Lin Ze let go of his hand and looked at the firework smiling at him in front of him in doubt.

One month!

After a whole month, a living person finally came!

Lin Ze likes a quiet environment, but it doesn't mean he can avoid contact with the outside world.

Without a real living person, he will really go crazy.


""Hmm." Hanabi put her hands on her hips and looked up at the handsome man in front of her who was in doubt.

She also saw the status bar above her head.

【I'm curious about where this place is and who the man in front of me is.……】

"Huh, where is this place?"

"Star Train, how did you get here?"Lin Ze said excitedly

"Star Train? I remember Sambo said that the Star Train hadn't reached Yaloli VI yet."

Hanabi looked at the scenery outside the carriage. It was parked in the Black Tower Space Station. Looking outside, there was a blue planet.

"Is this the Black Tower Space Station? Why am I here? Did you do this?"Hua Huo said with interest,"Oh, you are really good at giving people surprises, but sudden invitations can make girls hate it."

Her hand touched Lin Ze's chest, but suddenly retracted.

"My Power……"

She couldn't feel any power of destiny. Here, she was just an ordinary person.

"Did you do this?"

"No." Lin Ze leaned down and looked into the pair of beautiful red eyes."You seem surprised. What did you do outside? What brought you here?""

"Of course I sleep, it's not like I don't need to rest."

Lin Ze pondered,"Will sleep enter this world? And will I lose my power and become an ordinary person? Hmm, interesting, Hua Huo, have you become an ordinary person now?"

"Oh, what do you want to do? Hanabi-sama is so cute, you don't want to make Hanabi-sama the heroine of this movie, do you?"

Hanabi's pretty face showed a frightened expression, I felt pity for her, and I felt protective of her.

But she was full of dirty jokes, after all, her hometown seemed to be Edo Star.

"If you think so……"

Lin Ze opened his status bar, clicked on the change of clothes, and a pair of glasses appeared on his face, and then he took them off,"Then I can only satisfy you."


Hanabi's pupils shrank and she took a step back. Lin Ze opened Hanabi's status bar and changed her into a JK uniform under her gaze.

The sudden change of clothes startled Hanabi, but she still looked happy."You actually have this ability? So, what exactly is this place? Pinocchio doesn't have this kind of 18+ ability!""

"Welcome to the world of dreams, Hanabi. This is a dream deeper than Pinocchio. Everything you know is basically useless here."

"What about you? The Lord of Dreams? Or are you the Rememberer of Liuguang Memory Court?"

"Rememberer? No, I'm not."

Lin Ze shook his head and brought Hua Huo to a broken mirror. He clicked on the dialogue button and a faceless woman who looked like a mirror appeared.

"Do you want to enter the Garden of Oblivion?"

"This is……"

"This is the real rememberer." Lin Ze smiled and said,"But it's just a few words."

"As you can see, the people here follow the underlying logic, just like the NPCs in the game, look at the dialog boxes above their heads."

Hanabi looked over curiously, and saw that above Pam's head was a message"Cleaning……】

Above Jizi's head is [Automatically finding the way……】

Same thing with Walter Young's head

"Ha, this is really funny, but it's not funny."

If there were only two of them in this world, how would she have fun?

I really hope it was a joke from Ah Ha.

"So, you can control these status bars?" Hanabi looked at the clothes on her body, feeling fear but also a little expectation.

It seemed that she had become a joke.


A joker will eventually become a joke.

Woohoo, there will be this day for Lady Hanabi too.

If she becomes an ordinary person, she, who is as beautiful as a flower, will definitely be filled up by this man into a cream puff, with the word"positive" written all over her thighs.

Seeing the dialog box above Hanabi's head constantly popping up her inner thoughts, Lin Ze's expression became weird,"You seem to be looking forward to it, should I satisfy you?"

"No way, after all, I am a beautiful girl, I don't expect this kind of thing"

"But the dialog box above your head looks very excited."

Hanabi bared her teeth, not threatening at all, and even quite cute.

"By the way, Hanabi, do you know that there is a kind of pain that is unbearable?"

"Are you talking about giving birth to a child? You want me to give birth to a child for you, man?"

As expected of a girl from Edo Star, she speaks without restraint.

"No, no, no, although I can let you experience the pain of childbirth right away, I am not a devil."

No, what did you just say?

You can let me experience it right away? Isn't your ability too amazing?

Hua Huo knew that she was in danger, so she quietly stepped aside, grabbed a chessboard and smashed it on Lin Ze's head.

With a snap, the chessboard shattered, but Lin Ze was fine. Four big words appeared above his head,"Indestructible"."


"It hurts so much. I should have blocked the pain."

He touched his head. He had adjusted his state to the strongest. How dare this little female ghost like Hanabi treat him like this?

"Oh, this is really surprising."Hanabi was panicking. She had planned to knock Lin Ze unconscious and then figure out how to get out. Now it seemed like she was going to be filled up like a cream puff.

Haha, Hanabi was having fun.

Lin Ze opened the [Status] and Hanabi's current status was [Normal].】

"Speaking of world modulation mode, there is an ability that you have to try."

【Sensory Adjustment】

【pain���Ten times better】

【Hypnotized, but conscious】

"All right, go to the table."

Hanabi's body moved involuntarily,"What do you want to do?"

"You will know soon."Lin Ze laughed unscrupulously.

Hua Huo walked towards the table and bumped her little toe against the table leg.

【Hypnosis Release】


The indescribable pain made Hanabi's expression distorted, and she squatted down and hugged her white and tender feet.

"You, you have no idea of being gentle with women."

"Hehe, you were the first to do it."Lin Ze walked behind Hua Huo, squatted down, and put his chest against Hua Huo's soft back,"What do you think I will become after staying here for so long, facing this group of puppet-like NPCs? Of course, I won't let you open the book."

You will go crazy, right?


I'm finished!

"So apologize to me!"


"I'm sorry, please forgive Hua Huo."

Looking at the insincere Hua Huo, Lin Ze shook his head,"You have no sincerity at all, get off your seat, put your clothes neatly folded and placed next to you."

And you still say that the notebook is not open?!

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