fontaine, she can be said to be the person who best represents the fashion trend of Fontaine.

She also makes money. For example, when she performs operas, tickets for every show are in short supply.

After Funina stopped being a water god, in addition to the money that Villette allocated to her on behalf of Fontaine, she also saved a lot of money herself.

She just can't cook, so she can only make do with macaroni and various sauces every day.

"I always feel like I'm cheating"

"No, this is called advertising packaging. Oh, by the way, remember, don't give positive words when promoting your product to avoid being found loopholes. The same applies to the advertising you write."

"You are testing the limits of Fontaine's laws." Navia kicked him and said,"Can you please stop giving me bad advice?"

"Then ten boxes at half price?"

"That’s a consumer trap!"

"It's not illegal"


Navia said with a headache:"I actually counted on you, I was really confused."

This guy has no normal method in his mind.

Lin Ze stood up and patted the dust on his body,"Wake up, Navia, the way to make a lot of money quickly is written in the criminal law, and you are not a lawbreaker, so you should just be at ease and make money honestly." (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"……I understand the principle, but the gap needs to be filled."

"Then find someone to invest, such as Fu Ningna, or wealthy businessmen from other countries. Ningguang from Liyue Seven Stars is a good investor."

"The Seven Stars of Liyue... isn't that too far away?"

"Is it far? You can't just go from Roudeng Port to Yilong Port, then go to Qiaoying Village, and then travel through mountains and rivers for a while to reach Liyue Port."

"That being said, will they be willing to see me?"

The Seven Stars of Liyue, according to their positions, are at the same level as Villette.

I am just an ordinary person, and they are extremely busy every day, so why would they want to see me?

"I do know a Liyue Seven Star"

"Speak quickly"

"Yuheng Star of the Seven Stars of Liyue, but her relationship with Ningguang is a bit complicated."

Keqing and Ningguang don't get along.

She thinks Ningguang treats Liyue as a business place. As long as it can make money, Ningguang will do anything. It's too unprincipled. She even thinks this may be Ningguang's principle.

Maybe it's because Aqing doesn't know Ningguang very well.

Ningguang is not like Keqing, who was born in a big family. Ningguang's family was very poor when she was a child, and everything she has now is earned by herself. She values money, but in her heart, Liyue is always the first.

Ningguang occasionally helps Keqing deal with people she offends because of her straightforward personality.

"Do you also know Yuhengxing?"

"I also know the Great Compassion Tree King, but unfortunately he just left and won't be here in the short term, otherwise you can ask her to invest in you. Oh, I got it, you can go find the Great Compassion Tree King"

"Uh, you are getting more and more outrageous. Can I see God whenever I want at my level? The Great Kind Tree King is not like Lady Funina who often appears in the public eye."

Navia complained:"By the way, how do you know so many big shots?"

"It's just about building up your network. Don't worry too much about it. The Great Kind Tree King is easy to get along with. Just tell her that I asked you to ask her for help. Neither she nor the Little Auspicious Grass King will refuse. But don't lie in front of them. They can both read minds."

"Who would lie?"

Navia said dissatisfiedly,"Do I look like someone who lies all the time? That's you, right? Don't judge others by your own standards."

"I don't deny it."

Lin Ze spread his hands and said,"Xumi is closer to the Great Compassion Tree King, so it's easier to deal with. If you ask Keqing to help, it will be a bit of a problem."

The main reason is that Keqing and Ningguang don't have a good relationship, and Keqing is busy every day, so how can she have time to deal with these things.

On the contrary, the Great Compassion Tree King, who has a very good relationship with Lin Ze, can help.

As the supreme ruler of Xumi, isn't it a simple matter for the Great Compassion Tree King to invest in someone?

"Also, there is a master architect in Xumi named Kavi. You can invite him to design and plan your town."

"Kavi? I seem to have heard of this name somewhere. Oh, by the way, he built a very famous house called Casazale Palace! It’s very famous, but isn’t it too impossible for that master architect to help us plan the town?"

Lin Ze asked curiously:"Famous? Isn’t he a sucker?"

Kavi spent all his money to build the Casazale Palace. The dead zone grew on the construction site, and as a result, the Casazale Palace, which was almost completed, collapsed directly.

Although Dolly did not ask him for compensation, for the sake of his work, he even borrowed money to build it. It can be said that he is a very professional person.

Kavi is an extreme idealist, so he lives a very painful life.

Because of his sensibility and empathy, he went very high and far in the pursuit of art, but it also brought pain and torture.

"Sucker? Casazale Palace is a very famous building. Kavi has also attracted much attention in Xumi. A reporter from Steambird News also went to interview him."

"Oh, I understand!"

Lin Ze clapped his hands and said,"I know, that's what's going on."

After the Great Compassion Tree King was resurrected, the dead zone would no longer appear. Kavi was lucky to escape the disaster and completed his work, making a fortune. He no longer had to go bankrupt to pay for his dream.

His dream also came true.

"What are you so surprised about? Do you care about this Kawi?"

"Because his life is miserable, isn't it normal for me to sympathize with him? Okay, don't think too much, go find the Great Compassion Tree King, she won't reject you"

"Yeah, okay"[]

"Should I be thanked then?"

""Hmph." Navia came forward with her pretty face red and pecked Lin Ze lightly on the face.

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