"Well, this body is indeed the same as a normal human being."

Lin Ze said as he washed his hands in the water.

Huanlong was so ashamed and angry that he wanted to die,"Don't let me catch you, otherwise I will definitely skin you alive."

"Haha, I'll wait for you then. By the way, I seldom go out. After all, I'm a homebody."

What on earth does this damn man want to do?

"Oh, I'll give you something good."

His fingers fell on the [skin] and found the honeysuckle pattern. The pink and purple honeysuckle pattern fell on Huanyun's lower abdomen.

"What is this?"

"Good stuff, I remember that only the honeysuckle pattern has other effects."

Neither the belly mark nor the correct word has much meaning, but the honeysuckle pattern is different.

"How can it be hot?"Huanlong felt that the pattern was becoming extremely hot, and it seemed as if something was surging inside his body.

"Don't worry about the gift."

Lin Ze lifted the restrictions of Huanlong, and she chose to escape immediately.

If she didn't run, she didn't dare to think about what the man in front of her would do to her.

"A chase? I like it, Huanlong, run faster, if I catch you, I'll do something stupid."

Where the hell did this dirty thing come from?!"

Huanlong was almost going crazy, her feet were full of energy, and she used an ordinary human body to the extreme, even breaking the limitations of the human body.

Looking at Huanlong riding away, even Lin Ze couldn't help but raise his eyebrows,"Amazing, you are worthy of being the Lord of Extinction, even if you become a human, this physique is still awe-inspiring"

"Tsk tsk, these long legs are so fast when they run." He commented on the running Huanlong, and the fluctuating thunder attracted his attention.

"I have to say, this body is great."

Take a step, the chase is also a pleasure

""Huff, huff, huff."

Huanlong hid in the teaching building, leaning against the wall and breathing heavily, sweat dripping down from the snow-white swan neck, falling from the top of the mountain, or flowing into the deep valley. The weak body brought her a very novel experience. Since her birth, she has never been so weak.

This change is hard for her to accept.

Especially with a terrible unknown birth chasing after her.

Thinking of what had just been done to her, Huanlong trembled.

What on earth is this place!!!

She, the Lord of Extinction, has become an ordinary person here?

No, she can't die! She absolutely cannot die in this place!

She wants to live, she wants a perfect, indestructible body. She must live!

The sound of footsteps came, scaring her whole body tense. If she goes on like this, she will be toyed to death, just like she toyed with the lives of those planets.

Tap, tap, tap!

The sound of footsteps came, her whole body tensed, the honeysuckle patterns on her abdomen began to get hot, and Lin Ze's voice came,"Where are you, little Huanlong? I'm coming!"

He touched his honeysuckle pattern. Will he feel hot as long as this guy gets close to him?

And his legs will become weak?

What a disgusting spell.

Huanlong immediately moved his position and left this place.

Lin Ze was neither hurried nor slow, and did not look anxious."Haha, we have plenty of time to play slowly."

Huanlong can come here once, and she will come a second time.

As long as she falls asleep, she will enter here. Although the chance is slim, it does not mean that she cannot do it.

Even an envoy needs to rest, but the rest time does not need to be too long, and he can go for a long time without rest.

But Huanlong is different. As long as Huanlong relies on the body of another, he will definitely fall asleep.

Opening the status bar, he knows exactly where Huanlong is. This is a game of cat and mouse.

The Lord of Extinction is the teacher, and he is the cat.

At this time, Huanlong has come to the principal's office and wants to find a place to hide.

Looking at the luxuriously decorated office, Huanlong did not care much about anything. He found a cabinet that looked very hidden. After opening it, a pile of comic books fell out of it.

"How could someone hide so many books?"

Why do you want to hide these books?

I can't care about that anymore. I have to hide immediately before I'm discovered.

If I'm discovered, my dignity as the Lord of Extinction will be trampled underfoot.

I stacked the comic books, put them on the table, hid in the cabinet, closed the door, and was so nervous that I dared not breathe.

This was the first time she faced such a dilemma.

I just hope this is a nightmare.

The lines on my abdomen became hot, and even Huanlong's eyes became extremely warm. I picked up a book and bit it tightly, not daring to make any sound.

She knew that the Lord of Dreams was getting closer and closer.

The footsteps became more and more obvious, and her body was on the verge of limit.

The excitement of extreme tension actually made her feel a little satisfied?

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, holding my breath and concentrating, not daring to make any noise or sound.

This excitement made her even a little addicted?

Suddenly woke up, what was going on? Why did

I like this feeling? Watching those people despair and sigh was what I liked.

"Where did they go? Really, there aren't many places to hide on the principal's side."

Huanlong was glad that he had found a place to hide, and at the same time, he cursed Lin Ze for being a fool.

Fortunately, there was a secret room here where he could hide, otherwise, he would really find him.

No matter how smart you are, you still have to drink my foot washing water.

But how could he be so afraid of him?

"Where did you hide? It's really confusing. Principal, why are you reading comic books again? Did you secretly use the funds of St. Freya Academy to buy limited edition comic books?"

No one answered, only Lin Ze talked to himself.

In the office, his expression was inexplicable, and his eyes were fixed on the door.

"I saw on the surveillance that Huanlong hid here. Did she jump out of the window? So high? It would be impossible for her to jump down as an ordinary person, especially when she was only wearing a suit."

How can it be called clothes?

Can it be called clothes?

Now Huanlong just wanted Lin Ze to leave, or a strong man to come and beat this damn guy to death.

She really didn't want to continue the stalemate with this bad man.

Tired, destroy it

"Why can't I find him? Huanlong, are you here? Huanlong?"

Lin Ze looked at the cabinet and kept calling Huanlong's name.

He hid well, but he shouldn't hide again next time.

It seems that the clever Lord of Extinction can't burst out any wisdom in a desperate situation.

This is why he scared Huanlong directly.

And it's normal for him to be afraid when his strength disappears all of a sudden.

He walked to the cabinet and opened it. Huanlong looked at him desperately.

"Oh, the game of hide and seek is over."

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