After returning to the Starry Sky Train, Lin Ze found Fu Xuan standing there, looking at him angrily.

"Why are you looking at me like that? I didn't do anything to you, did I?"

"I just don't like you. Huanlong was defeated by the Marshal, the General and Yinyuejun."

"Really? Isn't that a good thing?"

It turned out that Huanlong was defeated so quickly, this speed is too fast to be believed.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing.

Last time Huanlong suffered a big setback here, but it must be said that Huanlong is really smooth.

"Of course it's a good thing. Because of your help, the loss of Luofu Xianzhou was greatly reduced. However, there were some troubles with Yunshang Wuxiao and that Luosha, but they passed smoothly."

Luosha brought the star core into the Xianzhou, but the purpose behind it was to meet the Marshal with Jingliu.

The purpose was to unite the Xianzhou Alliance and kill the Fengcai Star God Pharmacist.

Although I don't know what their plan is.

But it's not so easy to kill a star god.

There are currently three ways to kill a star god.

The first is���And.

There will be collisions between the fates with overlapping known concepts, and the broader fate will swallow up the narrow one.

For example, Taiyi of"order" was assimilated by Xi Pei of"harmony".

The second is naturally the war between star gods, and the stronger party will destroy the weaker one.

The breeding star god, the insect king, Taizi Yulos, was bound by many star gods during the locust plague. The protector star god, the amber king Klipper, was smashed to death with three hammers.

As for the third one, it is possible to make the star god go against his own destiny.

But Lin Ze doesn't know

"So, isn't the destiny of abundance the same as the destiny of reproduction, both torn out from the destiny of immortality?"

Abundance is the immortality of the individual, reproduction is the immortality of the race.

"This is just some people's guess. It is unknown whether it is true or not, but the immortal dragon has fallen."

The dragon was looking for the meaning of existence, but it fell in the end. As for how it fell, no one knows. It is too far away.

The immortal dragon is older than Kripa, and may be older than the Balance.

Dragons used to be all over the starry sea, but as reproduction was torn away from immortality, the Dragonborn, the Chiming, lost the ability to reproduce.

Even with normal functions, they can't give birth to children.

It can be said that one less person dies.

The only population that has been growing in recent years is Bailu.

This is also the reason why the dragon masters tampered with Danfeng's scalping punishment.

They want the Chiming to increase their population again.

If this continues, the Chiming will really become extinct.

"Okay, just pretend I didn't say anything, but Master Taibu has been so busy lately, how come you still have time to see me?"

Fu Xuan snorted and turned his head away."The Marshal and the General, considering your contribution to the Xianzhou Alliance, specially sent you the Jade Omen of Alliance. Tell me the address, and I will entrust someone to deliver it later.""

"Star train?"

"After all, they are going to Pinoconi next, and they are also friends of our Xianzhou Alliance, so it would be great to ask them for help."

Pinoconi is the intersection of reality and dreams, and can deliver the alliance jade omen intact to Lin Ze.

"Okay, what else?"

"What else do you want?"Fu Xuan stared at Lin Ze


"You damn bastard, I shouldn't have expected anything from you."

"Haha, hey, don't be angry, Master Taibu, you will get wrinkles if you are angry."

"I am from Xianzhou, so my appearance will not age that easily."

Or rather, I don't see any signs of aging. Eight hundred years is just a possibility of returning to the demonic body, not the limit of lifespan.

The demonic body is ultimately a phenomenon caused by the incompatibility of the human soul and the divine body. The

Chiming people are born with a long lifespan, and with the special rituals of reincarnation and memory washing, they have an advantage over the immortals in Xianzhou in some aspects.

The only trouble is that they cannot inherit past memories and are treated as another person.

Well, the house bought in the previous life cannot be inherited in this life.

Otherwise, sooner or later, Xianzhou will be full of houses bought by the Chiming people.

"That's really enviable." Lin Ze squatted down and pretended to be sad,"Perhaps in a few decades, Master Taibu will still be in his prime, but I will be old and aging."

"Good death"

"Oh, what Taibu-sama said is really cruel. I will cry."

"Cry quickly," Fu Xuan naturally wouldn't give him a good face. It would be strange if he had a good face after being teased like that.

However, Fu Xuan, who was essentially a proud and arrogant person, couldn't help but say,"If you die, I will only shed a few tears for you, just as we have known each other for a while and had a brief relationship."

"Haha, that's great, it seems I have a certain status in the heart of Master Taibu."

Lin Ze said as he leaned down and pinched Fu Xuan's little face with his hands.


His hand was slapped back,"I am the head of Luofu Xianzhou Taibu Division, please show me some respect"

"I can't respect you at all, Master Taibu."

Although he is very capable, this head is really……

"You are disrespecting me!" Fu Xuan's face was full of unhappiness. He wanted to pounce on him and take a few bites, but he still held back.

"I dare not do that." Lin Ze waved his hands and said with a smile:"I respect Master Taibu very much."

"You bastard, how can you be respectful?!"

After hearing Lin Ze's words and remembering everything that happened before, Fu Xuan flew into a rage and went up to Lin Ze and kept punching him in the stomach.

"Ouch, it hurts."

"What's hurting you?" Fu Xuan's hand did not stop moving,"I told you to despise me, I told you to mess with me, I told you to... let go."

Lin Ze grabbed Fu Xuan's slender arms and held them in his arms,"Master Taibu is small and fragrant."

He stretched out his hand and held Fu Xuan's feet. The petite and delicate feet were wrapped in white silk, and the graceful curve of the arch of the foot was perfectly displayed under the outline of the white silk.

It was very small, not even as big as Lin Ze's palm.

"I, I warn you, don't mess around, at least only, only feet and legs."

Fu Xuan stuttered, and Lin Ze carried her to the sofa.

Leaning against the soft cushion, she stretched out her ice cream-like feet, turned her face away, and no longer looked at him.

Lin Ze's face was full of question marks:"Huh?"

"I have noticed that when you look at me, most of your eyes are on my feet and legs."

"Because there is no other place to look."

Fu Xuan was annoyed.

What do you mean there is no other place to look?

Isn't my face beautiful enough? Isn't it attractive enough to you?

"You bad guy! I'm going to kill you...……"

Lin Ze pressed his foot and Fu Xuan let out a strange cry.

"Master Fu Xuan, your liver is not in good condition."


PS: I have to keep a low profile recently, otherwise I will have to send it again, so I will just show you some plain stuff. There is nothing I can do about it. Please bear with me. 33 and 39 are still under review, and I don’t know if they can be released.

Alas, I really don’t want to revise it anymore.

The author of the failed novel is begging for data every day, and I want to read more!!!

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