The world is dark, and the dragon walks on the ground.

Darkness shrouds the world, and the dragon walks the earth.

I don’t know how vast this world is, but at this moment, it is full of ominousness and disasters everywhere.

Wherever the dragon passes, evil thoughts breed and disasters come.

It is difficult for the sea people or human race who encounter the dragon to remain calm. Many people lose themselves in negative emotions and eventually bury themselves.

Ye An encountered many such situations along the way. He found that as long as he held a treasure with a sacred breath, he could purify and dispel the power of the dragon.

For example, the beads in the hands of the green dragon woman and the magic lamp of the green skirt woman. In addition, he has also seen the sea people holding Buddhist prayer beads, and a human Yuanying can use a colorful spiritual fire, which can resist the evil thoughts of the dragon and protect himself.

After wandering for more than an hour, Ye An suddenly stopped.

There was a faint voice in front.

He approached quietly and saw the figures of two sea people.

"Hahaha, Your Highness, we are rich." The excitement and excitement of a blond man could not be controlled.

Next to him, a man with crystal horns on his head said with a smile: "Indeed, this is the dragon fruit, which can temper the dragon blood in the body and make the blood more and more pure. It is almost extinct outside."

"Is it them?"

Ye An had seen these two figures before. At that time, they hunted a dragon carp and planned to absorb the dragon blood in the other party's body. Unexpectedly, a fourth-level monster came out and killed him, so he quickly retreated.

Unexpectedly, the two men were also safe and sound, and did not die at the hands of the fourth-level monster.

The blond man said, "When I came here during the day, there was a fourth-level dragon snake guarding here, but I don't know where it has gone now."

The green-haired man had picked all the dragon fruits, and then said, "Leave quickly, be careful of the dragon evil coming."

Then, the figures of the two disappeared from here.

"Your Highness..." The two people's address attracted Ye An's attention.

Judging from the appearance of the two people, one of them is a golden turtle and the other is a green dragon.

The green dragon is called your highness, so there is only one answer, he is the son of the Green Dragon Lord!

"It seems that he and the green-clothed woman are siblings." Ye An thought so.

Not long after, a dragon evil slowly appeared, wandered here for a while, and then wandered to other places.

Seeing that it was finally safe, Ye An touched the fruit tree.

Although the dragon fruit had been plucked out, it was not a problem for him.

He did not pull out the fruit tree, but dug a piece of rhizome, intending to stimulate it to grow after he went out.

After leaving here, Ye An sneaked straight to a certain place.

The two sea creatures just reminded him that during the day, many precious spiritual medicines were guarded by powerful spiritual beasts, but now that the dragon evil appeared, those spiritual beasts have disappeared.

This is a great opportunity for him to collect all the precious spiritual medicines he saw before.


But when he arrived at the destination, he found that there was nothing here.

A dragon bone flower growing here has been picked up.

Obviously, more than one person thought so.

"A bunch of old six..." Ye An was indignant.

Helplessly, he could only rush to the next place.

Along the way, he saw many tragic scenes. Those lives without treasures had no way to face the dragon evil, and were finally swallowed by their own desires and became the nutrients of the dragon evil.

Ye An was not polite. After the dragons left, he took away their inner elixirs and their bodies.

When he came to the place where the dragon blood tree grew again, he saw the scene that made him vomit blood again.

The whole tree had been dug up, leaving only a big pit.

"Damn it, don't let me know who did it."

He came to the edge of the big pit, searched carefully, and finally found a piece of tree root.

This made him smile on his depressed face.

The dragon blood tree is an excellent material for refining tools. Those over two thousand years old are suitable for refining magic weapons, and those three thousand years old can even be used to refine spiritual treasures.

And the juice that flows out is also suitable for refining elixirs, which is a precious spiritual liquid.

The darkness had not yet receded, and Ye An continued to wander in the night, like a ghost, without attracting the attention of a dragon.

Not long after, a burst of lewd music came into his ears.

He raised his eyebrows and slowly flew forward.

Not long after, a fragrant and exciting picture appeared in his eyes.

A man and a woman are entangled together, with passion and lust.

Next to the two of them was a dragon, emitting evil thoughts and desires, stirring the desires of the two.

On the two of them, wisps of black smoke spread out, and were swallowed up by the dragon.

Not long after, the bodies of the two turned into mummies, and their faces still maintained the joy before ecstasy, and they passed away peacefully.

"This is really dying in a woman's belly." Ye An muttered, and quietly retreated from here.

Following the dragon all the way, not long after, a dark cave appeared in front of them.

The dragon floated in slowly, and Ye An hesitated for a moment, and followed in.

The cave was very spacious, with a corridor that could accommodate several people in parallel.

The dragon walked forward slowly, and Ye An followed behind at a distance.

After passing through a passage of dozens of meters, a natural cave appeared, wide and bright, with a deep pool of water in the center.

Water drops kept falling from the stone wall above his head.

The dragon was wandering aimlessly here, circling the pool a few times.

Ye An hid himself perfectly, suppressing the evil thoughts in his heart. He could feel that there was a hidden and powerful breath under the pool, and there was a creature lurking below!

The dragon seemed to sense it, so he kept circling beside the pool.

But the creature never showed its head, hiding very deeply.

"Tick! Tick!"

A faint fragrance drifted into Ye An's nose.

His eyes swept across the cave and finally stopped on a protruding stone.

"Behind that stone..."

He controlled the sky-covering Ruyi Ling, allowing his figure to completely merge with the surrounding stone walls, and then slowly moved over there.

The black mist emitted by the dragon made his emotions surge, and all kinds of desires impacted his body, so he had to run the Xuanyu Sutra to relieve it.

Finally, he moved behind the stone and saw a stone platform here.

There is a small groove on the stone platform, on which some milky spiritual liquid is deposited, emitting a faint fragrance.

"This is... ambergris?!"

Ye An was very surprised.

Dragon's saliva is generally called ambergris.

But ambergris is not dragon's saliva, but a kind of spiritual liquid derived from underground spiritual veins. It can be said to be the liquid form of spiritual energy, but other things are added. The derivation process is extremely complicated and long, and it is comparable to the legendary ten thousand year spiritual liquid. It can quickly restore mana and is extremely valuable.

Ye An's heart was extremely excited, and his heartbeat accelerated.

A kind of greed was growing uncontrollably.

The blood-red eyes of the dragon evil looked over here.

Ye An was startled, and quickly ran the true scripture to suppress the evil thoughts in his heart. At the same time, he closed his eyes and stopped thinking about ambergris.

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