The biggest advantage of the immortal species is naturally that they live longer.

For Fu Xuan, what does it matter if Lin Ze has other women?

She can easily outlive those vixens.

Enter the role circle in advance.

Look at my ultimate move, the tactic of outlasting the old lady!

In this way, she can occupy Lin Ze.

To her, Lin Ze is definitely hers.

After having such and such relationships with her, how could she give him to someone else?

Lin Ze can only be mine!

Fu Xuan thought so, she would never give Lin Ze to anyone else.

But then again, it was this guy who was fooling around outside and couldn't control himself.

Damn it, damn it, damn it!

Fu Xuan was so angry that he kicked Lin Ze again.

"No, why did you kick me again? I didn't look for you or provoke you, how could you hurt me like this?"

Lin Ze said bitterly

"Heh, I'll do whatever I want, do you have any opinion?"Fu Xuan squinted at him, his golden pupils emitting a cold light.

The delicate jade feet wrapped in white silk stepped back again.

"Woo woo woo!"

""Don't bite me!"

Fu Xuan yelled, frightened by Lin Ze's sudden action, his whole body lost balance and fell down.

"Hehe, Master Taibu, now I,"Zero Three Three", have caught you. You can't run away."

"You want to...hahahaha!"

The petite body kept twisting, and an uncontrollable laugh came out of her mouth.

"You dare you treat me like this...stop it...hahaha……"

There were bursts of laughter, and Fu even laughed to the point of tears. But the next second, there was no laughter, and only a blushing face.

"You guy……"



The snow-white lotus arm wrapped around Lin Ze's neck, and the two kissed each other

"Lady Taibu is still so beautiful"

"Shut up……"


Fu Xuan left, and before leaving, she said that she had other things to do, and asked him to go to Luofu Fairy Boat if he was free.

However, Lin Ze did not agree immediately, after all, he still had things to do.

For example, Wei Erwei's place.

The great magician carried a wrench and said,"This thing is quite interesting. The materials and technology are very powerful. It can withstand very strong atmospheric pressure, and the power and weapon destructiveness are also very strong."

In order to take care of Lin Ze, Wei Erwei specially explained in words that he could understand,"In general, it is a very powerful combat weapon. Just this assault armor, it can blow up a country with its own explosion."

"Why do you feel a little pulled?"

"La? This is without a driver." Expert Wei Wei said at this time:"These armors are driven by the driver's vitality, so those genetically modified people grow fast, have strong vitality, and die quickly."

"If the driver prays for the blessing of abundance, that vitality can definitely unleash greater combat power, right?"

"It's just that the battery life has been improved. The scientists from the Gramer Republic have added something to it. I've studied it and it's equivalent to a safety lock. The safety valve inside won't be improved so easily. It's very difficult to break through it."

The great magician knocked on the armor with a wrench, making a crisp sound.

"Can an ordinary person drive it?"

"Sure." The great magician and the expert looked at each other and said in unison:"Don't underestimate me, I am the genius Wei Erwei!"

"It is too troublesome to crack the gene lock, so we decided to use the same technology and materials to directly reproduce it, and transfer the energy core to imaginary energy drive."

In the universe, imaginary energy is everywhere, and there is no need to worry about energy and endurance issues.

"At the same time, it enhances the defense capability and internal shock absorption capability to prevent the driver from being injured or even killed by the impact."

"Genius Weierwei also installed an internal circulation system to ensure that he would be able to go to the bathroom in the middle of a battle."

According to Weierwei, once the driver puts it on, he will be completely isolated from the external environment, protecting him from poisonous gas weapons and harsh atmosphere.

Many auxiliary systems are installed, such as communicators and automatic sensors.

The armor itself can defend against strong physical impacts and damage from alien atmospheres. It can be said that it has been optimized based on the Firefly armor.

Looking at the two Weierweis passionately introducing the armor they studied to him, his expression became more and more strange.

"Let me ask, do you require your pilots to be over two meters tall, have undergone multiple surgeries, and be space warriors with two hearts and three lungs?"

"What? This is nothing. Ordinary people can use it."The expert said:"Boss, you watch too many anime."

"I really like Astarte."

But I don't want to see it with my own eyes.

"This armor is still in the design stage. As far as the current speculation is concerned, the cost is very high and the materials are difficult to obtain. At least here, we can only use these armors to make a synthetic one."

"That's enough. Don't worry, I'll be able to get out soon."

With the addition of Ying and Fu Fu, there are only two years left.

Two years is not a long time for him.

There are only two years left.

"Well, so it looks like the weapons we design will be sold in the future?"

"No, it is impossible to sell such powerful weapons, right?" Lin Ze said as a matter of course:"Of course it's for the employees."

When going out on a mission, you will always encounter unruly people.

For example, the Abundant Evil, the Antimatter Legion, the Zerg and so on.

These are for the escort team. In his plan, the escort team is to protect some important personnel.

To be precise, they are members of the Security Department.

However, the Minister of the Security Department must choose someone who is particularly good at fighting to be the Minister.

Who to find?

Lin Ze couldn't find a good candidate in his mind. He is good at fighting, ruthless and doesn't talk much.

"Wei Wei, you don’t have any strong candidates."

The two Wei Wei said without hesitation:"Find Kevin!"


Oh no, how could I forget about him. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Are you sure you can?"

"That's no problem, of course."The great magician said,"Kevin is crazy now. As long as you solve the collapse, Kevin will follow you obediently."

Kevin lost too much in the fight against the collapse, including friends, comrades, lovers...even his son died of old age.

Although he doesn't care about his family, there are only three people left in the family now.

Kevin's combat power is still strong enough, stronger than most destiny walkers, but he can't beat the envoys and those blessed by the star gods.

It is definitely a big improvement to embark on the destiny.

His will is likely to attract the attention of the guardian star god.

Unfortunately, there is no destiny energy in the collapse world, otherwise, Kevin might be able to become a guardian envoy for the sake of protecting the world.......

"That makes sense, Wei Wei, you are indeed my lucky star."

He hugged the great magician and gave her a long kiss.

The great magician felt dizzy and at a loss.

The expert pouted beside him, thinking that the great magician was really like this, so he should kick her out of Wei Wei's group.

"But Kevin, don't worry, I'll be out soon, but before that, it's almost time for me to take action."

【Unlocked worlds: fgo, Arknights】

【Searching for New World】[]

Wow, he unlocked two at once?

Lin Ze was excited, and the great magician asked,"What's wrong?"

"Two new worlds were unlocked, which were interesting. One was a world with heroes but was destroyed every day, and the other was a world with at least three routes to destruction."

The great magician Wei Wei complained:"Hey, how can there be so many worlds full of disasters?"

"Isn't your world also full of disasters?" Lin Ze said

"Heroic spirits? Are they the kind of heroic spirits in Valhalla in Norse mythology?" asked expert Wei Wei.

"It's a little different."

In Norse mythology, the souls of warriors who died in battle will be led by Valkyries to Valhalla, or the Hall of Heroes, to become Heroic Warriors. These warriors have to prepare for Odin before the Ragnarok comes.

In the Hall of Heroes, there will be banquets and beauties to entertain these warriors.

The banquet includes delicious wild boar meat and fragrant goat milk mead. The wild boar meat is the meat of the god pig Sahlimnir, and the goat milk mead is continuously produced by a god sheep Hedren to meet the needs of the Heroic Warriors. It has become the most ideal way for the ancient Norsemen to die in glory.

But the world of FGO is different.

It is called the Seat of Heroes, a place independent of the timeline, where a large number of famous historical figures are sleeping.

However, it is a bit vague. Lin Ze feels that this group of people is more like a group of data recorded by the quantum recorder. When

Heroic Spirits participate in the Holy Grail War, they will be downgraded to Servants.

In the world of FGO, there are innate incineration and innate freezing.

Lin Ze remembers that he didn't finish playing 2.7.���It's a bummer, I just can't keep playing.

The command cards plus the fact that I can't hang up at 2.3 are really exhausting.

I heard that the battle on the Japanese server has been completed, but Guda was blocked from the South Pole because he used too many out-of-spec servants, so the restraint force wants Guda to prove his innocence.

Prove his innocence?

Prove your sister!

Why didn't you say anything when I led a group of beasts to save humanity?

Open the door, restraint force, it's time for you to prove your innocence!

"I see. What about Arknights?"

"Demons, Haisi plus Originium, three routes to destroy the world, the planet is wrapped in a star pod similar to the Angel of Peace, and then the country inside……"

Bring Yingtai and Victoria to share, and don't do anything.

Casimir is a peaceful country with slavery and a developed economy, but the violent organs can't do anything to a group of businessmen. Ursus is still a rampaging militarism that doesn't treat the infected as human beings.

In Columbia, the lighthouse in another world, human experiments are just like playing.

In the feudal world of Dayan, the emperor Zhenlong sits on a golden toilet under his ass, which may explode at any time.

For example, Lethania in Germany was very depressed during the reign of the Witch King, and the people were treated as firewood.

And Agol in the sea turned a group of sweeping robots into a world-destroying disaster.

"What kind of place can be called Terra?"

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